
Publikationen der Mitarbeiter


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Publikationen der Mitarbeiter


ZMO Arbeitshefte und Schriften


Ahmad, Ali Nobil

-Disaster Cosmologies in Comparative Perspective. Islam, Climate Change and the 2010 Floods in Pakistan's Southern Punjab. In Journal of Historical Sociology. Available online at

-Conflict and Resistance in Southern Punjab: a Political Ecology of the 2010 Floods in Pakistan. In Rachel Bahn, Eckart Woertz, Rami Zurayk (Eds.): Crisis and Conflict in Agriculture. Wallingford, Oxfordshire: CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International), pp. 190–202.

- Topographie der Komplexität – Über Migration nach, in und aus Pakistan. In Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Ed.): "Die Orangen in Europa schmecken besser". Über Fluchtursachen, ihre Bekämpfung und was daran nicht stimmt (Hefte zur Demokratie, 48), pp. 31–67.
English: A topography of complexity - migration to, within and from Pakistan. In Heinrich Böll Foundation (Ed.): "The oranges in Europe taste better". On the route causes of flight, the countermeasures - and their shortcomings, pp. 19-51.

- Zu den Begriffen Migration, Flucht, Asyl und einigen anderen. In Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Ed.): "Die Orangen in Europa schmecken besser". Über Fluchtursachen, ihre Bekämpfung und was daran nicht stimmt (Hefte zur Demokratie, 48), pp. 13–19.
English: The terms of migration, flight, asylum and others. In Heinrich Böll Foundation (Ed.): "The oranges in Europe taste better". On the route causes of flight, the countermeasures - and their shortcomings, pp. 12-18.
Francais: A propos des termes migration, fuite, asile et quelques autres. In Fondation Heinrich Böll (Ed.): "Les oranges en Europe ont meilleur goût". A propos de l’immigration et de ce qui ne va pas avec la lutte contre celle-ci, pp. 12-19.

-Born of Fire: An Essay. (accompanying limited edition DVD 'Born of Fire', directed by Jamil Dehlavi, 1987, released by Powerhouse Films, 24 September 2018).

Disaster governance at the urban-rural interface: the 2010 floods in Pakistanʼs smaller cities, ZMO Working Papers No. 15, 14 S.

-(mit Katharina Lange, Jeanine Dağyeli, Erdem Evren, Patrick Schukalla, Juliane Schumacher, Steven Serels): (Re)valuing natural resources in the Middle East,
Africa and Asia
, ZMO Programmatic Texts No 11, 13 S.

-Explorations into Pakistani Cinema, In Screen 57 (4), Oxford: Oxford Academic,  468–479.

- Fascism and Real Estate: An Inquiry into the Strange Death of Traditional Cinema Halls, in: Ali Nobil Ahmad, Ali Khan (eds.), Cinema and Society. Film and Social Change in Pakistan, Karachi: Oxford University Press Pakistan, 307-327.

- New Cinema from Pakistan: Film, Technology and Media in Transition, in: Ali Nobil Ahmad, Ali Khan (Eds.), Cinema and Society. Film and Social Change in Pakistan, Karachi: Oxford University Press Pakistan, 343-370.

- Cinema and Society: Film and Social Change in Pakistan, in: Ali Nobil Ahmad, Ali Khan (Eds.), Cinema and Society. Film and Social Change in Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford University Press Pakistan, 3-24.

-mit Ali Khan (Eds.): Cinema and Society. Film and Social Change in Pakistan, Karachi: Oxford University Press Pakistan. 394 S.

- (Ed.): Cinema in Muslim Societies. Abingdon: Routledge, 163 S. [extendend reprint from Third Text, 24 (1), 2010]

- mit Ali Khan: From Zinda Laash to Zibahkhana: Violence and Horror in Pakistani Cinema, in: Ali Nobil Ahmad (Ed.), Cinema in Muslim Societies, Abingdon: Routledge, 144-156. [Reprint]

- Preface. In Ali Nobil Ahmad (Ed.): Cinema in Muslim Societies. Abingdon: Routledge,  xiii–xviii.

- Introduction. Is There a Muslim World?, in: Ali Nobil Ahmad (Ed.): Cinema in Muslim Societies. Abingdon: Routledge, 1-9. [Reprint]

"Sustainable Development", in: Chris J.Magoc, David Bernstein (eds.), Imperialism and Expansion in American History, Vol. 4 ABC CLIO, Santa Barbara, California, 1485-89.

-"US Military Bases", in: Chris J.Magoc,David Bernstein (eds.), Imperialism and Expansion in American History, Vol. 4 ABC CLIO, Santa Barbara, California, 1140-43.

-"Private Military Contractors", in: Chris J.Magoc, David Bernstein (eds.), Imperialism and Expansion in American History, Vol. 4 ABC CLIO, Santa Barbara, California, 1475-77.

-"Military Industrial Complex", in: Chris J.Magoc, David Bernstein (eds.), Imperialism and Expansion in American History, Vol. 4 ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, 1245-48.

- (mit Aasim Sajjad Akhtar): Conspiracy and Statecraft in Postcolonial States: Theories and Realities of the Hidden Hand in Pakistan's war on Terror. In Third
World Quarterly
36(1), 94–110. DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2015.976022.

- (mit Hasan H.Karrar): Capitalism, Nature, and Socialism in South Asia: Perspectives on Ecology from India and Pakistan. In Capitalism Nature Socialism 26 (3),  48–63. DOI: 10.1080/10455752.2015.1067633.

- (mit Hasan H. Karrar): Introduction. In Capitalism Nature Socialism 26 (3),  44–47. DOI: 10.1080/10455752.2015.1067632.

- Masculinity, Sexuality, and Illegal Migration. Human Smuggling from Pakistan to Europe. Karachi: Oxford University Press Pakistan (Reprint von 2011).

- (et al., Eds.): Pakistani Cinema. Special issue BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies 5 (2). Sage Publications.

- Film and Cinephilia in Pakistan: Beyond Life and Death. Introduction
to special issue
. In Ahmad, Ali Nobil et. al. (Eds.): "Pakistani Cinema". Special issue
BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies 5 (2): Sage Publications, 81–98.

- (Saadat Hassan Manto): Pakistani Film. introduced, annotated and translated from Urdu by Ali Nobil Ahmad. In Ahmad, Ali Nobil et. al. (eds.): "Pakistani Cinema".
Special issue BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies 5 (2), 163–166.

- (Muhammad Hasan Askari): Building Pakistan and Filmmaking. Introduced,
annotated and translated from Urdu by Ali Nobil Ahmad. In Ahmad, Ali Nobil et.
al. (Eds.): "Pakistani Cinema". Special issue BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies 5
(2). 175–181.

-(Muhammad Hasan Askari): Color in Film: Why and to What End?
Introduced, annotated and translated from Urdu by Ali Nobil Ahmad. In Ahmad, Ali Nobil
et. al. Eds.): "Pakistani Cinema". Special issue BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies 5
(2), 167–173.