Monday, 3 February 2020

Muslim Worlds – World of Islam? New Directions in Research 2017–2019

This ZMO Triannual Report invites you to consider some of the results of the research programme “Muslim Worlds – World of Islam? Conceptions, Practices, and Crises of the Global”. The programme was conducted at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient between 2007 and 2019. As a multidisciplinary research centre that focuses on fundamental enquiries into the past and present of Muslim majority societies and their neighbours in Asia and Africa, we pursued this programme in order to investigate the role played by the Muslim faith in various pertinent fields of life. These fields informed the research units that structured our enquiry, namely “Progress: Ideas, Agents and Symbols”, “The Politics of Resources”, “Trajectories of Lives and Knowledge” and “Cities as Laboratories of Change”.


10 February 2020, 5 pm, ZMO
Bukhara or Istanbul, Cairo or Tsakhur? Centres of Power in the History of the Volga Tatars’ Islamic Education
Lecture by Leila Almazova (Kazan Federal University) as part of the lecture series “Central Eurasian Studies and Translocality: A Debate Unfolding”

Recent research indicated that in the modern Tatarstan madrasas, at least a quarter of teachers are graduates of foreign Islamic educational institutions. What historically determined the choice of the country of study for Tatarstan Muslims? Whether or not their fate was always favorable to them after returning to their homeland? Speaking of the modern age, how does the idea of building a domestic Islamic education and so called “traditional Islam”, proclaimed by the Russian authorities, relate to the objective fact of foreign influence in the Russian Islam?

More info

27 February 2020, 5 pm, ZMO
More than a Critique? Revisiting the ‘Third World Approach to International Law’ (TWAIL)
Lecture by Nahed Samour (Law & Society Institute, HU Berlin) as part of the ZMO Colloquium "Thinking and Re-Thinking the World in the Decolonial Era: Thinkers and Theorizing from the Global South"

TWAIL scholarship grew out of claims that colonial legacies and imperial interests continue to structure the operation of international law. Despite this ‘dark side’ of international law, the decolonial era sees peoples of the Global South, social movements and rights activists continue to place hope in international law. Can the potential for international law be unlocked through its transformation from Global South’s below?
Nahed Samour has studied law and Islamic studies at the universities of Bonn, Birzeit/Ramallah, London (SOAS), Berlin (HU), Harvard, Damascus and was a doctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt/Main. She is Junior Faculty at the Harvard Law School, Institute of Global Law and Policy.

More info

Tenders & Calls

Ausschreibung für eine Stelle als studentische Hilfskraft im Bereich Grafikdesign & Redaktion Webseite

Das ZMO sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt, spätestens zum 1. März 2020, im Bereich Wissenstransfer und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Unterstützung durch eine studentische Hilfskraft, insbesondere für Grafikdesign, die Erstellung von Druckprodukten und die Redaktion der Webseite.
Bewerbungsschluss: 09.02.2020

New Publications

Nils Riecken, Heike Liebau (eds.) 
Relational Lives – Historical Subjectivities in Global Perspective

Special Issue of the Journal Geschichte und Gesellschaft (3/2019) with a number of articles by ZMO rearch fellows and ZMO Alumni.



David Leupold
Book Review: New urban spaces. Urban theory and the scale question by Neil Brenner

In: Eurasian Geography and Economics, published online on 24 January 2020.



ZMO in the Media

What can Europe learn from Arab philosophy?

Prof. Dr. Sonja Hegasy on Michael Frey's book about the contemporary political thinker Nassif Nassar, 29 January 2020



Karbon aklama: Hiçbir şeyi değiştirmeden iklim dostu olmanın 1001 yolu

Interview by Dr. Hilal Alkan with Juliane Schumacher on carbon offsetting schemes
, 7 December 2019

Part 2 here



Virtual exhibition: "Relicts of Another Future"

What role plays Soviet materiality not only in conjuring up the spectre of a discredited past but in forging the vision of an alternative future? The virtual exhibition "Relicts of Another Future" by the media researcher Lilit Dabagian (University of Central Asia) and ZMO's postdoctoral research fellow David Leupold seeks to find an answer to this question, shedding light on the internationalist legacy that lies at the foundation of today's Bishkek: Interhelpo.


Wie, es gab eine Revolution?

Blogbeitrag von Dr. Samuli Schielke zur ägyptischen Revolution, ursprünglich erschienen in: Martin Sabrow (Hrsg.), Revolution! Verehrt - verhasst - vergessen (Helmstedter Colloquien; 21), 2019.


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