ZMO News

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Summer break at ZMO

From mid-July until the end of August, we will have our summer break at ZMO with no public events, lectures and workshops.
The library will be open during the summer. Please check the website for the opening hours.
We wish you all a nice summer break and hope to see you again at ZMO in autumn!
We will be back with our Newsletter in September.


15 July 2019, 5 pm, ZMO
Islam and the Urban Space in Ottoman Tunis
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saadaoui (Faculté des Lettres, des Arts et des Humanités de l'Université de La Manouba, Tunis) as part of the Urban Studies Seminar.

This lecture proposes to examine the official religious architecture in Tunis in a comparative perspective with Tripoli and Algiers from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. Focusing on large mosques built by the Ottoman authorities, it intends to illustrate how religious architecture was part of a communication, or even propaganda programme, reflecting the ideology of the power. The aim of the lecture is also to examine how regime changes affected architecture and its decorum...

More info...

7 September 2019, 1-6 pm, ZMO
Open Day at ZMO/ Tag des offenen Denkmals

On 7 September 2019, ZMO and the Historische Kommission zu Berlin e.V. are inviting all of you to visit our institute building, the historical Mittelhof in Berlin-Nikolassee.

Our staff will offer guided tours through the building and a number of short lectures on current research topics in both German and English language. There will also be a screening of a short film and a concert in the evening. As in the past years there will be a special programme for the children, food and beverages.



Tenders & Calls

Call for Papers
Climate Justice and Migration: Mobility, Development and Displacement in the Global South

Workshop on 26-27 November 2019 in Berlin.
The workshop is a coopeartion between ZMO and the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
Deadline for proposals: 1 August 2019


Sonja Hegasy & Norman Saadi Nikro (Eds.)
Special Issue: Memories of Violence, Social Life and Political Culture in the Maghreb and Mashreq

Memory Studies Vol. 12, Issue 3, SAGE Journals, June 2019.

The issue was edited and contains several contributions by Sonja Hegasy and Norman Saadi Nikro.

Ali Nobil Ahmad
Disaster Cosmologies in Comparative Perspective: Islam, Climate Change and the 2010 Flods in Pakistan's Southern Punjab

In: Journal of Historical Sociology, 23 June 2019 (Online Access).

Annegret Roelcke
Constructing the Capital of Peace: Changing Branding Strategies for Istanbul's Eyüp Quarter

In: Middle East - Topics & Arguments, Vol. 12 (2019):
Urban Development.

Nora Lafi
Review of Leïla Ammar: La rue à Tunis. Réalités, permanences, transformations de l’espace urbain, 1835–1935

In: Planning Perspectives, Volume 34, 2019, Issue 4.


Women and the Transregional Circulation of Knowledge, from 1800 to 1950

Interview with Heike Liebau, Tika Ramadhini and Thiago Pinto Barbosa from ZMO about their Workshop Women and the Transregional Circulation of Knowledge, from 1800 to 1950 (20-22 June, Forum Transregionale Studien).

Trafo - Blog for Transregional Research,  29 May 2019.

ZMO in the Media

Sonja Hegasy
Das Grundgesetz wird 70 - und die Keupstraße kennt keiner

Beitrag von ZMO-Vizedirektorin Sonja Hegasy. 
This article is also available in  
English and Arabic.,  14. Juni 2019.

Nitin Sinha
In Today's 'New India', Conversation Is the Key

Article by ZMO fellow Nitin Sinha.

The Wire, 15 June 2019.

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