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ZMO News

Friday, 1 November 2019

The Legacy of Slavery, Race and Racism in Morocco
Lecture by Prof Chouki El Hamel, Arizona State University
7 November 2019, 5 pm
Venue: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstraße 18, 10117 Berlin

In recent decades, a number of scholars have revised existing historical constructions of African societies by focusing on the agency of subaltern groups. As yet, there are only quite a few comprehensive and analytic published monographs on the history of slavery or trans-Saharan slave trade or their abolitions in the Maghreb. A serious academic endeavour to restore the forgotten role of blacks in North Africa has just started. The objective is not only to fill the gap but to challenge the conventional readings of slavery in Islam. This lecture tells the story of the silenced under-represented and reveals the system of inequality, feelings of superiority and nationalistic narration as a system of social control that has reduced Moroccan minorities to a marginalized social status.

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7 November 2019, 4 pm, ZMO
Translatability and Open Architecture as Antidotes of Nationalism: A Response to the Travel Ban
Keynote lecture by Esra Akcan, Cornell University, at the workshop "Spaces of Unnationalism".

This talk will offer the concepts of translatability and open architecture as antidotes of nationalism by drawing from the author’s previous works and carrying their frameworks to a discussion of contempo-rary anti-immigration policies that are recent reflections of xenophobic nationalism. Akcan's lecture will ask: Can architects get their ethico-political compass from a commitment to perpetual peace rather than the dominant geopolitical regimes?
Esra Akcan is currently the Frieda Miller Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University and an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture at Cornell University.
Please register for this keynote and other sessions of the workshop: jona.vantard@zmo.de.

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11 November 2019, 5 pm, ZMO
What is in the Air: Global Environmentalism and Local Activists in Bishkek and Almaty
Lecture by Xeniya Prilutskaya (Universität Tübingen) as part of the ZMO lecture series "Central Eurasian Studies and Translocality – A Debate Unfolding"

Central Asian ecological activism has recently grown in reaction to different ecological threats and has many interconnected flows. The talk concentrates on the activism based on ideas around air quality, air pollution and its visuality in two metropoles, Almaty and Bishkek, former and current capitals of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, respectively. The air quality issue in Almaty and Bishkek is a new phenomenon, related to an increased number of cars, congestion and the heritage of highly polluting Soviet electro energy, along with new awareness among the population and an anti-establishment youth subculture.

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28 November 2019, 5 pm, ZMO
The Purva-Paksha of the Indian Modern: History, Critique, and Constructive Philosophy
Lecture by Rakesh Pandey (Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi) as part of the ZMO Colloquium "Thinkers and Theorizing from the Global South"

Theories and philosophies are as much habitations of the mind as of locations, both of which have been seen as a preserve of the Western world. While this sounds commonsensical for the large part of modern humanity, it is equally true that theoretical conscience and philosophical wisdom has evolved in all societies. However, they are generally perceived as the bearers of traditional knowledge rather than the ground for new thinking. This has been starkly evident in the case of modern social and human sciences, where theory has been singularly Western in orientation. In this presenta-tion, Pandey proposes to look into the three moments of history, critique, and constructive philosophy to trace the ways in which the ground of the Indian modern was laid out.

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29 November 2019, 6.30 pm, Moviemento Kino Berlin, Kottbusser Damm 22, 10967 Berlin
"Jordanien - Land der Geflüchteten"
Film und Gespräch, u.a. mit Dr. Katharina Lange (ZMO), organisiert vom Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Olivia Samnick und Philipp Lippert zeigen in ihrem Film fünf Geschichten übers Helfen. Die fünf unterschiedlichen Protagonisten des Films haben eines gemeinsam: Sie sind nach Jordanien geflüchtet. "Jordanien - Land der Geflüchteten" befasst sich mit den persönlichen Geschichten dieser Menschen und begleitet sie beim Ankommen im Land.
Im Anschluss an die Filmvorführung findet eine Diskus-sionsrunde mit der Filmemacherin und Journalistin Olivia Samnick und Dr. Katharina Lange (ZMO) statt, mode-riert von Micky Haque (Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung).

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Tenders & Calls

Call for Papers
The Transnational Exchange of Intelligence - Collaboration or Competition?”

Panel at the DVPW Offene IB-Sektionstagung, 7-9 October 2020 at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. 
Paper proposals can be submitted until 4 November 2019.

International Parliamentary Scholarships (IPS)

The German Bundestag, in cooperation with the Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Technische Universität Berlin, offers scholarships to young university graduates from 42 countries. The IPS programme lasts a total of five months (1 March to 31 July) and involves a number of special events, seminars and a work placement with a Member of the German Bundestag.
Applications are accepted until 1 December 2019.

ZMO in the Media

Confréries et politique : comprendre la spécificité de la laïcité au Sénégal

Discussion with Abdoulaye Sounaye.

Deutsche Welle French, 4 October 2019. 


Itʼs time for an academic detox

Editorial by researchers of the Initiative "Academic Detox", among them Sophia Hoffmann.

Times Higher Education (THE),  12 October 2019. 


Birth of a (Muslim) Nation

Film critique by Ali Nobil Ahmad.

The Caravan, 17 October 2019. 


Uran – das koloniale Erbe

Interview with Patrick Schukalla.

Landeszeitung.de, 20 October 2019. 



Nils Riecken
Modernity, Ḥadāthā, and Modernité in the Works of Abdallah Laroui

In: Contributions to the History of Concepts, Volume 14, Issue 2.

Malte Fuhrmann
Konstantinopel – Istanbul. Stadt der Sultane und Rebellen

S. Fischer, 2019.


Antía Mato Bouzas
La cuestión de Cachemira en el marco de una India emergente

In: Ascenso del Nuevo Espacio Indo-Pacífico, Serie Estudios Para la Paz 23, ed. Fundación Seminario de Investigación para la Paz, Zaragoza: Mira Editores.

Alisher Karabaev
Der Sebald-Trotha-Nachlass am Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin

ZMO Working Papers, Nr. 24, 2019.


Nora Lafi (Ed)
Municipalités Méditerranéennes. Les réformes urbaines ottomanes au miroir d'une histoire comparée (Moyen-Orient, Maghreb, Europe méridionale)

ZMO-Studien 21, 2005.

Now Open Access!


Norman Saadi Nikro
Rana Eid’s Panoptic: Acoustic Echoes and Resonant Soundscapes

Essay on the Blog "Hummus For Thought" by Joey Ayoub, 11 October 2019.

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