ZMO Alumni Activities
ZMO aims to stay in touch with its
former fellows and employees and is regularly having exchanges with a
number of them. We are always delighted to read about any of their new
projects, media contributions or publications. In the ZMO Newsletter,
there is a section which highlights news from ZMO alumni.
This month a number of very interesting alumni activities are part of the
newsletter. Nushin Atmaca,
former Assistant to the Directorate, is one of the curators of a film on
the section "Orient" in the now closed permanent exhibition of
the GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde
zu Leipzig. Feras Krimsti published
an article in the blog of the DFG project "Orient-Digital"
on the oriental manuscript collection of the research library Gotha. Farish A. Noor writes in Times Higher Education how the pandemic
has given us time to rethink how we view the delivery of education. Makram Rabah analyses the involvement of the
Hezbollah in the assasination of Lebanese
political activist Lokman Slim.
Links and more information on all alumni activities can be found further
down in the newsletter.
12 April
2021, 5 pm, virtual event
Islam in a Zongo.
Muslim Lifeworlds in Asante, Ghana
Book presentation by Benedikt
Pontzen (affiliated research fellow at ZMO)
Zongos, wards in West Africa populated
by traders and migrants from the northern savannahs and the Sahel, are a
common sight in Ghana's Asante region where the people of these wards
represent a dual-minority as both foreigners and Muslims in a largely
Christian area, facing marginalisation as a result. Islam provides the
people of the zongos with a common ground and
shared values, becoming central to their identity and to their shared
sense of community. This detailed account of Islamic lifeworlds
highlights the irreducible diversity and complexity of 'everyday' lived
religion among Muslims in a zongo community.
Benedikt Pontzen traces the history of Muslim presence in the region and
analyses three Islamic phenomena encountered in its zongos
in detail: Islamic prayer practices, the authorisation of Islamic
knowledge, and ardently contested divination and healing practices.
Please register
at registration@zmo.de
29 April 2021, 3
pm, virtual event
Historicizing Democracy
Lecture by Hedwig Richter
(Universität der Bundeswehr, München) as part of the "The Historicity of
Democracy Seminar"
When we look at the history of
democracy, aspects of democracy come into view that are often overlooked.
These include, for example, the interests of elites in democracy or the
ambivalent relationship between revolutions and democratization
processes. An important point concerns the history of democracy. It is
interesting that most European countries do not tell their history as a
history of democracy until the second half of the 20th century.
Nevertheless, there was already a decisive change around 1900: with mass
politicization, it became more and more self-evident that political
legitimacy had to be based somehow on the “masses” respectively on the
For registration, please
send an email to HISDEMAB@gmail.com
29 April
2021, 5 pm, virtual event
The making of cheap labour and
land for plantations: The north coast of Java, 1830s-1870s
Lecture by Pujo
Semedi (Universitas
Gadjah Mada, University of Freiburg) as part of
the ZMO Colloquium
Plantations require cheap labour
and cheap lands. Labour and lands, in some occasions, were plenty but to
make them cheap certain procedures have to be taken. In Java the process
took place gradually in the 19th century. It was started with the
stripping the Javanese rulers’ feudal right over farmers’ lands the
British interregnum 1810-14, insertion of colonial government partial
control to land use during the Cultivation System 1830-1880s, and
culminating in the introduction of the colonial state domein
verklaring, claim of land ownership, through
the so-called Agrarian Law 1870. It was the government lands which
subsequently leased to private companies for plantations. Liberalization
of farmlands had opened a path for the colonial government to exert control
over rural, agricultural based labour.
Please register
at registration@zmo.de
15. April, 20. Mai und 17. Juni 2021, jeweils 18
„Neue Perspektiven auf das Horn von Afrika – lokale
sozial-politische Dynamiken“
Online-Vortragsreihe des Wissenschaftlichen Arbeitskreis
Horn von Afrika
Das Horn von Afrika ist gemeinhin und seit langem als
Krisenregion bekannt. Hungersnöte, Bürgerkriege, Kriege, islamistischer Terroris- mus,
Menschenrechts- verletzungen und Staatszerfall
sind Begriffe, die oft mit der Region in Verbindung gebracht werden.
Daraus resultiert die Flucht vieler Menschen aus Äthiopien, Eritrea,
Somalia oder dem Südsudan, von denen viele seit Jahrzehnten auch in
Europa und Nordamerika ankommen. Der Wissenschaftliche Arbeitskreis Horn
von Afrika (WAKHVA) vereinigt Wissenschaftlerinnen, die teilweise seit
Jahrzehnten zu einzelnen Ländern in der Region arbeiten. Einige
Mitglieder des Vereins werden in dieser Vortragsreihe einen historisch
fundierten und sozial, kulturell, politisch und ökonomisch
differenzierten Blick auf aktuelle Probleme in der Region werfen.
Die Anmeldung erfolgt per Email an katrin.bromber@zmo.de
3 May 2021, 4 pm,
virtual event
Masuala ya Kiuana katika Vitabu vya Fasihi Vilivyoteuliwa na Wizara ya Elimu ya Kenya
Baraza la Kiswahili la Berlin
with Catherine Ndungo
(Chuo Kikuu cha Kenyatta)
Katika wasilisho hili Profesa Ndungo atayajadili masuala ya kiuanakatika vitabu vilivyoteuliwa na Wizara ya Elimu ya Kenya kusomwa katika somo la fasihi ya Kiswahili katika shule za upili kwa kuzingatia nadharia ya ABC ya uchambuzi wa kiuana (1997). Waasisi wa nadharia hiyo ni Profesa Wanjiku Kabira (Idara ya Fasihi, Chuo Kikuu cha Nairobi) na Dk Masheti Masinjila (Katibu Mtendaji wa Shirika Lisilo la Kiserikali la Collaborative Centre
for Gender and Development). Mada hii ni muhimu tukizingatia kwamba nadharia hii ndiyo inatumiwa na Taasisi ya Elimu ya Kenya kama mwongozo wa kutathmini ufaafu wa vitabu vya fasihi katika misingi ya kiuana. Masuala ambayo yatajadiliwa ni maudhui, usawiri wa wahusika na matumizi ya lugha katika vitabu ambavyo vinasomwa sasa na wanafunzi wa kidato cha tatu na cha nne katika shule za sekondari.
Please register at
May 2021, 3 pm, virtual event
Women and Public Space in Turkey.
A Gendered History of Modernity, Urban Experience and Everyday
Lecture by Selda
Tuncer (Yüzüncü Yýl University, Van) as part of the "The Historicity of
Democracy Seminar"
Based on a critical feminist
understanding of the Turkish modernity experience, this lecture focuses
on the period between 1950 and 1980, a more mature phase of the Turkish
modernization process. Selda Tuncer analyzes how
middle-class women of different generations participated in new forms of
everyday public life in the modernizing capital city. In contrast with
trends of the scholarship on women and public space in the region
focusing on veiled women, S. Tuncer devotes her
attention to women struggling in their daily life in a society both
predominantly Muslim society and organized according to secular
principles. The lecture will thus explore how women’s urban experience
and everyday participation were shaped by patriarchal traditions as well
as social and moral codes of public behaviour that are intrinsic to both
religious and secular ideologies.
For registration, please
send an email to HISDEMAB@gmail.com
The Hezbollah Empire in Lebanon and the
Assassination of Lokman Slim
An artcile
by Makram Rabah in Politics Today. "To Hezbollah,
which is accused of killing Lokman Slim, this
might be another chapter in their ongoing drive to dominate Lebanon and
the region, but in reality, this might indeed be the epilogue for a
horror story which will not end well for the Lebanese villains",
writes Rabah.
Bücherkisten aus Kairo: Die
Entstehung der orientalischen Handschriftensammlung der
Forschungsbibliothek Gotha
Feras Krimsti schreibt im Blog des DFG-Projekts
"Orient-Digital" über die drittgrößte Sammlung in Deutschland.
Ihre Geschichte lässt sich bis in die Zeit der Gründung der Bibliothek in
Gotha im 17. Jahrhundert zurückverfolgen. Überregionale Bedeutung
erlangte sie Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts, als der Gelehrte und
Orientreisende Ulrich Jasper Seetzen auf seinen
Reisen im Osmanischen Reich und auf der Arabischen Halbinsel für den
Gothaer Hof und die Herzogliche Bibliothek knapp 2.700 Handschriften
erwarb, ein Großteil von ihnen in Arabisch, aber auch in Osmanisch und
objekte. re|präsentieren.
Als eine von drei Kuratorinnen wirkte Nushin
Atmaca an einem Film der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig mit.
Die Arbeit ist eine filmische kuratorische
Auseinandersetzung mit der Sektion „Orient“ in der nun geschlossenen
Dauerausstellung des GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig. Sie ist
ein Versuch, Möglichkeiten alternativer Erzählungen zu untersuchen, die
aus den Bedeutungen und Geschichten hervorgehen, welche die Objekte in
sich tragen. Unausgesprochen und vergessen oder sogar nie ganz entdeckt,
können diese Geschichten eine andere Wahrnehmung von Objekten und
Kulturen anregen.
Fritz Steppat Prize
2020 – video interviews with the awardees
In 2020, Rahina Muazu
(ZMO) and Shaul Marmari (Dubnow
Institute) have been awarded with the Fritz Steppat
Prize for an outstanding scientific text by a young researcher, granted
by the Friends of ZMO. In a video interview, they now talk about their
PhD and MA thesis, what they have learned during their research and what
motivated them to work on their topics.
auf dem Berliner Mietmarkt – Blog von Studierenden der HU
In einem Seminar im Format des Forschenden Lernens am
Georg-Simmel-Zentrum für Metropolenforschung der Humboldt Universität
haben Studierende unter Anleitung von Lisa Jöris, Wissenschaftliche
Mitarbeiterin am ZMO, ethnografische Interviews mit Berliner Mieter*innen
durchgeführt. Auf dem Blog teilen Sie nun ihre Ergebnisse.
ZMO-Archiv trägt
zu Roman bei
Die Autorin Merle Kröger schreibt in ihrem neuesten Roman
"Die Experten" über BRD Experten für Flug- und
Luftwaffentechnik, die in den 1950er und 60er Jahren in Ägypten
arbeiteten und Nassers Luftwaffe mitaufbauten.
Kröger dankt im Abspann unter anderem der Bibliothek des ZMO, wo sie auf
die ägyptische Zeitung Al Ahram aus den 1960er
Jahren für ihre Hintergrundrecherche zugreifen konnte.
Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner
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14129 Berlin
Tel.: 030/80307-0
Fax: 030/80307-210
- zmo@zmo.de
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