Wednesday, 2 December 2020



Pandemic and Crisis in Southeast Asia – Vlog by Farish A. Noor


ZMO-Alumnus Dr Farish Ahmad-Noor responded to our call for contributions to ZMO's Corona Dossier, which is collecting views and responses to the pandemic mainly from ZMO's countries and regions of research. In a vlog, he reflects on the historicity of crises in Southeast Asia. Watch his contribution here on our YouTube-channel.

Dr Ahmad-Noor is Associate Professor at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. His area of research covers the political history of Southeast Asia and religio-political movements in the region.


7 December 2020, 4 pm, virtual event
How a Female Author’s Creativity Captured Society’s Attention
Lecture by Stefanie Kolbusa as part of the Baraza la Kiswahili la Berlin


Katika miaka ya 1980-1997 baadhi ya nyimbo za taarab zilitingisha Afrika Mashariki. Hasa nyimbo za taarab zilizoimbwa na mwimbaji maarufu Malika zilivuma sana. Hizo nyimbo zilitungwa na mtunzi Khulaita Muhashamy, mzaliwa wa Mombasa. Kinyume na watunzi wa kike wengine waliotunga majumbani kwao tu, Khulaita aliamua kujitokeza hadharani. Nyimbo zake zilipendwa na Waswahili popote walipo duniani. Khulaita alitazama jamii yake kwa makini sana na hakuogopa kusema aliyoyaona. Hasa udhalimu na unyonge ulimwudhi kiasi kwamba hakuweza kunyamaza kimya. Alifahamu nguvu na udhaifu wa hadhira yake. Hali hiyo ilimwezesha kuwagusa wasikilizaji.
Please register with

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10 December 2020, 5 pm, virtual event
Time and the Limits of the Political: Anti-historical Excursions from South Asia
2nd Berlin Southern Theory Lecture by Prathama Banerjee (CSDS Delhi, India)


Southern theory, as Banerjee understands it, is a task of anti-historical thinking. While it is made possible by historical critique, decolonial and postcolonial (without which there is no emancipation from the prison of the present), it inevitably shades off into a moment of creative play with time and chronology, bringing together pasts and possibilities in diverse counter-intuitive reassemblages, against the grain and push of historical logic. This presentation is a modest effort in that direction. Here she discusses diverse mythologies and philosophies of time in South Asia, moving across disciplinary boundaries between the ancient, the medieval and the modern.
Prathama Banerjee is a historian and a professor at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies in Delhi.
Please find a link for participation via Webex under "More info".

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10 December 2020, 3 pm, virtual event
Reflections on Historicity, Time and Historical Research
Lecture by François Hartog (Directeur d’études émérite, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris)


This is the second lecture of the "The Historicity of Democracy Seminar", organized within the framework of the HISDEMAB international and collaborative research programme of the Leibniz-Association (ZMO-ZZF-IEG) in collaboration with IFPO and Manouba University.
The online seminar is free and open to the public upon registration.
For registration, please send an email to

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15 December 2020, 6 pm, virtual event
The Lawful Empire. Legal Change and Cultural Diversity in Late Tsarist Russia
Book presentation by Stefan B. Kirmse (ZMO)


This book combines an analysis of law and legal practice with a discussion of autocratic rule over a multicultural empire. It is as much about new legal institutions and their implications for an emerging rule of law in late tsarist Russia as it is about equality and cultural diversity.
Commented by Tatiana Borisova (Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg) and Nancy Kollmann (Stanford University).
The event will be held via Zoom. Please register at

More info


Malte Fuhrmann
Port Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Urban Culture in the Late Ottoman Empire


Cambridge University Press 2020, 478 pp.




Sarah Jurkiewicz (Ed.)
ZWISCHENRÄUME. Neun Frauen erzählen über Wege der Flucht und das Ankommen in Berlin-Marzahn


tobios publishing, Berlin 2020, 222 pp.




Abdoulaye Sounaye
Malama Ta Ce!: women preachers, audiovisual media and the construction of religious authority in Niamey, Niger


In: Justine Howe (Ed.): The Routledge Handbook of Islam and Gender, Routledge 2020, pp. 222-238.




Noël van den Heuvel, Ulrike Freitag
Religion und Pandemie. Staat, Religion und Gesellschaft in Saudi-Arabien und Iran in der Coronakrise


In: Geschichte und Gesellschaft, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 494-506.




Tenders & Calls

Position of a predoctoral research fellow in the Project "Normality and Crisis: Memories of Everyday Life in Syria as a Chance for a New Start in Germany"

Starting as soon as possible until 31 July 2021.
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis starting 16 November 2020.

Ausschreibung für eine Stelle als studentische Hilfskraft im Forschungsprojekt „Das Moderne Indien in Deutschen Archiven 1706-1989“ (MIDA)

Start: 1 January 2021
Deadline for submitting the application: 15 December 2020

Call for Applications: The Oman Research Grant for a visiting research fellowship of three months at ZMO

The Grant comprises funding for a residential research stay of up to 3 months during the year of 2021 at ZMO.
Deadline for submitting the application: 6 January 2021

Call for Applications: EUME Fellowships 2021/2022

The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien invites researchers to apply for up to 5 postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2021/2022 for the research program Europe in the Middle East—The Middle East in Europe (EUME).
Deadline for submitting the application: 6 January 2021

ZMO in the Media

Auch die eigene Gesellschaft kritisch befragen


Article by Ulrike Freitag

Tagesspiegel, 16 November 2020.


Politics Of Contesting Armenian, Kurdish And Turkish Memory and the Nagorno Karabakh War


 Podcast with David Leupold.

Keyman Podcast, 13 November 2020.


„Es fehlt uns an einer differenzierten Betrachtung“


Interview with Ulrike Freitag.

 Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 13 November 2020.


Energie für die Renaissance. Ägypten und Äthiopien streiten über ein Staudammprojekt am Blauen Nil


Article by Juliane Schumacher.

Jungle World, 5 November 2020.


Blog posts

Migrant Dreams: Egyptian Workers in the Gulf States


Interview with Samuli Schielke.

Trafo — Blog for Transregional Research, 24 November 2020.


A small note on liberal buoyancy


Post by Nitin Sinha.

doublethink, 9 November 2020.



Margret Liepach 10/03/1940 – 20/11/2020


ZMO mourns the death of its former colleague Margret Liepach. "Many of you know Margret as a warmhearted person, who edited with great care the ZMO publication series from 1996 to 2005. We remember her as an absolutely indispensible colleague for the notorious applications to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), which she finally edited and put together into one manuscript", writes
Katrin Bromber in an obituary.


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