Anti-colonial Movements
in the Middle East and the Question of Democracy
On 10 June at 3 pm, Rashid Khalidi
(Columbia University, New York) will present an online
lecture at The Historicity of Democracy Seminar.
In his lecture he will examine the issue of democracy in the Palestinian
liberation struggle, over three periods: 1. The Mandate, when there were
few avenues allowing a democratic movement to emerge, and the still
dominant elites were clientelist and patriarchal rather than democratic
in orientation; 2. The period of the revived national movement,
1950’s-1980’s, when the political groups enjoyed a measure of internal
democracy, and the PLO broadly represented sectors of the Palestinian
people, but the leadership was often not responsive to the base or
democratic in its inclinations; 3. The Oslo era, until the present,
saw a brief period of formal democracy for the minority of Palestinians,
which was soon abandoned in favor of
authoritarian governance under overall control by the occupation.
The seminar is organised within
the framework of the HISDEMAB international and collaborative research
programme of the Leibniz-Association (ZMO, ZZF, IEG) in collaboration
with IFPO Amman and Manouba University,
Tunis. For registration, please send an email to HISDEMAB@gmail.com. You
will then receive an invitation with the respective link in due course.
7 June 2021, 4 pm,
virtual event
50 ya Somo la Fasihi ya Kiswahili Baada ya Uhuru
Baraza la Kiswahili la Berlin
with Farouk Topan
Katika kikao hiki tutazungumzia vipengele vinne vya fasihi ya Kiswahili namna vilivyotiririka tangu miaka ya 1960 hadi miongo miwili ya karne hii. Cha kwanza, vile fasihi ya Kiswahili ilivyofundishwa
na kuwekwa imara nje ya Afrika ya Mashariki (hata kabla ya kipindi cha miaka hii); pili, ilivyofundishwa na kujengwa
(na pengine kujengeka)
Afrika ya Mashariki; tatu, mjaribio wa kuunda nadharia ya/za fasihi ya Kiswahili; na nne, ukuzaji wa fasihi ya Kiswahili na mwingiliano wake na fasihi zingine katika maeneo mbali mbali ya kitaalamu na nadharia.
Farouk Topan ni mwandishi na msomi mashuhuri wa lugha, utamaduni na fasihi ya Kiswahili. Alianzisha kufundisha somo la fasihi ya Kiswahili katika Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam mwaka 1968. Amesomesha pia vyuo vikuu vya Nairobi, Riyad,
London (SOAS) na sasa yupo
Chuo Kikuu cha Aga Khan, huko huko London. Kazi zake za
kubuni ni tamthilia na hadithi fupi.
Please klick on the link to find the zoom link for participation.
11 June 2021, 6 pm,
virtual event
Vom Nahen Osten in die DDR
Podiumsdiskussion mit Sophia Hoffmann (ZMO), Stella Kneifel (Universität Erfurt), Ala Al-Hamarneh (Orient-Institut Beirut)und Patrice Poutrus (Universität Erfurt)
Kooperationsveranstaltung des DDR Museums mit dem
Orient-Institut Beirut.
Zwischen 1951 und 1991 studierten ungefähr 75.000 Menschen
aus dem Ausland an den DDR-Universitäten. Im Jahr 1988 waren 13.400
Studierende aus 126 Ländern immatrikuliert, davon etwa 2.000 aus dem
Nahen Osten. Wer waren diese jungen Leute? Wie wurden sie von der
Gesellschaft gesehen, vom Staat behandelt und von der Staatssicherheit
kontrolliert? Wie beeinflusste der Alltag im Sozialismus ihre Sicht auf
die DDR und auch auf ihre Herkunftsländer? Welche Erfahrungen brachten
sie mit zurück in ihre Heimat? All das stellt die Podiumsrunde zur
Diskussion. Ausgangspunkt ist dabei ein Forschungsprojekt des
Orient-Instituts Beirut und seiner Partnerinstitute in Moskau und
Diese Veranstaltung wird live über den YouTube-Kanal des DDR Museum
14 June
2021, 5 pm, virtual event
Bounded Knowledge. Doctoral
Studies in Egypt
Book presentation by Daniele
Cantini (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, affiliated research
fellow at ZMO), organised in cooperation with the Research
Cluster/Graduate School "Society and Culture in Motion" at
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.
Much scholarship has been devoted
to debates around how global inequalities of knowledge production arise
from asymmetric power relations and disparities in access to material
resources, as well as values and practices that prioritize certain
academic disciplines and research outputs over others. The central role
played by universities in producing both knowledge and researchers is
similarly acknowledged, with the doctorate increasingly recognized as a
crucial phase in establishing both. Bounded
Knowledge: Doctoral Studies in Egypt (AUC Press) explores
these debates from a uniquely Egyptian perspective.
Please register
at registration@zmo.de
22 June
2021, 6 pm, virtual Event (postponed from 18 May)
Launch of 3al-Janib
Newspaper presentation by the
research project "Liminal Spaces"
3al-Janib (‘ala -l-janib or ‘on the side’) tells stories from the
margins about moments where the world around us can be reimagined
differently. These liminal moments, when individuals or groups decide to
bend formal regulations and rethink the use of resources around them, are
moments where new social relations and knowledge are forged, and
alternative conceptualisations of a brighter future are introduced. The
newspaper format allows for the drafts and the notes that are already
present in the different research projects on which the publication
builds, and which were part of a collaborative effort by partners in
Morocco, Egypt, Palestine and Germany entitled Liminal Spaces as Sites of
Socio-Cultural Transformation and Knowledge Production in the Arab World
(funded by Volkswagen Foundation).
Please klick on the link to find the zoom link for participation.
24 June
2021, 3 pm, virtual event
Colonial contingencies: the
political marginalisation of the municipality of Jerusalem under the
British Mandate
Lecture by Falestin
Naili (Ifpo
Amman/LARHRA Lyon) as part of the "The Historicity of
Democracy Seminar"
During the transition from the end
of the Ottoman period to the instauration of the British Mandate rule in
Palestine, the sphere of urban governance in Jerusalem underwent a major
transformation. Ottoman civic institutions such as the municipal council were
slowly stripped off their power in favor of
confessional representatives and British “experts”. Under British
military rule, many powers originally vested in the municipality, such as
town planning, were transferred to the Pro-Jerusalem Society, a non-governmental
organization established by Governor Robert Storrs. Once the mandate was
officially established, these powers were given to the Town Planning
Commission. The municipality thus lost much of the influence and
importance it used to have during the late Ottoman period. Whereas the
composition of the Ottoman municipal council had been determined by the
condition of Ottoman citizenship, population statistics and the censitary suffrage system, during the Mandate period,
confessional identity became a structuring element of this level of
governance. In fact, the mayor had to be Muslim, one deputy mayor Jewish
and the other Christian.
For registration, please
send an email to HISDEMAB@gmail.com
24 June
2021, 5 pm, virtual event
Ahmad Baba, a late 16th/17th
century West African intellectual, and his treatise on political theory:
Acquiring blessings and repelling affliction by avoiding unjust rulers
Lecture by Shamil Jeppie
(University of Cape Town & Wissenschaftskolleg
zu Berlin) as part of the ZMO Colloquium
Aḥmad Bābā
(d.1627) is the most famous scholar from the West African desert-edge,
town of Timbuktu, and probably the entire Sahara, in the late 16th and
17th century and beyond. When the Sa’adian
rulers based in Marrakesh ordered the invasion of Timbuktu and other
locations in its environs in the early 1590s Bābā
was eventually captured and sent into exile in Marrakesh; his entire
library was seized as well. Dozens of works are attributed to him but
hardly any of his works have been edited and published or translated. His
two biographical dictionaries have always in use and have been edited.
His fatwa (legal opinion) dealing with slavery has been edited and
translated into English, and two other texts edited and translated into
French. The availability of his material is obviously a challenge to a
greater appreciation of his work.
Please register
at registration@zmo.de
28 June
2021, 5 pm, virtual event
A Geography of Jihad. Sokoto
Jihadism and the Islamic Frontier in West Africa
Book presentation by Stephanie
Zehnle (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu
"A Geography of Jihad" (ZMO-Studien
37) addresses the Jihad movement that created the largest African state
of the 19th century: the Sokoto Caliphate, existing for 99 years from 1804
until its military defeat by European colonial troops in 1903. Zehnle
carves out the entanglements of jihadist ideology and warfare with
geographical concepts at Africa’s periphery of the Islamic world:
geographical knowledge about the boundary between the “Land of Islam” and
the “Land of War”; the pre-colonial construction of “the Muslim” and “the
unbeliever”; and the transfer of ideas between political elites and
mobile actors (traders, pilgrims, slaves, soldiers), whose reports helped
shape new definitions of the African frontier of Islam. Research for this
book is based on the study of a very wide range of Arabic and West
African (Hausa, Fulfulde) manuscripts. Their policies reveal the
persistent reciprocity of jihadist warfare and territorial statehood, of
Africa and the Middle East.
Please register
at registration@zmo.de
30 June, 2
pm, virtual event
Translocal Encounters Between Islam and
Lecture by Shadia Husseini de
Araujo (ZMO) as part of the Berlin Anthropology Seminars
This seminar series constitutes a joint initiative by anthropologists
from FU Berlin, ZMO, and Ethnologisches Museum.
It intends to shape and cultivate an inclusive platform and open regular
meeting point for exchange and discussion on current research by Berlin
based anthropologists. Please spread the word among colleagues, junior or
senior, who may be interested.
For further questions contact
18 June
2021, 10 am, virtual event
The Fourth Deportation of Abaza –
Adyghe (Circassian-Tscherkessisch) Refugees
from Syria: In Abkhazia & Turkey
Webinar organised by Ergün Özgür
(FU Berlin)
This interdisciplinary webinar
will discuss the fourth deportation of the descendants of Abaza-Adyghe
(Circassian) refugees from Syria after the war in 2011 and their
resettlement in Turkey and Abkhazia. It will follow a historical
perspective starting from their first exile from the Caucasus (homelands)
after the Russian-Caucasian War in 1864 and till the last one after the
War in Syria. Turkey received over 3.6 million refugees since the
beginning of the conflict and war in Syria (2011). At first, the refugees
were accepted as ‘guests’ and provided temporary protection because of
Turkey’s reservation to the 1951 Refugee Convention and its protocol in
1967. In 2013, 'the Directorate General of Migration Management' was
founded, and the ‘Law on Foreigners and International Protection (6458)’
was issued. Later on, the Refugee Deal aimed to limit the entrance of
refugees to Europe signed in 2016.
Please provide your Name, Surname, Institution, Title and register at the
following address until 16.06.2021:
Call for
The Historicity of
Democracy in the Arab and Muslim worlds
In the framework of the HISDEMAB
research project on the historicity of democracy in the Arab and Muslim
worlds, funded by the Leibniz-Association, we are welcoming original
chapters for a collective book edited by Nora Lafi (ZMO). The authors
will be invited to present their chapter in a workshop in Berlin in March
Abstract deadline: 9 July 2021
Randa Aboubakr, Sarah
Jurkiewicz, Hicham Ait-Mansour, Ulrike Freitag (Ed.)
Spaces of
Participation. Dynamics of Social
and Political Change in the Arab
AUC Press, Kairo, 2021, 302 p.
Randa Aboubakr,
Yazid Anani, Mokhtar ElHarras,
Sarah Jurkiewicz, Hicham Ait-Mansour, Ulrike
Freitag (Ed.)
3al Janib - «on the side»
Project newspaper by the research
project "Liminal Spaces", 2021, 66 p.
Bishkek Cemeteries: Mirror Images of the City
Article by Zarina Adambussinova, David Leupold, Temi
Isikalu, Ulan Gabdushev.
Bishkek Blog, SILK American
University of Central Asia, 2021.
Architecture of Bishkek's
Central Yards
Article by Emil Nasritdinov, Otabek Nigmatov, Seth Fearey,
David Leupold.
Bishkek Blog, SILK American University
of Central Asia, 2021.
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