Wednesday, 3 November 2021
Das ZMO ist mit drei Themen bei Book a Scientist am 10.
November dabei!
Am 10. November 2021 ist es wieder Zeit für das
Speeddating mit der Wissenschaft. Bei Book a Scientist haben alle
Interessierten die Chance, sich 25 Minuten lang mit Expert*innen der
Leibniz-Gemeinschaft auszutauschen und alles zu fragen, was sie
schon immer zu ihrem Lieblingsthema wissen wollten.
Drei Forschende vom ZMO bieten Gespräche zu den folgenden
Themen an:
David Leupold – Relikte der Zukunft? Das
Nachleben der sozialistischen Stadt in Zentralasien und im Südkaukasus
Noura Chalati –
und internationale Kooperation: Geht das? Der Fall von Stasi und den
syrischen „Mukhabarat“
Robin Schmahl –
Imperialismus im
Namen der Demokratie? Bonapartes Ägyptenfeldzug und seine Folgen für den
Modernen Nahen Osten
Die Gespräche können auch auf Englisch geführt werden.
Für weitere Informationen und zur Terminbuchung klicken
Sie bitte HIER.
November 2021, 5:30 pm, virtual event
Domestic and Transnational Factors
in Sudan’s 2018 Popular Uprising and the Challenge of Transition from
Autocracy to Democracy
Lecture by Khalid Mustafa Medani (McGill University) as part of the Red Sea Lecture Series.
On 25 October 2021, the Sudan
witnessed a military coup that gravely threatens to reverse the country’s
path towards a transition to democracy which first began in the aftermath
of Sudan’s historic revolution of December 2018. This lecture will
examine the underlying causes and consequences of the popular uprising of
2018 and 2019, the key factors that led up to the recent military coup,
and the prospects for the resumption of a transition to a civilian
democracy in the context of the ongoing wide-scale pro-democracy protests
throughout the country. In addressing the obstacles as well as the
prospects of a return to civilian rule, the lecture will evaluate the
relative strength of the current regime’s capacity for coercion vis-à-vis
what is a resurgent civil society opposition, the state of Sudan’s
political economy and fiscal health, the level of international support,
and the degree to which the state security sector is entrenched in
Sudanese civil society.
Please register
here: https://tinyurl.com/5xswd368
November 2021, 5 pm, hybrid event
Shared Margins: An Ethnography
with Writers in Alexandria after the Revolution
Book presentation by Samuli
Schielke (ZMO, Berlin) and Mukhtar Saad Shehata (Alexandria, Egypt).
Shared Margins tells of writers,
writing, and literary milieus in Alexandria, Egypt’s second city. It
de-centres cosmopolitan avant-gardes and secular-revolutionary aesthetics
that have been intensively documented and studied since 2011. Instead, it
offers a fieldwork-based account of various milieus and styles, and their
common grounds and lines of division.
Structured in two parts, Shared Margins gives an account of literature as
a social practice embedded in milieus that at once enable and limit
literary imagination, and of a life-worldly experience of plurality in
absence of pluralism that marks literary engagements with the intimate
and social realities of Alexandria after 2011.
To participate via zoom, please register here:
If you would like to participate in person at ZMO, please send an
email to registration@zmo.de.
10 November 2021, 5:30
pm, virtual event
The Myth and Reality of
Poverty-Criminality Nexus: Discourse on Maritime Violence along the
Somali Coast
Lecture by Awet
Weldemichael (Queens University) as part of the
Red Sea Lecture Series.
The explosion of maritime piracy
off the coast of Somalia in the 21st century was so enigmatic to many
that its origins had to be located in the deeper history of the region.
The quest for such historical explanation to the contemporary problem was
laced with pervading notions of enduring poverty across time and space
along the Somali coast. This paper offers a critical re-reading of
historical explanations that link presumed shipwrecking in the 19th
century Somali shores to maritime predation in the 21st century Somalia.
Without discounting the role of real poverty, it argues that the foreign
creation and perpetuation of poverty amidst domestic plenty fuelled
violence – and, to some degree, migration.
Please register
here: https://tinyurl.com/5xswd368
17 November 2021, 5:30
pm, virtual event
International, Local Norms and
Ethiopian Migration to the Gulf Countries: Some Critical Reflections
Lecture by Asnake
Kefale (Addis Ababa University) as part of the Red Sea Lecture Series.
The main purpose of this paper is
to critically examine Ethiopia's migration to the oil-rich Arab Gulf
countries in light of international and norms. The rate of international
migration from Ethiopia is still comparatively lower than the sub-Saharan
Africa average. There has been, however, a recent increment in the
outward migration of Ethiopians. The oil-rich Arab Gulf countries are
major destinations for Ethiopian migrants. The majority of migrants to
the gulf countries are irregular and their purpose of migration is to
work in these countries and support themselves and their families. I
contend in this paper that Ethiopian irregular migration to the gulf
countries challenges in many ways global and local norms.
Please register
here: https://tinyurl.com/5xswd368
25 November
2021, 5 pm, virtual event
Rentier Capitalism and Countermovements in Central Asia:
The Moral Economy
Lecture by Balihar
Sanghera (University of Kent) as part of the ZMO Colloquium Political Economies of
Original Inhabitation.
This lecture examines the moral
economy of rent extraction in Central Asia. The rentier class has
extracted rent through the ownership and control of scarce assets, such
as credit money, shares, real estate, natural resources, radio spectrum
and intellectual property. Rent is unearned income and parasitic,
siphoning off surplus value produced by others. Neoliberalism has
justified, promoted and normalised this form of income. The lecture is
divided into three parts. The first part will explain how rent extraction
has been justified and legitimised by economic elites, the judiciary and
international financial institutions in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The
second part will discuss the harmful and damaging effects of rentier
activities on economic development, people’s well-being, the environment
and democracy. The third part will examine how grassroots movements have
emerged to counter the neoliberal commodification of land, money and
Please register
here: https://tinyurl.com/j82wrfp4
30 November
2021, 5 pm, hybrid event
A Critical Rereading of Oman’s
Labour and Development Story
Lecture by Crystal A. Ennis
(Leiden University).
This lecture offers a critical
re-reading of Omani development and work history. Dr.
Ennis will reflect on what we can learn when we shift the entry point of
our analysis from oil to human beings, or in this case, from one ‘factor
of production’ to another – labour. Because the oil industry is capital
rather than labour intensive, the story of work remains at the margins.
By “centring” these margins — the living and working — she explores some
of the lineages of differentiation and resistance that have shaped the
contemporary labour market young Omanis face. Such analytical shifts do
not discount the importance of oil, but signal that we lose valuable
comparative insights by focusing on one puzzle and emphasizing
exceptional narratives. Using labour as a lens allows us to build our
understanding of development trajectories, the human impact of Oman’s
embeddedness in global markets, the changing nature of work and workers,
and the production of difference, regulation, and governance over time.
To participate via zoom, please register here: https://tinyurl.com/wndz4yy6
If you would like to participate in person at ZMO, please send an
email to registration@zmo.de.
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Tel.: 030/80307-0
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- zmo@zmo.de
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