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zur Nuklearpolitik in Südasien
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Handapparat im
des Otto-Suhr-Instituts, Ihnestraße 21: Nr.
- Ahmed, Samina; Cortright, David (eds.), 1998: Pakistan and the bomb: public opinion and nuclear options. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. (ZMO-HA)
- Alam, Aftab, 1998: U.S. policy towards South Asia : special reference to Indo-Pak relations. - Delhi: Raj Publications. (ZMO-HA)
- Alam, Mohammed B. (ed.), 1995: Essays on nuclear proliferation. Delhi: Vikas. (ZMO-HA)
- Albrecht, Ulrich 1999: Internationale Politik : Einführung in das System internationaler Herrschaft / von Ulrich Albrecht. - 5., völlig neu bearb. und erw. Aufl. . - München [u.a.] : Oldenbourg, 1999. - 274 S. OSI-LS: Pa 180.
- Albright, Madeleine K 1998.: Press Conference on the Crisis in South Asia. Palais des Nations, Geneva, June 4, 1998. Washington:, 8 pp. (O)
- Ali, Mehrunnisa, ed. 2001: Readings in Pakistan foreign policy, 1971 - 1998. Karachi [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press. (OSI-HA)
- Banerjee, Jyotirmoy 1999: Pokhran II - Fallout And Implications. In: World Affairs, Jul - Sep 1999 Vol. 3 No. 3, Delhi, 1999, 118-130 pp. (O)
- Banuazizi, Ali, ed. 1994: The new geopolitics of Central Asia and its borderlands. London [u.a.] : Tauris. (OSI-HA)
- Beg, Mirza Aslam, General 1999: Nuclearization of South Asia: Rational Diffusion of Holocaust. In: National Development and Security, No. 4, Serial No. 28, Rawalpindi: FRIENDS, pp. (O)
- Bidwai, Praful; Vanaik, Achin, 1999: South Asia on a short fuse: nuclear politics and the future of global disarmament. Delhi: OUP. (ZMO-HA)
- Bidwai, Praful; Vanaik, Achin 2000: New nukes : India, Pakistan and global nuclear disarmament / by Praful Bidwai and Achin Vanaik. - Oxford : Signal Books. 312 pp. (OSI-HA)
- Bordewich, Fergus M. 1983: The Pakistan Army: Sword of Islam. In: Strategic Digest, Delhi: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, March 1983. (O)
- BRD, Auswärtiges Amt 2002: Aufgaben der deutschen Außenpolitik - Südasien: Afghanistan, Bangladesch, Bhutan, Indien, Malediven, Nepal, Pakistan und Sri Lanka am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, Mai 2002. (O)
- Cameron, Gavin 1999: Nuclear terrorism: a threat assessment for the 21st century. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 200 pp. (OSI-HA) bestellt
- Campbell, Kurt M. [Hrsg.] 2004 : The nuclear tipping point : why states reconsider their nuclear choices. Washington, DC : Brookings Inst. Press. 367 S. (OSI-HA)
- Center for the Advanced Study of India, University of Pennsylvania (CASI) 1997: The Future of Nuclear Weapons: A U.S.-India Dialogue. (Wharton Sinkler Conference Center, May 5-8, 1997 - printout from CASI web page Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania, 1997. (O)
- Chari, P. R., 1995: Indo-Pak nuclear standoff: the role of the United States. Delhi: Manohar. (ZMO-HA)
- Chari, P. R. Chari; Cheema, Pervaiz Iqbal; Iftekharuzzaman (eds.), 1996: Nuclear non-proliferation in India and Pakistan: South Asian perspectives. (Colombo Regional Centre for Strategic Studies) Delhi/Lahore: Manohar/Vanguard. (ZMO-HA)
- Chari, P. R.; Gupta, Sonika; Rajain, Arpit (eds.), 2003: Nuclear stability in Southern Asia. (Conference on Nuclear Stability in Southern Asia <2002, New Delhi> Konrad Adenauer Foundation) Delhi: Manohar. (ZMO-HA)
- Chengappa, Raj, 2000: Weapons of peace: the secret story of India's quest to be a nuclear power. Delhi: Harper Collins India. (ZMO-HA)
- Chitkara, M. G., 1996: Nuclear Pakistan. Delhi: APH Publ. Corp. (ZMO-HA)
- Cirincione, Joseph, John B.Wolfsthal and Miriam Rajkumar 2002: Deadly Arsenals – tracking weapons of mass destruction, Carnegie Endowments, Washington. (Ausdruck)
- Czempiel, Ernst-Otto 2001: Neue Gefahren verlangen neue Politik - Multilateralismus statt Dominanz. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (B 51/2001), bes. Kapitel "Beschädigte Weltordnung".
- Esposito, John L. 2002: Unholy war: terror in the name of Islam. Oxford: OUP. (OSI-HA)
- Gottemoeller, Rose & Rebecca Longsworth 2002: Enhancing Nuclear Security in the Counter-Terrorism Struggle, India and Pakistan as a New Region for Cooperation, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Non-Proliferation Project, Global Policy Program, Washington D.C., August 2002, Number 29
- Howard, Roger, 2004: Iran in crisis: nuclear ambitions and the American response. London/New York: Zed Books. (ZMO-HA)
- Institute for Disarmament Research (IDR) 1999: The implications of South Asia’s nuclear tests for the non-proliferation and disarmament regimes: a report of the UNIDIR conference held on 7 - 8 September 1998, Palais des Nations, Geneva. New York: UNIDR, 25 S. (OSI-HA Ausdruck Spiralbindung)
- Ischebeck, Otfried (ed.) 1996: Cooperative policies for preventing and controlling the spread of missiles and nuclear weapons : policies and perspectives in Southern Asia. (Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden, 106) Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verl.-Ges., 321 pp. (OSI-HA)
- Jain, B. M./Hexamer, Eva-Maria (eds.) 1999: Nuclearisation in South Asia: Reactions and Responses. Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 1999, 208 pp. (O)
- Joeck, Neil: Maintaining nuclear stability in South Asia. (Adelphi Papers/The International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, 312) Oxford: OUP, 1997, 90 pp. (O)
- Jones, Rodney W./McDonough, Mark G. 1998: Tracking Nuclear Proliferation: A Guide in Maps and Charts. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1998, Auszüge, darunter auch zu Südasien, auf der Website der Carnegie-Stiftung. (Ausdruck)
- Kalinowski, Martin B. (Hrsg.) 2000 : Global elimination of nuclear weapons / Martin B. Kalinowski (ed.). - 1. Aufl. . - Baden-Baden : Nomos-Verl.-Ges. 278 pp. (OSI-HA)
- Kavka, Gregory S. 1987: Moral paradoxes of nuclear deterrence. Cambridge: CUP, 1987, 243 pp. (OSI-HA)
- Klaff, René: Atompolitik in Südasien. In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 8, No. 3, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1998, 169 pp. (O)
- Kraig, Michael; Henderson, James (eds.), 2002: US Strategies for Regional Security: Report of the 42nd Strategy for Peace Conference. Convened at Airlie Conference Center, Warrenton, Virginia, October 25-27, 2001. Muscatine, Iowa: Stanley Foundation . (OSI- HA Kopie Spiralbindung)
- Krieger, Wolfgang 1995: The Germans and the nuclear question / Wolfgang Krieger. - Washington, DC : German Historical Inst., 1995. - 26 S. . - (Alois Mertes Memorial Lecture ; 5)(Occasional paper / German Historical Institute, Washington, DC ; 14 ) (OSI-HA)
- Kronstadt, K. Alan: India-U.S. Relations, CRS Issue Brief for Congress, The Library of Congress, 4.11.2004, 16 pp. (O)
- Kronstadt, K. Alan: Pakistan-U.S. Relations, CRS Issue Brief for Congress, The Library of Congress, 8.10.2004, 17 pp. (O)
- Lee, Steven P. 1993: Morality, prudence, and nuclear weapons. Cambridge: CUP, 1993, 418 pp. (OSI-HA)
- Maaß, Citha D. 2001a: Indisch-Israelische Kooperation. SWP-Zeitschriftenschau. Berlin. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) Februar 2001, 6 S. (OSI-HA, Kopie, spiralgebunden mit Maaß 2001b)
- -- 2001b: Indiens Sicherheitskonzeption. SWP-Studie. Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, April 2001, 9 S. (OSI-HA, Kopie spiralgebunden)
- -- 1999: Indiens und Pakistans offene Nuklearisierung und ihre widersprüchlichen Folgen. In: Internationales Asienforum, Vo. 30, No. 1/2, München: Weltforum, 1999, 47-74 pp. (O)
Maley, William, ed. 2002: The Afghanistan wars. Basingstoke [u.a.] : Palgrave. OSI-LS: Or 211
- Malik, V.P. 2004: India's National Security Challenges. Occasional Paper, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania - CASI, No. 20, July 2004.
- Mazari, Shireen M. 2001: The Global Security Environment & Options for Pakistan: A Pakistani Perspective. Paper presented at 3rd Pak-German Dialogue, Berlin, May 17-18, 2001. (O)
- Meier, Oliver, 1999: Involving India and Pakistan: nuclear arms control and non-proliferation after nuclear tests. (Berlin Informations-center for Transatlanctic Security (BITS)/Research report; 99,2) Berlin: Berlin Information Center for Transatlantic Security (BITS). (ZMO-HA)
- Müller, Harald 2000: Nuclear weapons and German interests: an attempt at redefinition (PRIF reports). Frankfurt (a. M.): Hessische Stiftung für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. (OSI-HA)
- Müller, Harald (ed.), 1989: A survey of European nuclear policy, 1985-87. New York: St. Martin's Press. (ZMO-HA)
- Nandi, Ravi, 1998: Strategic compulsions of nuclear India. Delhi: Lancers Books. (ZMO-HA)
- Nath, Birbal 1998: Kashmir: the nuclear flashpoint. Delhi: Manas, 242 pp.
- Norris, S., William Arkin, Hans M. Kristensen & Joshua Handler 2002: India's nuclear forces, 2002, in: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March/April 2002, 58(2), pp. 70-72. (O)
- Norris, S., William Arkin, Hans M. Kristensen & Joshua Handler: Pakistan’s nuclear forces, 2001, in: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January/February 2002, 58(1), pp. 70-71. (O)
- Office of the Secretary of Defence, Department of Defence, United States of America 2001: Proliferation: Threat and Response, January 2001, 138 pp.
- Pakistans Nuclear Dilemma, 23.09.2001, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
- Perkovich, George, Jessica T. Mathews, Joseph Cirincione, Rose Gottemoeller, Jon B. Wolfsthal 2005: Universal Compliance - A Strategy for Nuclear Security, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March. (Ausdruck)
- Perkovich, George: India's Nuclear Bomb. The Impact on Global Proliferation. Updated Edition with a New Afterword, OUP, Oxford (u.a.) 2002, 654 S. (ZMO-HA)
- Pinto, Ambrose; Choudhury, Arundhuti Roy (eds.), 1998: Nuclearisation of India: myths, beliefs and facts. Delhi: Indian Social Institute. (ZMO-HA)
- Powell, Robert: Nuclear deterrence theory : the search for credibility. Cambridge: CUP, 1990, 230 pp. (OSI-HA)
- Ram, N., 1999: Riding the nuclear tiger. (Signpost, 1) Delhi: LeftWord Books. (ZMO-HA)
- Reetz, Dietrich 1989: The Asian Relations Conference in New Delhi in 1947 and Nehru’s Vision of India’s Role in Asia and in the World. In: N.L. Gupta and Vinod Bhatia (eds.), Jawaharlal Nehru. Statesman, National Leader, Thinker. Delhi 1989, pp. 27-48.
- -- 1990: Das Konfliktpotential ethnisch-nationaler Prozesse in Asien und die Perspektiven einer asiatischen Friedensordnung. In: Martin Robbe, Dieter Senghaas (Hg.), Die Welt nach dem Ost-West-Konflikt. Geschichte und Prognosen, Berlin-Ost: Akademie-Verlag 1990, S. 165-179; Ist die Geschichte zu Ende? In: Ebd., S. 367-375; Zukunftsaussichten. Zur Diskussion. In: Ebd., S.455-462.
- -- 1991a: Nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges: Wieviel Platz bleibt für die Dritte Welt? In: asien, afrika, lateinamerika, Berlin 19 (1991) 5, S. 863-881.
- -- 1991b: Im Schatten der Osteuropa Wende: Pakistans schwieriger Weg in die Demokratie, in: asien, afrika, lateinamerika, Berlin 19(1991)2, S. 262 274. (O)
- -- 1992a: Pakistans Engagement in der Golf Region: Islamische Solidarität oder regionale Machtpolitik? In: Ferhard Ibrahim, Mir A. Ferdowsi (Hrsg.), Die Kuwait-Krise und das regionale Umfeld. Hintergründe, Interessen, Ziele. (Freie Universität Berlin, Forschungsgebietsschwerpunkt Ethnizität und Gesellschaft, Probleme ethnischer Grenzziehung in Gesellschaften des Vorderen und Mittleren Orients), Berlin: Das Arabische Buch, 1992, S. 147-162. (O)
- -- 1992b: Strukturelle Konstanten der pakistanischen Innenpolitik. In: Dieter Conrad, Wolfgang-Peter Zingel (Hg.), Pakistan. Zweite Heidelberger Südasiengespräche. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung; Bd. 150) Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, 1992, S. 21-29.
- -- 1993: Pakistan and the Central Asia Hinterland Option: the Race for Regional Security and Development. In: Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. No. 1 1993/94 (Fall), Villanova, PA, USA, pp. 28-56.
- -- 1999a: Islamic Activism in Central Asia and the Pakistan Factor. In Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Villanova, PA (USA), Vol. 23, No. 1. (O)
- -- 1999b: Cultural Stereotypes in the New Confrontation in South Asia: Hindu Might vs. The Islamic Bomb. Beitrag zur Jahreskonferenz des American Council for the Study of Islamic Societies in Villanova, PA, USA, am 1. Mai 1999. (O)
- -- 2000: Optionen für Indien und Pakistan in Kaschmir: Anatomie eines Konfliktes. In: Werner Draguhn (Hg.), Indien 2000. Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde. (O)
- -- 2001: The Islamist Parties and the Military Regime in Pakistan. In: Bettina Robotka (Hg.), Considering the Future of Democracy in Pakistan. (Südasien / Working Papers; Number 1) Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, Institut für Asien und Afrikawissenschaften, S. 33-48. (OSI HA)
- -- 2003: Pakistan: internationaler Partner oder Problemfall? In: FES-Analyse, Bonn/Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 19. S.
- -- 2004: Flashpoint South and Central Asia: Strategic Aspects of a Historical Relationship. In: Erich Reiter, Peter Hazdra (eds.): The Impact of Asian Powers on Global Developments. Heidelberg: Physica/Springer, 2004, pp. 17-40. (O)
- Rocca, Christina 2004: New Horizons in United States Relations with South Asia. Occasional Paper, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania - CASI, No. 22, July 2004.
- Schofield, Victoria 2000: Kashmir in conflict : India, Pakistan and the unfinished war / Victoria Schofield. - London [u.a.] : Tauris. (OSI-HA)
- Sherwin, Martin J. 2003: A world destroyed: Hiroshima and its legacies. 3rd ed. Standford: Stanford University Press 375. (OSI-HA)
- Shue, Henry: Nuclear deterrence and moral restraint : critical choices for American strategy. Cambridge: CUP, 1989, 435 pp.
- Sidhu, Waheguru Pal Singh: Enhancing Indo-US strategic cooperation, (Adelphi Papers/The International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, 313) Oxford: OUP, 1997, 91 pp. (OSI-HA) Bestellt
- Sood, Rakesh, Frank N. von Hippel, and Morton H. Halperin 1997: The Road to Nuclear Zero: three approaches. Revised versions of papers prepared for CASI Symposium on U.S.-India Nuclear Dialogue 1997: the future of nuclear weapons, Philadelphia, May 5-7, 1997.
- Stahl, Karin: Nuklearhandel zwischen Entwicklungsländern : Argentinien, Brasilien und Indien als neue Exportstaaten von Kerntechnologie. Saarbrücken: Breitenbach, 1990, 407 pp. (OSI-HA) bestellt
- Subramanian, Ram Rajan: Nuclear competition in South Asia and US policy. (Policy papers in international affairs, 30) Berkeley, CA: University of California, Institute of International Studies, 1987, 62 pp. FU-UB
- Synnott, Hilary: The causes and consequences of South Asia's nuclear tests. (Adelphi Papers/The International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, 332) Oxford: OUP, 1999, pp. (O)
- Talbott, Strobe: Dealing with the Bomb in South Asia. In: Foreign Affairs, Vol. 78, No. 2 March/April 1999, Washington: Council on Foreign Relations, 1999, 110-122 pp. (O)
- Tellis, Ashley J. 1997: Creeping Weaponization: the future of the Indian nuclear program? Paper prepared for CASI Symposium on U.S.-India Nuclear Dialogue 1997: the future of nuclear weapons, Philadelphia, May 5-7, 1997.
- Tibi, Bassam 1999: The challenge of fundamentalism <dt.> Die neue Weltunordnung : westliche Dominanz und islamischer Fundamentalismus / Bassam Tibi. - Berlin : Propyläen. (OSI-HA)
- Veer, Peter van der 1994: Religious nationalism: Hindus and Muslims in India. Berkeley [u.a.] : Univ. of California Press. (OSI-HA)
- Voll, Klaus 2003: Geopolitik, atomare Kriegsgefahr und indische Sicherheitsinteressen. Südasienwissenschaftliche Arbeitsblätter Band 5. Halle: Institut für Indologie und Südasienwissenschaften der MLU, 42 S. (O)
- Wagner, Christian: Regionale Konflikte, Rüstungswettlauf und nukleare Proliferation in Südasien. (Rostocker Informationen zu Politik und Verwaltung, 2) Rostock: Univ., Presse- und Informationsstelle, Wiss., 1995, 31 pp. (OSI-HA)
- Wagner, Christian: Sicherheitspolitik in Südasien nach den Nukleartests. In: Draguhn, Werner (ed.): Indien 1999: Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 1999, 133-153 pp. (O)
Laufende Quellen-Serien zur aktuellen Politik Südasiens
Archiv der Gegenwart (FU UB)
Asian Recorder (OSI)
Dawn, Karachi (SB-PK)
Hindustan Times
India To-day, Bombay (OSI)
Informationsdienst Moderner Vorderer Orient, Hamburg (OSI)
Keesing's contemporary archives. (FU UB)
Keesing's record of world events. (FU UB)
Frontline, Chennai (ehem. Madras)
The News, Lahore
Times of India, Bombay
Internet-Ressourcen zur Nuklearpolitik in Südasiens
Federation of American Scientists
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Henry Stimson Centre - South Asia Project
SIPRI Stockholm - Datenbanken zu Internationalen Beziehungen, Militärausgaben, Rüstungskontrolle
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