Dr Erdem Evren
Current Position | Education | Awards/fellowships | Research / teaching interest | Publications | Teaching experience | Invited talks / lectures | Other presentations | Conference organization | Languages
Curriculum Vitae
Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient - Kirchweg 33, 14129 Berlin Germany

Current Position 
2012-present |
Post doctoral Fellow at the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin |

2011 |
Dr. Phil, Freie Universität, Berlin, Arbeitsstelle Politik des Vorderen Orients, (magna cum laude) |
2007 |
MRes, Goldsmiths College, University of London, Social Anthropology |
2006 |
M.A, Goldsmiths College, University of London, Anthropology and Cultural Politics |
2004 |
B.A, Koç University, Istanbul, Sociology |

Awards / Fellowships 
2015 |
SPIRE Visiting Researcher Grant for a short-term stay at the University of Bergen in spring 2016 (application submitted) |
2011 |
Elsa-Neumann Prize |

Research/Teaching Interests 
Anthropology of political activism, the state and violence; conscription and conscientious objection; gender and sexuality; water and energy; capitalism, nature and development; social theory; Turkey, Middle East and Europe.

Books/Edited Volumes
(forthcoming in 2016) |
Activism Against the Military Service in Turkey (manuscript submission deadline is December 2015, contracted to appear from the Amsterdam University Press) |
(forthcoming in September 2015) |
Sudan Sebepler: Türkiye’de Su ve Enerji Politikaları (An edited volume in Turkish on the politics of water and energy in Turkey, submitted to the İletişim Press) (with Cemil Aksu and Sinan Erensü) |
2014 |
“The Rise and Decline of An Anti-Dam Campaign: Yusufeli Dam Project and the Temporal Politics of Development.” Water History 6(4): 405-419. |
2013 |
“On the Joy and Melancholy of Politics.”, in Yael Navaro-Yashin and Umut Yıldırım (eds.) An Impromptu Uprising: Ethnographic Reflections on the Gezi Park Protests in Turkey, Cultural Anthropology Hot Spots
(A slightly revised version in Turkish is forthcoming in an edited volume from the Tekin Press) |
Book Chapters
(forthcoming in 2015) |
Introduction.”, in Cemil Aksu, Sinan Erensü, Erdem Evren (eds.) Sudan Sebepler: Türkiye’de Su ve Enerji Politikaları, İletişim. (with Cemil Aksu and Sinan Erensü) |
(forthcoming in 2015) |
“Bir Baraj Karşıtı Mücadelenin Yükselişi ve Düşüşü: Yusufeli Barajı Projesi ve Hidro-Kalkınmanın Zaman-Mekan Siyaseti.”, in Cemil Aksu, Sinan Erensü, Erdem Evren (eds.) Sudan Sebepler: Türkiye’de Su ve Enerji Politikaları, İletişim [A slightly revised version of “The Rise and Decline of An Anti-Dam Campaign”] |
2012 |
“The Ones Who Walk Away: Law, Sacrifice and Conscientious Objection in Turkey.”, in Özlem Biner, Julia Eckert et. al. (eds.) Law Against the State: Ethnographic Forays into Law's Transformations, Cambridge University Press. |
Book Reviews
2015 |
Review of The Making of A Protest Movement in Turkey: #occupygezi by Umut Özkırımlı (ed.), Middle East- Topics & Arguments 4: 148-149,
[http://meta-journal.net/article/view/3576] |
2013 |
Review of The Make-Believe Space: Affective Geography in Post-War Polity by Yael Navaro-Yashin, American Ethnologist 40(2): 400-401. |
Academic Referee Work
Comparative Studies in Society and History; Pluto Press.

Teaching Experience 
October 2014-March 2015 |
“Anthropology and Social Theory”, M.A course taught at the Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt Universität. |
October 2009-March 2010 and October 2011-March 2012 |
“State, Gender and Sexuality in Turkey”, B.A course taught at the Arbeitstelle Politik des Vorderen Orients, Freie Universität. |

Invited Talks / Lectures 
2015 |
“Yok Oluşumuzu Beklerken: Çoruh Vadisi’nin Hidro-Enerji ile İmtihanı”, presented at the Bekle(t)mek: Zamansallık, İktidar ve Öznellik Üzerine conference in Istanbul, June 11-12. |
2015 |
“Tenses of Violence: Belonging, Displacement and Commodification Along the Çoruh Valley, Turkey”, presented at the Reverberations: Violence Across Time and Space conference in Istanbul, March 22-24. |
2014 |
“Our Coming Annihilation: Enduring Dams Along the Çoruh River, Turkey”, presented at the Anthropology Colloquium of the University of Bern, November 25. |

Other Presentations 
2014 |
“Intimacies of Ruination and Accumulation Along the Çoruh River, Turkey”, presented at the EASA Conference, Tallinn, August 2. |
2013 |
“Conservative Commons, Capitalist Aspirations: Enduring Hydro-Development Along the Çoruh River, Turkey”, presented at the Dispossession and Collective Action: Neoliberal (Re-)Structurings of the Rural in Egypt, Morocco and Turkey, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin, October 25-26. |
2012 |
“Renewals: Making and Unmaking of Violent Subjectivities”, presented at the Subjektbegriffe der Europaeischen Ethnologie, Georg-August Universitaet, Göttingen, December 14. |
2012 |
“Fluid Destinies: Politics of Water in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey”, presented at the EASA Conference, Paris, July 12. |
2012 |
“Along and Against the Stream: Techno-Capitalist Development and the Politics of Water on the Çoruh River, Turkey”, presented at the Big Dams: Investigating Their Temporal and Spatial Politics in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, June 1. |
2011 |
“The 'Rotten' Conscript: Performativity, Medicalization and Gay Men in Turkey”, presented at the Lova Network International Conference on Ethnographies of Gender and Conflict, Amsterdam, July, 6-8. |
2010 |
“’This Mess We’re (All) In: Reflections on the Military Service in
Turkey”, presented at the ’18. Sitzung des Arbeitskreises
Gewaltordnungen in der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW)’, Berlin, October 8. |
2010 |
“’I Fought the Law and…’: Conscientious Objection, Legality and
Political Subjectivity in Turkey”, presented at the Max Planck
Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, April 14-16. |

Conference Organization 
(in progress) |
Commoning Water: Emancipatory and Conservative Politics of Commons (with Özge Yaka (Freie Universität)) |
2013 |
Dispossession and Collective Action: Neoliberal (Re-)Structurings of the Rural in Egypt, Morocco and Turkey, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin, October 25-26. (with Yasmine Berriane (ZMO) and Sarah Ruth Sippel (Leipzig Universität)) |
Turkish: native
English: fluent
German: intermediate
