Kyara Klausmann: A Global History of Political Thought at Kabul University, 1964-1992 Dr. Sophia Hoffmann: Learning Intelligence: The Exchange of Secret Service Knowledge between Germany and the Arab Middle East 1960 - 2010 (Freigeist-Fellowship of the Volkswagen Foundation)
The Politics of Resources
Patrick Schukalla: The Politics of Uranium in Tanzania – The making of a resource? Joseph Désiré Som I: Rural Youth Employment and Agricultural Dynamics in Africa: Mobilities, Politicization and Radicalization Dr. Judith Scheele: Circulation and Containment: Region Formation in the Sahara (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, until August 2019) Dr. Jeanne Féaux de la Croix: Activists for a Better Future: A Comparison of Muslim Missions, Late Soviet and Contemporary Development Work in Kyrgyzstan (bis Februar 2014)
Trajectories of Lives and Knowledge
Thiago Pinto Barbosa: »Race« and Science between Berlin and India: the Circulation and Transformation of Racialized Knowledge by anthropologist Irawati Karvé Britta Frede: Out of Nouakchott: Female Scholars As Mediators of Islam in Contemporary Mauritania (until December 2017) Tika Ramadhini: Jawah Women between South East Asia and Mecca: Networks of Knowledge in the 19th and 20th Century PD Dr. Dietrich Reetz: Muslim »Globalities«: Another world? Global Interaction by Islamic Groups and Movements from South Asia with the Muslim World (until July 2019) Regina Sarreiter: The Epistemic Lives of an Ethnological Collection between South Africa, Germany and Tanzania (until December 2018) Larissa Schmid: Objects, Bodies and Agents of Knowledge: Colonial North African Prisoners-of-War in Germany during the First World War (until September 2017) Antía Mato Bouzas: Emerging Transnational Spaces: Migration and Development Networks between North-Eastern Pakistan and the Gulf (DFG) Cities as Laboratories of Change
Annegret Roelcke: Religious Tourism in Eyüp. Constructions of an Islamic Place in Istanbul Joint Research ProjectsNormality and Crisis: Memories of Everyday Life in Syria as a Chance for a New Start in GermanyNormality and Crisis: Memories of Everyday Life in Syria as a Chance for a New Start in Germany is a joint research project based at ZMO with civil society partners from Berlin and Brandenburg. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for a period of three years (February 2018 - January 2021). Directorate: Dr. Katharina Lange Religion, Morality and Boko in West Africa: Students Training for a Good Life (Acronym: 'Remoboko')Remoboko is a study of religiosity and how it affects secular education (boko, in Hausa) in West Africa. It focuses on the presence, competition and conflict between secularism, Salafism and Pentecostalism on two campuses (Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger, and University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria). The project is funded by resources of the Leibniz Competition. It runs from June 2018 until May 2023. Directorate: Dr. Abdoulaye Sounaye Domestic Servants in Colonial South Asia
Modern India in German Archives, 1706-1989 (MIDA)
Dr. Anandita Bajpai: Materializing Visibility, Preparing Recognition: The 'Cultural' Politics of GDR-India Relations, 1952-1972 Stefan Tetzlaff: ‘To Help is to Benefit?’ European Technical Aid and ‘Modernizing’ Approaches to India’s Industrial Sector, c. 1945-1973 (until September 2018) Reyazul Haque: Movements and Concepts: Production of Images of India in GDR Newsreels
Spaces of Participation: Topographies of Political and Social Change in Morocco, Egypt and Palestine
Liminal Spaces as Sites of Socio-Cultural Transformation and Knowledge Production in the Arab World
Habitats and Habitus: Politics and Aesthetics of Religious World Making (until March 2017)with Prof. Birgit Meyer, in Cooperation with University Utrecht Hanna Nieber: Scripture Practices on Zanzibar Murtala Ibrahim: Sensation, Sight and Sound of Nigerian Movements
Crossroads Asia (until December 2016)Just Boedeker: The Baloch Borderlands: The Conflict of Tribe and State in a Globalized World (until December 2014) Dr. Antía Mato Bouzas: "Rebordering" in Kashmir: Negotiation of Spaces and Statehood in Contested Border Regions Dr. Aksana Ismailbekova: Conflict Dynamics, Local Strategies and Trans-local Ties in the Fergana Valley (until December 2014) PD Dr. Dietrich Reetz (board member) : In and Out of South Asia: Transnational Community-Building in Religious and Ethnic Networks (until December 2014)
Phantom Borders in East-Central Europe (until January 2017)
Cultural Exchange in a Time of Global Conflict: Colonials, Neutrals and Belligerents during the First World War (CEGC), funded by Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) (until November 2016)
Europe in the Middle East - the Middle East in Europe
Transforming Memories: Cultural Production and Personal/Public Memory in Lebanon and Morocco
In Search of Europe: Considering the Possible in Africa and the Middle East / ISOE Exhibition(until October 2014)sponsored by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) "In Search of Europe: Considering the Possible in Africa and the Middle East" is an interdisciplinary research project based at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orientfrom 2010 until 2014. The research team consists of four regular and two associated researchers, who are combining anthropological and historical approaches. The project aims to gain an interdisciplinary, empirically grounded and theoretically reflective understanding of the ways people in Africa and the Middle East engage the idea of "Europe" as a metonymy of possibilities, both in its affirmative and in its critical forms. The images they present of Europe are far from unified. Dr. Bettina Gräf: Public debates in transcultural space: The concept of Islam as a system (nizam) at the beginning of the Cold War (bis April 2014) Vanessa Díaz: Europe and the Image of one's own in the contemporary art of Mozambique Leyla von Mende: "Today's neighbour - yesterday's subject": The Balkans between Ottoman Empire and Europe from the perspective of Ottoman travellers, 1870-1918 Dr. Samuli Schielke: Engaging the World between Egypt and Europe - Reasons to Write after 2011 Daniela Swarowsky: Curator of exhibition project "In Search of Europe: Considering the Possible in Africa and the Middle East" Associates: Dr. Knut Graw: Picturing Europe in Migration and Diaspora Dr. Aïssatou Mbodj: Spaces and temporalities of West African immigration to France: Parisian foyers as lieux de mémoire? Single ProjectsDr Rana von Mende Altaylı: Gender roles and their outer appearance in courtesy and etiquette books of the late Ottoman period and the early Turkish Republic (DFG, until March 2019) |