

Ongoing Projects

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Scripture Practices on Zanzibar: Comparing Muslim and Christian Contexts

Hanna Nieber

Scripture practices entail a variety of activities and routines that make use of holy texts and thereby constitute them as such. The processes through which material script on Zanzibar becomes scripture and thus a means for accessing the transcendent (a "sensational form") entails bundles of practices that shape the people's habitus and their habitat Zanzibar Town. This project aims to explore how the variety of prevalent scriptures on Zanzibar is used and how the respective practices shape the political aesthetics of the Zanzibari urban space.

This research project is part of Habitats and Habitus: Politics and Aesthetics of Religious World Making, directed by Birgit Meyer (Prof. of Religious Studies, Utrecht University & Humboldt Award Holder of ZMO), funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, through an Anneliese Maier Research Award 2011 in collaboration with Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (BGSMCS), FU-Berlin.

in cooperation with University of Utrecht

Uni Utrecht

