Electronic Resources: 2036 title data of Arabic books from the digital collection of the Al-Manhal database were uploaded to the catalog of the library of the ZMO by the Specialised Information Service (former Special Subject Collection) Middle East, North African and Islamic Studies in Halle. These e-books can be called up via the IP address of the GWZ and thus via all computers at the ZMO. In the ZMO catalog all these new titles can be called by entering the following command: xpr 'ZDB-1-AIS' By entering this command xpr 'ZDB-1-AIS' into the catalog of the Common Library Network (GBV), you can also use the display and search function for the Arabic original font which is not yet implemented in our ZMO catalog. The Specialised Information Service in Halle also provides us with the license for various sources such as Afghan Serials Collection. Access to other relevant databases is requested regularly via the National Licenses of the DFG , this year to East India Company, Russian Islamic Studies, Soviet Cinema Online, Afghan Serials Collection and some others.

Arabic titles in the online catalogue
The norm for transliteration of Arabic titles in our electronic catalogue system is the international standard ISO 233 (International Organization for Standardization's norm for Transliteration of Arabic characters into Latin characters) which is also the german DIN 31635. So one should whrite in the input field of the online catalogue t for thāʾ, g for jīm, h for khāʾ, d for dhāl, s for shīn, g for ghayn; a for tāʾ marbūṭa, iya for nisba feminine singular; ai and au for diphthongs, iy and uw for doubling of wāw and yāʾ. To Arab personal names applies the standardised form of
RAK-WB (e.g. Ibn-Bībī, Abu-'l-Faḍl, ʿAbdallāh, ʿAbd-ar-Raḥmān, Muʾaiyad
fi 'd-Dīn).

Opening hours
09:00 - 15:30
Tuesday to Thursday
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 13:00 |

Dr. Thomas Ripper
Phone: +49-(0)30-80307-107
Ursula Benzin
Phone: +49-(0)30-80307-106
Alisher Karabaev
Phone: +49-(0)30-80307-103

Library usage
Holdings can be consulted in the reading room.
Institution code: B 2138
