Kyara Klausmann
Education | Working experience | Languages

2014-2016 |
M. A. in Global History at Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt University Berlin
M. A. thesis on the relation of the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan to the Soviet Union (“Marx war kein Afghane. Beziehung der Demokratischen Volkspartei Afghanistans zur Sowjetunion, 1965 – 1978”) |
09/2015-01/2016 |
Advanced level Farsi class at Dehkhoda Lexicon Institute & International Center for Persian Studies in Teheran, Iran |
2010-2014 |
B. A. in History and Area Studies Asia/Africa at Humboldt University Berlin
B. A. thesis on the development of the relation of center and periphery in the Soviet Union with the beginning of Stalinism (“Eine lokale soft line-Behörde zwischen soft line- und hard line-Politik. Der Umgang des ispolkom in Rossoš' mit der Ukrainisierung der Schulen im Kontext des beginnenden Stalinismus“) |
09/2012-06/2013 |
Semester abroad at Voronezh State University, Russia |
Working experience 
2014-2016 |
Tutor for academic writing at the Institute for Asian and African Studies, HU Berlin |
Several internships at academic institutions in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Germany |
German, English, Persian (Farsi/Dari), Russian, Spanish |
