Deniz Yonucu
Education | Current Academic Positions | Selected Awards | Courses taught and previous Academic Positions | Works in Progress | Academic Publications | Selected Semi-Academic Publications & OP-EDs | Workshops | Conferences | Invited Talks and Lectures | Conference & Workshop Organization | Research Experience | Membership | Languages Page 

2014 |
Ph.D, Cornell University, Department of Anthropology.
Dissertation Title: Operations of Law and Sovereignty from Below: Youth, Violence and Dis/order in Urban Turkey. |
2009 |
Visiting Fellow, Columbia University, Department of Anthropology. |
2006 |
MA, University of Chicago, Social Sciences. |
2005 |
MA, Boğaziçi University, Sociology Department. |
2002 |
BA, Istanbul Bilgi University, Sociology Department. (Ranking the 1st) |
Current Academic Positions 
2016-2018 |
Alexander Von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow of Forum Transregionale Studien & Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient. |
Summer 2017 |
Freie University, Department of Anthropology, Lecturer. |
Selected Awards 
2015- 2018 |
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Georg Foster Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship. |
Spring 2015 |
British Council Researcher Links Travel Grant, Newton & Katip Çelebi Fund. |
2014 |
Salt Research Award |
2013-2014 |
Türkiye Özgür Eğitim Kültür Vakfı, Dissertation Writing Grant. |
2012 |
Graduate School Summer Research Grant, Cornell University. |
2010-2011 |
Wenner-Gren Foundation, Dissertation Research Grant. |
2010-2011 |
Ford Foundation, Middle-East Research Competition, Dissertation Research Grant. |
2009-2010 |
Teaching Assistantship, Cornell University. |
2009 |
Sicca/Manon Pre-Dissertation Summer Research Grant, Institute for European Studies, Cornell University. |
2008 |
Special Distinction Award, The Irmgard Coninx Foundation, Essay Competition. |
2008 |
Summer Language Grant, Cornell University, Graduate School. |
2008 |
Euinadi Center International Travel Grant, Cornell University. |
2007-2009 |
Sage Fellowship, Cornell University. |
2005 |
Tuition Waiver, University of Chicago. |
2005 |
Stipend Grant for MA education at University Chicago, Istanbul Bilgi University Association. |
1997-2002 |
Higher Education Council of Turkey University Entrance Exam Success Grant, Tuition waiver and stipend. |
Courses taught and Previous Academic Positions 
2017 |
Freie University, Department of Anthropology, Lecturer, Summer 2017.
Urban Anthropology, (297C1, MA Level) |
2015 |
London School of Economics and Political Science, European Institute, Visiting Scholar, April-September 2015. |
2014 |
Beykent University, Department of Sociology, Assistant Professor, 2014- 2015.
Social Movements (SOC 305), Non-Governmental Organizations (HUM 203), Fall 2014. |
2014 |
Sabancı University, Cultural Studies Department, Lecturer.
Anthropological approaches to law and dis/order (ANTH 515, MA Level), Summer 2014. |
2011-2014 |
Boğaziçi University, Department of Sociology, Lecturer & Department of Political Science, Lecturer.
Anthropological approaches to law and dis/order (POLS 482), Summer 2013.
Introduction to Sociology (SOC 101), Summer 2011 & Summer 2014.
State and Society in Comparative Perspective, SOC 360, Summer 2012 & Summer 2013. |
2014-2015 |
Özyeğin University, Humanities Division, Lecturer.
Culture and Society CULT 301, Fall 2015 &2014. |
2011 |
Doğuş University, Department of Sociology, Lecturer.
Introduction to Social Anthropology (HUM 201), Fall 2011. |
2009-2010 |
Cornell University, Department of Anthropology, Teaching Assistant,
Ancient Peoples and Ancient Histories (ANTH 201), Spring 2010;
Comparison of Cultures (ANTH 101), Fall 2009. |
2004-2005 |
Boğaziçi University, Department of Sociology, Research Assistant. |
Works in Progress 
Manuscript: |
Violence and Counter-Violence in Istanbul’s Working-Class Alevi Neighborhoods: Crime, Policing and Extra-Legal Justice |
Articles: |
Terrorists, Vigilantes or Great Criminals: Extra-Legal Justice in a Working Class Neighborhood of Istanbul” (Revised & Resubmitted, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research) |
Turkey’s Anti-terror Law and Its Ambiguity: Law and Sovereignty at the Margins (Under Review Social & Legal Studies) |
Acadmic Publications 
2014 |
“Sömürgeci Şehircilik Biçiminin Mirası ve Siyasi Olanın Kültüre Tercümesi: Paris’in Banliyöleri ve Gazze örnekleri”, [The Legacy of the Colonial Urbanism and Translation of Cultural to the Political: Paris’s banlieues and Gaza] İktisat Dergisi, No. 526. June 2014. |
2011 |
“Capitalism, Desperation and Urgency”, Red Thread Online Journal, Issue III, 2011. |
2008 |
“A Story of a Squatter Neighborhood: From the place of the ‘dangerous classes’ to the ‘place of danger’” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 2008. Volume 52. (Invited Paper) |
Books Chapters 
2017 |
“The State and Violence in Turkey: Introduction to the Interview with Tanıl Bora” in Contemporary Turkey: Conversations on Today’s Political Challenges, ed. Emrah Altindis and Gaye Özpinar. IBTauris, Forthcoming. |
2014 |
“Türkiye'de Bir Yönetim Biçimi Olarak Mekansal Ayrıştırma: Tehlikeli Mahalleler, Olağanüstü Hal ve Militarist Sınır Çizimi” [Spatial Segregation as a Technology of Governance in Turkey: Dangerous Neighborhoods, State of Emergency and the Drawing of Militarized Boundaries.] in Yeni Istanbul Çalışmaları [New Istanbul Studies] edited by, Ayfer Bartu Candan & Cenk Özbay, Metis. |
2013 |
“European Istanbul and its enemies: Istanbul’s working class as the constitutive outside of the modern/European Istanbul” in Ruhr Area and Istanbul: The Economies of Urban Diversity, Editors: Salzbrunn Palgrave. |
2011 |
“Legitimizing Violence and Segregation: Neoliberal Discourses on Crime and Criminalization of Urban Poor Populations in Turkey” with Zeynep Gönen, in Lumpen-City: Discourses of Marginality | Marginalizing Discourse, Editors: Bourke, A. Red Quill. |
2004 |
“İnsan Haklarının Öznesi Olmak için” [Human Rights and Civil Society in Turkey] with Meltem Ahıska, Zafer Yenal and Enis Köstepen in Hikayemi Dinler misin? Tanıklarla Türkiye’de İnsan Hakları ve Sivil Toplum, Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı. |
Selected Semi-Academic Publications & OP-EDs 
19 November 2016 |
United in Nationalism: Notes on the Aftermath of the Failed Coup Attempt in Turkey, Jadalliya. |
June 2016 |
Turkey’s War and Struggle of Its Academics, with Erdem Evren, ZMO Bulletin, No.30. |
September 2015 |
Sömürgeci Ülkenin Aydını ve Muhalifi Olmak, [Being a Critical Intellectual and a Leftist in a Colonizing Country] Birikim Güncel. |
September 2015 |
Türkiyede Mehzepsel Kutuplaşma, Devlet Krizi ve Günenlik (Sectarian Polarization in Turkey, Crisis of Governance and Security), Saha, No.1. |
8 June 2014 |
“Gazze üzerinden Okmeydanı’nı düşünmek” [Thinking Okmeydani With Gaza] Evrensel Pazar. |
1 June 2014 |
“Okmeydanı Üzerine Notlar” [Notes on Okmeydanı] Evrensel Pazar. |
May 2014 |
“İdare Tekniği Olarak Farklılıkların Abartılması, Militarist Mekânsal Ayrıştırma ve Alevilerin yoğun olarak yaşadığı mahalleler” [Exaggerating Differences as a technique of governance, Militarist Special Segregation and Alevi Populated Neighborhoods] Birikim. No 301. |
January 2014 |
“Kapitalizm, Suçlulaştırma ve Siyaset” [Capitalism, Criminalization and Politics], Birikim. |
October 2011 |
“Koruma Sorumluluğu Doktrini ve Yeni Sömürgecilik” [Responsibility to Protect Doctrine and Neo-colonialism], Evrensel Kültür. |
June 2009 |
“Modern Bir İcat Olarak Töre” [Honor Crime as a Modern Invention] with Ebru Mocos, Evrensel Kültür. |
December 2008 |
“Obama, Secimler, Harlem” [Obama, presidential elections, Harlem], Evrensel Kültür. |
13 March 2005 |
“Hırsız Kim?” [Who are the Criminals: News Reports on Crime] with Eylem Akçay and Oyman Başaran, in Radikal 2. |
24 June 2003 |
“Küresel Direniş ve Barış Hareketinin Dönüşümü” [Global Resistance and the Transformation of Peace Movement] with Eylem Akçay and Gökhan İrfanoğlu, www. bianet. org. |
8 December 2003 |
“Çağlayan Karnavalı: İstanbul’da Savaş Karşıtı Gösteriler” [Carnival of Caglayan: Anti- War Demonstrations in Istanbul] with Eylem Akçay and Erkan Gökber in Radikal İki. |
21 June 2016 |
“Provocation of Counter-Violence as Security Practice: Policing, Security and Fear in Urban Turkey" Workshop Titled: « Riots » and mobilizations against violent police deviances : an international comparative perspective, Maison Max Weber, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre. |
15 June 2015 |
“Becoming a ‘terrorist’: State, Sovereignty, and Law from Below”, Empirical Socio-Legal Forum, LSE Department of Law. |
25 August - 5 September 2014 |
Participated in the International Summer Academy, titled “Conflict and Mobility: Urban Space, Youth and Social Transformations,” organized by Forum Transregionale Studien. Paper Presented: “From Center to Margin: Rethinking Gezi Uprisings with Istanbul’s Alevi Neighborhoods.”École de Gouvernance et d'Économie (EGE) in Rabat. |
10-12 June 2014 |
Human Rights Pedagogy Workshop, Raul Wallenberg Institute, Lund University. |
7-8 December 2012 |
“The Dark Side of Beautiful Istanbul: Istanbul’s State of Emergency Zones”, City Crossings: Claiming The Past, Making The Present In Beirut, Cairo, and Istanbul, Sabancı University & Boğaziçi University. |
17-21 October 2012 |
“The Cycle of Isolation and Violence: Emergence of State of Exception Zones in Istanbul’s Alevi Neighborhoods” 16th Berlin Roundtables on Revolutions, workshop sponsored by Irmgard Coninx Foundation, Social Science Research Center Berlin. |
13-16 January 2011 |
“The Middle Class Take over of Istanbul: Commodification of the City and Re-Marginalization of Poverty”, Die Ökonomie der urbanen Vielfalt: Ruhrgebiet – Istanbul, Internationales Symposium der Global Young Faculty. |
11-17 June 2008 |
“From Workers to Criminals: Marginalization and Criminalization of the Urban Poor Populations of Istanbul,” Eighth Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality Urban Planet: Collective Identities, Governance And Empowerment In Megacities, Irmgard Coninx Foundation & Social Science Research Center Berlin. |
16-17 June 2003 |
The Transformation of the Peace Movement and the Global Resistance, War and Peace Workshop, Bogazici University. |
23 May 2015 |
"Spatial Segregation and Sectarian Marking of Istanbul’s leftist-identified Alevi populated working class neighborhoods: Divide and Rule, Culture Talk and Reduction of the Political to Cultural" The Second Annual Conference of Turkish Studies, İpek University. |
18 October 2014 |
“Violence in Alevi Neighborhoods: Reflections on Conflict, Politics and Radicalization,” Contemporary Turkey at a Glance: Turkey Transformed? Power, History, Culture. London School of Economics & Istanbul Bilgi University. |
22 December 2013 |
“Kim Terörist Olur? Yasanın ve Yasanın Adaletsizliğinin Vaadi” [Who is the Terrorist?: The Promise of Law and Injustice] Türkiye'nin İnsan Hakları Gündemi Konferansı, [Turkey’s Human Rights Agenda Conference]. Istanbul Technical University. |
8 November 2012 |
“From Public Places to State of Exception Zones: Istanbul’s Alevi Populated, Leftist Identified Neighborhoods” First International Conference on Anthropology and Urban Conflict, University of Barcelona. |
13 March 2009 |
“Imagining the Modern World City and its Enemy: Marginalization and Criminalization of the Urban Poor Populations in Turkey”, Lumpen-City: Discourses of Marginality | Marginalizing Discourse Conference, York University. |
14 March 2008 |
“A Story of a Squatter Neighborhood: The place of “danger” and exclusion”, Berkeley Journal of Sociology Conference. |
21 September 2007 |
“Poor Populations of Istanbul as the Dangerous Other”, Third Annual Conference of the Cornell- Binghamton European Consortium. |
15 April 2006 |
“From the place of the ‘dangerous classes’ to the ‘place of danger’: Emergence of New Youth Subjectivities in Zeytinburnu”, 8th Annual Chicago Ethnography Conference, University of Chicago. |
8 April 2006 |
“Dangerous Criminals versus Innocent Citizens: Representation of the Criminals in the Turkish Media” The Second Annual Graduate Student Conference in Cultural and Social Anthropology, Stanford University. |
3 May 2002 |
“Being a ‘Western’ Woman Researcher in the ‘East’”, 8th Annual Sociology Students’ Congress, Mimar Sinan University and Istanbul Bilgi University. |
Invited Talks and Lectures 
17 February 2017 |
“The AKP Government and Rising Authoritarianism in Turkey”, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaften - Universität Hamburg. |
8 February 2017 |
“Waiting Before the Law: Turkey's Anti-Terror Law and Legal Violence”, Forum Transregionale Studien,. |
2 May 2016 |
“Crime, Extra-Legal Security and Anti-Politics in Istanbul's Alevi Neighborhoods”, LMU zu München, Oberseminar - Vortragsreihe des Instituts für Ethnologie. |
10 February 2016 |
"Violence and Counter-Violence in Alevi Populated Neighborhoods: Sovereignty and Politics", Forschungskolloquium Turkistik, Universität Duisburg-Essen. |
1 June 2016 |
“Militarization Effect of Turkey's Anti-Terror Law" Panel Discussion titled Democracy in Turkey at Crossroads? Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. |
22 November 2014 |
Key Note Speaker: “Police Violence and Dangerous Classes: The possibilities of politics in the age of security and anti-politics” 31st Bienal de São Paulo. |
24 September 2014 |
“Working Class Neighborhoods of Turkey”, Mahalle meets Stadt Quartier Program, co-organized by Berlin University of Technology and MSGSU. |
21 March 2014 |
“ La banlieue: Youth revolts in post-colonial Paris,” Harvard College in Asia Program. |
18 February 2014 |
“Operations of Anti-terror Law from Below: Youth, Violence and Disorder in Urban Turkey,” Istanbul Technical University, Humanities Department Lecture Series. |
30 November 2012 |
“Violence of the Law/ The Law of Violence: State of Exception and Agamben’s theory of Sovereignty”, The Department of Political Science Talks, Istanbul University. |
Conference and Workshop Organization 
12-13 May 2017 |
The State of Law in Turkey: Judicialization of Politics and Rising Authoritarianism (Workshop), Leibniz- Zentrum Moderner Orient, Forthcoming, |
5-7 December 2014 |
2nd Annual Turkey’s Human Rights Agenda Conference, Istanbul Technical University. Funded by Raul-Wallenberg Institute. |
Research Experience 
04/2015-09/2015 |
Post-Dissertation Field Research. “Alevi Youth, Crime and Ethno-Religious Tensions in London.” Funded by British Council Researcher Links Travel Grant, Newton Fund. |
04/2014-02/2015 |
Post-Dissertation Field Research. “Urban Violence and Working-Class Alevi Youth Militarization.” Funded by Salt Research Grant. |
09/2010-07/2012 |
Dissertation Field Research, titled “Operations of Law and Sovereignty from Below: Youth, Violence and Dis/order in Urban Turkey.” Funded by Wenner-Gren Research Foundation and Ford Foundation (Middle East Research Competition). |
12/2006-08/2007 |
Head Research Assistant for the project titled, “Structural and Spatial Transformation of Post-1990 Istanbul.” The project was directed by Associate Prof. Biray Kolluoğlu and Associate Prof. Ayfer Bartu Candan and sponsored by The Scientific and Technologic Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). |
08/2003-04/2004 |
Research Assistant for the book and exhibition project titled: “Human Rights and Civil Society in Turkey” organized by The Economic and Social History Foundation of Turkey, directed by Associate Prof. Zafer Yenal and Associate Prof. Meltem Ahıska. Worked as an interviewer and researcher for the preparation of exhibition content, which was based on short oral histories. |
07/2003-11/2003 |
Research Assistant for project titled: “Agrarian Change Under Globalization: Post-National Paths of Rural Transformation” directed by Prof. Cağlar Keyder and Associate Prof. Zafer Yenal and funded by MEAwards. Participated to the research in the summer of 2003covering several towns and villages in Turkey and reported the field research. |
American Anthropology Association |
Raul-Wallenberg Institute, Human Rights Network. |
Turkish |
Native |
English |
Fluent |
German |
B1 |
