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Strategies of adaption and dissociation
Islamic missionary groups from South Asia in the European diaspora – the Tablighi Jama’at and the Da’wat-i Islami

Islamic Training Institutes in Germany
links to Training Institutes in the Middle East and Europe

Between participation and disengagement
The Muslim minority and its schools in South Africa and Europe

Islamism, the Reform of Islam, and Civil Religion in France

„Pioneers of 'Euro-Islam'“?
The role of Muslim women in the Milli Görüs. Crossed views: Germany-Turkey

The Ahmadiya in Germany
Areas of conflict between Islamic identity and secular embedment




Federal Ministry of Education and Research: The Social Sciences in the social dialogue

Project Management by the German Aerospace Center (GAC)

Fellow Projects in the funding initiative “The Social Sciences in the social dialogue”:

Mobilisation of Religion in Europe

Theatre and Festivity in Europe. The Staging of Identity and Community (in german)

The past future of Europe. Cultural sciences’ analysis of demographic prognosis and knowledge orders in the 20th and 21st century

Imagined Europeans. The Scientific Construction of Homo europaeus

Topography of European plural cultures concerning the Transfer of Europe to the East”
Short titel. Europe / East (only in German)

Other Projects:

Summer School „Muslims in the West“, Universität Erfurt

Der Geist der Globabelisierung und die Vielfalt religiöser Symbolsprachen
Projekt zur Erforschung der religiösen Vielfalt des Ruhrgebiets der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Gefördert von BMBF im Rahmen des Hochschulwettbewerbs "Geist begeistert" zum Jahr der Geisteswissenschaften 2007

Diversity and Social Protection among Turkish Residents in Germany and Australia
Project located at Heidelberg University (Prof. Dr. Claudia Derichs) in Cooperation with Monash University in Australia (Dr. Wendy A. Smith).


BMBF - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung   ZMO -Zentrum Moderner Orient   Universität Hamburg   Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)   Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Copyright © Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient