
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen









Dr. Malte Fuhrmann

Research Interests | Learning, Research and Employment | Prizes | Projects Funded by Third Parties and Scholarships | Coordination of Academic Events in Cooperation | Publications

Research Interests nach oben

19th and 20th century political, cultural and social history; history of Southeast Europe; history of the Habsburg, Ottoman, and German Empires; Ottoman-European relations; urban history (especially port cities in Mediterranean and global perspective); urban planning; global cities and collective memory; postcolonial constellations in the Euro-Mediterranean region; transnational theory; nationalism; migration; marginality; railway history; World War I and militarism.

Learning, Research, and Employment
nach oben

as of Sept. 2018

Research Fellow at Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin, working on: “Developmentality in Southeast Europe: The Evolution of Developmental Discourse in Bulgaria and Turkey in the Debate on Transport Infrastructure (1908-1989)”

Sept. 2016 – Aug. 2018

DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) lecturer at Istanbul Bilgi University’s European Institute, International Relations Department

Oct. 2014 – Sept. 2015

Visiting Assistant Professor for Cultural History of the Mediterranean at Ruhr University Bochum

since Sept. 2013

Lecturer for the Social Science Master Studies Program Intercultural Management at the Turkish-German University Istanbul

Sept. 2009 – Aug. 2013

Research Fellow at Orient-Institut Istanbul, working on: “The European Habitus in the Ottoman City – Urban Planning, Cultural Practices, and Conflict in the 19th and 21st Century”; lecturer at Boğaziçi University History Department (2011)

Oct. 2008 – Aug. 2009

Assistant Professor for European History at Fatih University Istanbul

Jan. 2006 – Sept. 2008

Research Fellow at Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin, working on: “European and Balkan Migrant Workers in the Late Ottoman Port Cities”

May – Dec. 2005

Visiting Researcher at Orient-Institut Istanbul, working on: “The German-Ottoman Military Cooperation as an Intercultural Process”

Oct. 1999 – Apr. 2005

Ph.D. at Freie Universität Berlin: “Constructing a German Orient – Germans in Western Anatolia/Izmir and Macedonia/Salonica 1851 to 1918“; advisors: Prof. Holm Sundhaussen and Prof. Karl Kaser (Graz)

Oct. 1991 – Sept. 1999

Studied History and Balkanology at Freie Universität Berlin; M.A. Thesis: “Housing Revolt and Butter Revolution – Collective Social Protest in the Founding Years of the Reich”; advisors: Prof. Heinrich Volkmann and Prof. Jürgen Kocka

Until June 1989

School in Bangkok/Thailand, Westwood, Mass./USA, Bonn; graduated in Bonn

Prizes nach oben

Received award for best book on colonialism 2006/2007 (see Publications)

Projects Funded by Third Parties and Scholarshipsnach oben

since Sept. 2018

“Developmentality in Southeastern Europe: The Evolution of a Paradigm on Progress  in Bulgaria and Turkey in the Discussion on Traffic Infrastructure (1908-1989)”(DFG/German Research Foundation, 278,150 € approved)

Feb. 2011 – July 2013

Heading and coordinating the book project Bursa and Germans in History (Bursa Municipality 15,000 €)

Jan. 2011 – Feb. 2013

Coordinating Orient-Institut Istanbul’s cooperation with the History Foundation (Tarih Vakfı) on World War I history prior to successful funding application

Dec. 2010

Conference Urban Landscapes of Modernity: Istanbul and the Ruhr Area 2010 (see below), (Mercator Foundation 17,000 €, Istanbul Bilgi University 4,000 €)

Jan. – Sept. 2008

“Being European in the Late Ottoman Port Cities: A Social and Cultural Transformation in a Politically Mined Field” as subproject of the Zentrum Moderner Orient’s research agenda “Worlds of Islam”, financed by the German Research Ministry (my subproject received ca. 130,000 €)

Jan. 2006 – Dec. 2007

“European and Balkan Labor Migrants in the Late Ottoman Port Cities” as subproject of the Zentrum Moderner Orient’s research agenda on “Translocality”, funded by DFG (my subproject received 134,600 €)

May – Dec. 2005

“The German-Turkish Military Cooperation as an Intercultural Process”; Postdoc Scholarship awarded by the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung (20,600 €)

April 2001 – Sept. 2003

“Constructing a German Orient – Germans in Western Anatolia/Izmir and Macedonia/Salonica1851 to 1918”; Berlin State Ph.D. scholarship  (21,500 € as well as ample travel expenses)


Coordination of Academic Events in Cooperation nach oben

21 – 24  June 2018

“Mobilities and Borders around the Modern Mediterranean” (conference), DFG-network A Modern Mediterranean (see below), Orient-Institut Istanbul and Istanbul Bilgi University European Institute

since March 2018

Member of researcher network funded by DFG A Modern Mediterranean: Dynamics of a World Region, 1800-2000 (coordinated by Manuel Borutta)

21 and 22 Sept. 2017

“Infrastructure and the Making of Urban Space: Critical Approaches” (conference), Zentrum Moderner Orient and Bilgi, Boğaziçi, Kemerburgaz universities (with Sanaa Alimia, Nora Lafi, Nazan Maksudyan, Florian Riedler, Funda Soysal, Erol Ülker)

17 Oct. 2012 – 27 Feb. 2013

Reclaiming Istanbul: Public Spaces in Past and Present (lecture series), Orient-Institut Istanbul in cooperation with Koç University

7 – 9 June 2012

Historical and Contemporary Representations of Europe: Turkey, Persia, the Arab World, and Russia (conference)Orient-Institut Istanbul, Humboldt-University, Zentrum Moderner Orient (with Ahmed Badawi)

15 – 18 December 2010

Urban Landscapes of Modernity: Istanbul and the Ruhr Area 2010 (conference), with Istanbul Bilgi and Ruhr University (with M. Erdem Kabadayı and Jürgen Mittag)

10 – 11 May 2007

Migrations and Urban Institutions in the late Ottoman Reform Period, Zentrum Moderner Orient (together with Ulrike Freitag, Nora Lafi, Florian Riedler)

21 – 25 March 2007

The Late Ottoman Port Cities: Subjectivity, Urbanity, and Conflicting Orders” (Workshop) 8th Med. Research Meeting, EUI Florence (with Vangelis Kechriotis)



1. “A Corner of Europe:” The Making of Modern Urban Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean Port Cities, 1800-1914 (ca. 450 pages, under review by Cambridge University Press).

2. Istanbul / Konstantinopel: Geschichte einer Stadt zwischen zwei Kontinenten und zwei Meeren (Istanbul / Constantinople: The Story of a City between Two Continents and Two Seas), Fischer Verlag, ca. 350 pages (under contract, forthcoming 2019).

3. Der Traum vom deutschen Orient. Zwei deutsche Kolonien im Osmanischen Reich 1851-1918 (Imagining a German Orient: Two German Colonies in the Ottoman Empire 1851-1918), Frankfurt: Campus 2006, 419 pages.

Received award as best book on colonialism 2006/2007 (Damals 12/2007).

Der Traum vom deutschen Orient has been reviewed by:
Claus H. Bill, in Nobilitas – Zeitschrift für deutsche Adelsforschung 45/2007, 44-46.
Dennis Dierks, in Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 47 (3/2007), 125-126.
Andreas Eckert, in FAZ 17 Nov. 2006.
Götz Nordbruch, in Qantara.
Dirk Sasse, in Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 12/2007, 1051-1052.
Wolfgang Schwanitz, in DAVO-Nachrichten 27 (8-2008), 93-94.
Joachim Zeller, in Sehepunkte 6 (2006), 7/8.

Edited Volumes and Journals

4. Bursa und die Deutschen / Tarihte Bursa ve Almanlar (Bursa and the Germans in History), Bursa: Kültür A.Ş. 2016, together with Raoul Motika.

5. The City in the Ottoman Empire: Migration and the Making of Urban Modernity, London: Routledge 2011, together with Ulrike Freitag, Nora Lafi, Florian Riedler.

The City in the Ottoman Empire has been reviewed by:
Gottfried Hagen, in International Journal of Turkish Studies 21 (2015, 1/2), 150-153.
Nenad Stefanov, in H-Soz-u-Kult 25 Oct. 2012.
Philippe Pétriat, in Arabica 58 (6/Dec. 2011) 598-602.

6. Mediterranean Historical Review 24 (2/2009, special edition): The Late Ottoman Port Cities: Subjectivity, Urbanity, and Conflicting Orders, together with Vangelis Kechriotis.

7. Comparativ – Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsgeschichte 17 (2007/2, special edition): Hafenstädte – Mobilität, Migration, Globalisierung (Port Cities – Mobility, Migration, Globalization), together with Lars Amenda.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journal

8. “Hattuscha gegen Hellas, Medina gegen Rom: Die nicht abgeschlossene Suche nach einem historischen Vorbild der türkischen Stadtentwicklung”, (Hattusha vs. Hellas, Medina vs. Rome: The Continuing Quest for a Historical Model of Turkish Urban Development) in Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch 45 (forthcoming 2018).

9. “Taksim Square and the Struggle to Rule Istanbul’s Past” in Critique & Humanism 44 (2016), 163-190 (updated and much expanded version of “Istanbul’s Pasts: Raw Material for Constructing the City’s Future”, see Chapters).

10. “Beer, the Drink of a Changing World. Beer Consumption and Production on the Shores of the Aegean in the 19th Century” in Turcica 45 (2014), 79-123.

11. “Ploštad ‘Taksim’ i bitkata na kontrol vârhu minaloto na Istanbul” in Kritika i Humanizâm 42 (1-2/2013; translated version of  “Istanbul’s Pasts: Raw Material for Constructing the City’s Future”, see Chapters), 233-269.

12. “‘Western Perversions’ at the Threshold of Felicity: The European Prostitutes of Galata-Pera (1870-1915)” in History and Anthropology 21 (2/2010), 159-172.

13. “Almanya Potsdam’da Enver Paşa Köprüsü” (The Enver Paşa Bridge in Potsdam, Germany) in Toplumsal Tarih 200 (Aug. 2010; translated and extended version of “Potsdam: Die Enver-Pascha-Brücke”, see Chapters), 46-52.

14. „Down and Out on the Quays of İzmir: ‘European’ Musicians, Innkeepers, and Prostitutes in the Ottoman Port Cities“ in Mediterranean Historical Review 24 (2/2009), 169-185 (see Edited Volumes and Journals).

15. “The Late Ottoman Port Cities and their Inhabitants: Subjectivity, Urbanity, and Conflicting Orders. Editorial” in Mediterranean Historical Review 24 (2/2009), 71-78 (together with Vangelis Kechriotis, see Edited Volumes and Journals).

16. “Anatolia in German Colonial Imagination and Practise, 1800-1918” in New Perspectives on Turkey 41 (2009), 117-150.

17. “Meeresanrainer – Weltenbürger? Zum Verhältnis von hafenstädtischer Gesellschaft und Kosmopolitismus” (The Seaside Resident – A Citizen of the World? On the Relationship between Port City Society and Cosmopolitanism) in Comparativ 17 (2007/2), 12-26 (see Edited Volumes and Journals).

18. “Hafenstädte in globaler Perspektive. Einleitung” (Port Cities in Global Perspective: An Introduction) in Comparativ 17 (2007/2), 7-11 (together with Lars Amenda, see Edited Volumes and Journals).

19. “Das koloniale Erbe im deutsch-griechischen Verhältnis. Ein Plädoyer für die postcolonial studies in der südosteuropäischen Geschichte” (Colonial Legacy in German-Greek Relations: A Plea for a Postcolonial Approach to Southeast European History) in Jahrbücher für Geschichte und Kulturen Südosteuropas 7 (2005), 177-205.

20. “Cosmopolitan Imperialists and the Ottoman Port Cities: Conflicting Logics in the Urban Social Fabric” in Cahiers de la Mediterranée 67 (Dec. 2003), 150–163, also .

21. “Den Orient deutsch machen. Imperiale Diskurse des Kaiserreiches über das Osmanische Reich” (Germanizing the Orient: Imperial German Discourses on the Ottoman Empire) in Kakanien Revisited. Internet-Plattform für Mittelosteuropaforschung (28 July 2002).

Chapters in Edited Volumes

22. “Ox vs. Steam. A Short Reflection on Late Ottoman Urban Transport”, in Urban Infrastructures in the Global South: From Colonial to Neoliberal Models, Florian Riedler, Barış Ülker (eds.), (forthcoming 2019).

23. “Save Haydarpaşa: A Train Station as Object of Conflicting Visions of the Past” in The City and the Railway in the World, 19th to 21st Centuries, Ralf Roth, Paul van Heesvelde (eds.), London: Routledge (forthcoming 2019).

24. “Was there a Levantine Community in 19th Century Istanbul? A Quest for an Elusive Identity”, in Recovering the Voices of Late Ottoman Istanbul’s Multiethnic Residents through Self-Narratives (1830-1930): Exploring Sources and Research Paradigms, Christoph Herzog, Gabriele Jancke, Richard Wittmann (eds.), London: Routledge(forthcoming 2019).

25. “Wanderlust, Follies, and Self-Inflicted Misfortunes: The Memoirs of Anna Forneris and her Thirty Years in Constantinople and the Levant” in “Istanbul” – “Kushta” – “Constantinople”: Diversity of Identities and Personal Narratives (1830-1900), Christoph Herzog, Richard Wittmann (eds.), London: Routledge(forthcoming 2018), 30-43.

26. “Go East: Deutsche und österreichische Arbeiter in der Türkei und auf dem Balkan vor 100 Jahren” (Go East: German and Austrian Workers in Turkey and the Balkans a Hundred Years Ago, reprint of chapter below) in Österreich in Istanbul III: K. (u.) K. Präsenz im Osmansichen Reich (Austria in Istanbul III: Habsburg Presence in the Ottoman Empire), Elmar Samsinger (ed.), Vienna: Lit 2018, 200-219.

27. “Die Bagdadbahn” (The Baghdad Railway, reprint of chapter below) in Osmanen in Hamburg. Hamburger im Osmanischen Reich. Eine Beziehungsgeschichte von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Zeit des Ersten Weltkrieges (Ottomans in Hamburg, Hamburg Citizens in the Ottoman Empire: A History of a Relationship from the mid-19th Century to the First World War) Yavuz Köse (ed.), Hamburg:.University Press 2016, 91-110.

28. “Papierblumen, Seide und Thermen am Fuße des Olymps. Bursa in deutschsprachigen Reiseberichten von der Renaissance bis zur Romantik / Uludağ Eteklerinde Kağıt Çiçekler, İpekler ve Kaplıcalar. Rönesans’tan Romantik Çağ’a Almanca Seyahatnamelerde Bursa” (Paper Flowers, Silk, and Thermal Baths at the Foot of Olympos: Bursa in German Language Travelogues from Renaissance to Romanticism) in Bursa und die Deutschen (together with Richard Wittmann, see Edited Volumes and Journals), 43-67.

29. “Deutsche Präsenz in Bursa zu Zeiten Abdülhamids II. (1876-1909) / II. Abdülhamid Devrinde Bursa’daki Alman Varlığı (1876-1909)” (German Presence in Bursa during the Time of Abdülhamid II) in Bursa und die Deutschen (see above), 68-80.

30. “Deutsche Präsenz in Bursa zu Zeiten der Jungtürken (1908-1918) / Jöntürkler zamanında Bursa’da Almanlar (1908-1918)” (German Presence in Bursa during the Young Turk Period, 1908-1918) in Bursa und die Deutschen (see above), 81-87.

31. “Ein Tag in Bursa im Mai 1917, zwei Begegnungen / Bursa’da Mayıs 1917’de Bir Gün, İki Karşılaşma” (One Day in Bursa in May 1917, Two Encounters) in Bursa und die Deutschen (see above), 104-113.

32. “Friedrich Sarre, der zeitgenössische ‚Orient’ und der Weltkrieg” (Friedrich Sarre, the Contemporary ‘Orient’ and the World War) Wie die islamische Kunst nach Berlin kam. Der Sammler und Musuemsdirektor Friedrich Sarre (How Islamic Art Came to Berlin: The Collector and Museum Director Friedrich Sarre), Julia Gonnella, Jens Kröger (eds.), Berlin: Reimer 2015, 47-59.

33. “North to South Migration in the Imperial Era: Workers and Vagabonds between Vienna and Constantinople” in Urban Governance Under the Ottomans: Between Cosmopolitanism and Conflict, Ulrike Freitag, Nora Lafi (eds.), London: Routledge 2014, 187-212.

34. “Spies, Victims, Collaborators and Humanitarian Interventionists: The Germans on the Hellenic and Ottoman Shore of the Aegean” in Germans as Minorities During the First World War: A Global Comparative Perspective, Panikos Panayi (ed.), Farnham (Surrey): Ashgate 2014, 189-212.

35. “Istanbul, die Deutschen und das 19. Jahrhundert. Wege, die sich kreuzen” (Intersecting Paths: Istanbul, the Germans, and the 19th Century):  in Daheim in Istanbul. Daheim in Konstantinopel. Deutsche Spuren am Bosporus ab 1850 / Memleketimiz Dersaadet 1850’den itibaren Boğaziçi’ndeki Alman izleri, (At Home in Constantinople: German Traces on the Bosporus since 1850), Erald Pauw (ed.), Nuremberg 2014, 23-38.

36. “Istanbul’s Pasts: Raw Material for Constructing the City’s Future” in Ottoman Legacies in the Contemporary Mediterranean: The Middle East and the Balkans Compared, Eyal Ginio, Karl Kaser (eds.), Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem Press 2013, 255-285.

37. “Die Bagdadbahn” (The Baghdad Railway) in Kein Platz an der Sonne. Erinnerungsorte der deutschen Kolonialgeschichte (No Place in the Sun: Lieux de Mémoire of German Colonial History), Jürgen Zimmerer (ed.), Frankfurt: Campus 2013, 190-207.

38. “‘Our New and Great Cultural Missions in the Orient:’ German Faith-Based and Secular Missionary Activities in the late Ottoman Empire” in Germany and Turkey in Interaction: Religious Identities and Institutions,Günter Seufert, Haldun Gülalp (eds.), London: Routledge 2013, 47-60.

39. “Deutschlands Abenteuer im Orient. Eine Geschichte semi-kolonialer entanglements” (German version of  “German Adventures in the Orient”, see below) in Türkisch-Deutsche Beziehungen. Perspektiven aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart (German-Turkish Relations: Perspectives from Past and Present), Claus Schönig, Ramazan Çalik, Hatice Bayraktar (eds.), Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag 2012, 10-33.

40. “Vagrants, Prostitutes, and Bosnians: Making and Unmaking European Supremacy in Ottoman Southeast Europe” in Conflicting Loyalties: Social (Dis-)integration and National Turn in the Late and Post-Ottoman Balkan Societies (1839–1914), Nathalie Clayer, Hannes Grandits, Robert Pichler (eds.), London: I.B. Tauris 2011, 15-45.

41. “Staring at the Sea, Staring at the Land: Waterfront Modernization in Nineteenth Century Ottoman Cities as a Site of Cultural Change” in Port Cities: Dynamic Landscapes and Global Networks, Carola Hein (ed.), London: Routledge 2011, 138-154.

42. “Die Mekkabahn / The Mecca Railway” in Roads of Arabia (Exhibition Catalogue, Museum for Islamic Art), Joachim Gierlichs (ed.), Berlin: Wasmuth 2011, 288-297.

43. “‘I would rather be in the Orient.’ European Lower Class Immigrants into the Ottoman Lands” in The City in the Ottoman Empire: Migration and the Making of Urban Modernity, 228-241 (see Edited Volumes and Journals).

44. “Migration and the Making of Urban Modernity in the Ottoman Empire and Beyond” (together with Ulrike Freitag, Nora Lafi, Florian Riedler) in The City in the Ottoman Empire, 1-7 (see Edited Volumes and Journals).

45. “Germany’s Adventures in the Orient: A History of Ambivalent Semi-Colonial Entanglements” in Colonial (Dis)-Continuities: Race, Holocaust, and Postwar Germany, Volker Langbehn, Mohammad Salama (eds.), New York: Columbia University Press 2011, 123-145.

46. “Peripherie und Wiege der Zivilisation. Die schwierige Verortung des ‚griechischen Orients’ im Europadiskurs des späten 19. Jahrhunderts” (Periphery and Cradle of Civilization: The Difficult Framing of the ‘Greek Orient’ in late 19th Century European Discourse) in Griechische Dimensionen südosteuropäischer Kultur seit dem 18. Jahrhundert (Greek Dimensions of Southeast European Culture since the 18th Century), Maria Oikonomou, Maria Stassinopoulou, Ioannis Zelepos (eds.), Berlin: Peter Lang 2011, 45-56.

47. “Go East: Deutsche und österreichische Arbeiter in der Türkei und auf dem Balkan vor 100 Jahren” (Go East: German and Austrian Laborers in Turkey and the Balkans 100 Years Ago) in Europa im Nahen Osten – Der Nahe Osten in Europa (Europe in the Middle East – The Middle East in Europe), Angelika Neuwirth, Günter Stock (eds.), Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften 2010, 299-314.

48. “Vom stadtpolitischen Umgang mit dem Erbe der Europäisierung in Istanbul, Izmir und Thessaloniki” (On Municipal Attitudes towards the Legacy of Europeanization in Istanbul, Izmir, and Thessaloniki) in Bilderwelten – Weltbilder: Die Gegenwart der Vergangenheit in postosmanischen Metropolen Südosteuropas: Thessaloniki, Istanbul, Izmir (Images of the World, Worlds of Images: The Present of the Past in post-Ottoman Metropoles of Southeast Europe), Ulrike Tischler, Ioannis Zelepos (eds.), Frankfurt (M.): Peter Lang 2009, 19-62.

49. “Das deutsche Krankenhaus” (The German Hospital) in Deutsche Präsenz am Bosporus (German Presence on the Bosporus), Matthias von Kummer (ed.), Istanbul: Zero Books 2009, 257-270.

50. “Potsdam: Die Enver-Pascha-Brücke” (Potsdam: The Enver Pasha Bridge) in Kolonialismus hierzulande (Colonialism at Home), Ulrich van der Heyden, Joachim Zeller (eds.), Erfurt: Sutton 2008, 209-214.
51. “Zwei Völker in Waffen. Türkisch-deutsche Interdependenzen beim nation building” (Two Nations in Arms: German-Turkish Interdependencies in Nation Building) in Schnittstellen. Gesellschaft, Nation, Konflikt und Erinnerung in Südosteuropa. (Interfaces: Society, Nation, Conflict and Memory in Southeast Europe) Südosteuropäische Arbeiten 133, Ulf Brunnbauer, Andreas Helmedach, Stefan Troebst (eds.), Munich: Oldenbourg 2007, 231-244.

Encyclopedia and Handbook Articles

52. “Humann, Hans” in International Encyclopedia of the First World War, Oliver Janz, Nicolas Apostolopoulos (eds.), (23 Aug. 2016).

53. “Sarre, Friedrich Paul Theodor” in International Encyclopedia of the First World War (see above), (23 Aug. 2016).

54. “Ritualmordvorwurf in Amasya (1530)” (Accusation of Ritual Murder in Amasya) in Handbuch des Antisemitismus: Judenfeindschaft in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Handbook on Antisemitism: Judeophobia in Past and Present) vol. IV, Wolfgang Benz et al. (ed.), Munich: K.G. Saur 2011 (together with Florian Riedler), 343.

55. “Varlık Vergisi (1942)” in Handbuch des Antisemitismus vol. IV (see above, together with Florian Riedler), 412.

56. “Vertreibung der Juden aus Thrakien (1934)” (Expulsion of the Jews from Thrace) in Handbuch des Antisemitismus vol. IV (see above, together with Florian Riedler), 422.

57. “Osmanisches Reich” (Ottoman Empire) in Handbuch zur Antisemitismusforschung (Handbook for Research on Antisemitism) vol. I, Wolfgang Benz et al. (eds.), Munich: K.G. Saur 2008, with Florian Riedler), 253-259.

58. “Türkei” (Turkey) in Handbuch zur Antisemitismusforschung vol. I (see above,  with Florian Riedler), 370-374.

Published Conference Papers

59. “Constructing the Façade of Ottoman Urban Modernity: The Star Architects of Istanbul, Salonica, and Izmir” in Proceedings of the First Architectural History Conference of Turkey, Middle Eastern Technical University Architecture Dept. (ed.), Ankara: ODTÜ 2017.

60. “Visions of Germany in Turkey: Legitimizing German Imperialist Penetration of the Ottoman Empire” in The Contours of Legitimacy in Central Europe: New Approaches in Graduate Studies, European Studies Centre, St. Antony's College, Oxford, Great Britain, (May 2002) (published in German as “Den Orient deutsch machen”, see Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals).

61. “The Crusaders’ Mentality: Germans in Salonica 1878 to 1918” (Feb. 2001) in Knights and Peacemakers on the Balkans. Conquests, Migrations, Pilgrimage. Papers of the Tenth International Round Table Conference, Seminar for Balkan Studies at Neophyte Rilski University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 2002, 139-148.

62. “The Balkans: A Man’s World Only? Constructing the Image of Balkan Women in English and German Language Literature” (Feb. 2000) in She on the Balkans. Papers of the Ninth International Round Table Conference, Seminar for Balkan Studies at Neophyte Rilski University, Blagoevgrad, 2001, 267-274.

Book Reviews/Review Essays/Obituaries/Reports on Work in Progress
63. Peter H. Christensen, Germany and the Ottoman Railways: Art, Empire, and Infrastructure, New Haven: Yale University Press 2017, in Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (forthcoming 2018).

64. Pascal Firges, French Revolutionaries in the Ottoman Empire. Diplomacy, Political Culture, and the Limits of Universal Revolution, 1792–1798, Oxford: University Press 2017 in Historische Zeitschrift (forthcoming 2018).

65. Stefan Ihrig, Justifying Genocide: Germany and the Armenians from Bismarck to Hitler, Boston 2016, in Francia-Recensio, 4/2016.

66. Stefan Ihrig, Atatürk in the Nazi Imagination, Cambridge, Mass. 2014, in Historische Zeitschrift 304 (217), 568-570.

67. “Vangelis Kechriotis (30 Eylül 1969 – 26 Ağustos 2015): Geçmiş ile bugünün gerçek dünyası arasında bir yol döşemek” (translation of “Paving a Road between the Past and Today’s Real Life”, see below) in Toplumsal Tarih 272 (Aug. 2016), 37-39.

68. “Paving a Road between the Past and Today’s Real Life: Vangelis Kechriotis, 1969-2015” in Südosteuropa 63 (4/2015), 665-669, also .

69. Alice Mah, Port Cities and Global Legacies: Urban Identity, Waterfront Work, and Radicalism, Bastingstoke/New York 2014, in neue politische literatur 61 (3/2015), 456-457.

70. Sabine Mangold-Will, Begrenzte Freundschaft. Deutschland und die Türkei 1918-1933, (Limited Friendship: Germany and Turkey 1918-1933) Göttingen 2013, in Historische Zeitschrift 299 (3/2014), 841-843.

71. Helpless Imperialists: Imperial Failure, Fear and Radicalization, Maurus Reinkowski, Gregor Thum (eds.), Göttingen 2013, in H-Soz-u-Kult 07.08.2014, .

72. Dilek Güven, Nationalismus und Minderheiten. Die Ausschreitungen gegen die Christen und Juden der Türkei vom September 1955 (Nationalism and Minorities: The Riots against Christians and Jews in Turkey in September 1955), Munich 2012, in H-Soz-u-Kult 27.06.2014.

73. Mafalda Ade, Picknick mit den Paschas. Aleppo und die levantinische Handelsfirma Fratelli Poche (1853-1880),(Picnic with the Pashas: Aleppo and the Levantine Merchant Family Fratelli Poche, 1853-1880) Würzburg 2013, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 76 (03/Oct. 2013, 513-514, also 9035668&fulltextType=BR&fileId=S0041977X13000608.

74. Sibel Bozdoğan, Esra Akcan, Turkey: Modern Architectures in History, London 2012, in Planning Perspectives 28 (2013).

75. Heinz Kramer, Maurus Reinkowski, Die Türken und Europa. Eine wechselhafte Beziehungsgeschichte, (The Turks and Europe: A History of Ambivalent Relations) Stuttgart 2008, in Der Islam 90 (1/2013), 158-164.

76. Sibel Zandi-Sayek, Ottoman Izmir: The Rise of a Cosmopolitan Port, 1840-1880, Minneapolis 2012, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 75 (03/Oct. 2012), 581-583.

77. Mohammad R. Salama, Islam, Orientalism and Intellectual History. Modernity and the Politics of Exclusion since Ibn Khaldun, London 2011, in Geschichte Transnational (17 Feb. 2012).

78. “Anti-, Non-, or Post-Saidian?: The Challenge of Discussing German Orientalism” Review essay on Susanne Marchand, German Orientalism in the Age of Empire, Cambridge 2009; Ursula Wokoeck, German Orientalism, London 2009, in New Perspectives on Turkey 47/2012, 221-227.

79. Hakan Gökpinar, Deutsch-türkische Beziehungen 1890 – 1914 und die Rolle Enver Paschas, (German-Turkish Relations 1890–1914 and Enver Pasha’s Role) Marburg 2011, in Südost-Forschungen 71 (2012), 589-591.

80. Johannes Berchthold, Recht und Gerechtigkeit in der Konsulargerichtsbarkeit: Britische Exterritorialität im Osmanischen Reich 1825-1914, (Jurisprudence and Justice in Consular Jurisdiction: British Exterritoriality in the Ottoman Empire 1825–1914) Munich 2009, in Südost-Forschungen 68 (2009), 645-647.

81. Asian Port Cities 16001800: Local and Foreign Cultural Interactions, Haneda Masashi (ed.), Singapore 2009, in Geschichte Transnational (23 July 2010).

82. Deutsche Wissenschaftler im türkischen Exil: Die Wissenschaftsmigration in die Türkei 1933-1945, (German Scientists in Turkish Exile: Academic Migration to Turkey 1933–1945) Christopher Kubaseck, Günter Seufert (eds.), Würzburg 2008, in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 105 (2010/3), 1-4.

83. Corry Guttstadt, Die Türkei, die Juden und der Holocaust (Turkey, the Jews, and the Holocaust), Berlin 2008, in neue politische literatur 54 (3/2009), 489-490.

84. Report on Ottoman Urban Studies at Zentrum Moderner Orient, in Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte 2/2007 (together with Florian Riedler).

85. Matthias Römer, Die deutsche und englische Militärhilfe für das Osmanische Reich 1908-1914, (German and English Military Aid to the Ottoman Empire 1908–1914) Frankfurt (M.) 2007; Handan Nezir-Akmeşe, The Birth of Modern Turkey: The Ottoman Military and the March to World War I, London 2005, in Südost-Forschungen 65/66 (2006/2007), 728-732.

86. Oliver J. Schmitt, Levantiner – Lebenswelten und Identitäten einer ethnokonfessionellen Gruppe im osmanischen Reich im ‚langen 19. Jahrhundert’, (Levantines: Life Worlds and Identities of an Ethno-Confessional Group in the Ottoman Empire during the ‘long 19th Century’) Munich 2005, in H-Turk (7 March 2006)

87. Birnbaum der Tränen. Lebensgeschichtliche Erzählungen aus dem alten Jugoslawien (The Pear Tree of Tears: Life Story Narratives from Old Yugoslavia) Hannes Grandits, Karl Kaser (eds.), Vienna 2003, in Freie Universität Berlin Southeast European History Reviews (2 May 2006).

88. Hervé Georgelin, La fin de Smyrne. Du cosmopolitisme aux nationalismes, Paris 2005, in Freie Universität Berlin Southeast European History Reviews (23 Jan. 2006).

89. Mustafa Gencer, Bildungspolitik, Modernisierung und kulturelle Interaktion. Deutsch-türkische Beziehungen (1908-1918), (Education Policy, Modernization, and Cultural Interaction: German-Turkish Relations, 1908–1918) Münster 2002, in Freie Universität Berlin Southeast European History Reviews (16 Nov. 2003).

Current Events Briefs and Newspaper Articles (selected)

90. “An gute Zeiten anknüpfen. Ein historischer Überblick der deutsch-türkischen Beziehungen”, Politik und Kultur 4/2017, 19, also (on the historical and current state of German-Turkish relations).

91. „The AfD and its Precursors. A History of the Right in (West) German Politics”, Germany Briefs 5.

92. “Das Glück liegt im Osten”, in Damals 1/2008, 41-42 (on German and Austrian labor migration to the Ottoman Empire).

93. “Deutsche Migration nach Makedonien 1850 bis 1918”, Goethe-Institut im Gespräch, (reflections on talk given 21 Sept. 2007, see Presentations).

94. “Blonder Bosporus”, in Zenith 1/2007, 42, 43 (on the legacy of the German presence in Ottoman lands).

95. “Hexen, Madonnen und patriotische Jungfrauen” in Freitag, 14 January 2000, 18, also (on German wartime journalism during the Kosovo War).