The series ZMO Programmatic Texts publishes wider conceptual articles engaging with the interdisciplinary and inter-regional research conducted at ZMO. The series provides a platform for authors to present and discuss innovative contributions to current theoretical and comparative debates, in relation to ZMO’s programmatic research agenda. They are subjected to a peer-review process and published online on the ZMO website. We are very interested in academic comments on the discussed topics to support a continuous scholarly exchange. We invite you to send your comments to the authors to be published here.
Samuli Schielke
No. 13: The power of God. Four proposals for an anthropological engagement (2019); urn:nbn:de:101:1-2019012209540543300142
Sanaa Alimia, André Chappatte, Ulrike Freitag, Nora Lafi
No. 12: In search of urbanity (2018); urn:nbn:de:101:12018101812263989478587
Katharina Lange, Ali Nobil Ahmad, Jeanine Dağyeli, Erdem Evren, Patrick Schukalla,
Juliane Schumacher, Steven Serels
No. 11: (Re)valuing natural resources in the Middle East, Africa and Asia (2016); urn:nbn:de:101:1-201606155086
André Chappatte
No. 10: Unpacking the concept of urban marginality (2015); urn:nbn:de:101:1-201505281987
Tsypylma Darieva, August 2016
Katrin Bromber, Paolo Gaibazzi, Franzsika Roy, Abdoulaye Sounaye, Julian Tadesse
No. 9: »The possibilities are endless«: progress and the taming of contingency (2015); urn:nbn:de:101:1-20150316144
Jason Sumich, March 2015
Daniel Mains, April 2015
Abdulkader Tayob, October 2015
R. Santhosh, October 2017
Samuel Andreas Admasie, Februar 2018
Kai Kresse, Heike Liebau
No. 8: Mobility and agency: movement and people (2013); urn:nbn:de:101:1-201402177573
Katharina Lange, Sebastian R. Prange, Nitin Sinha
No. 7: Reflecting on »Muslim Worlds – World of Islam?« from a spatial perspective (2013); urn:nbn:de:101:1-201312205093
Ulrike Freitag
No. 6: Researching »Muslim Worlds«: regions and disciplines (2013); urn:nbn:de:101:1-201511032603
Birgit Meyer, January 2014
Ulrich Haarmann
No. 5: »Orient in Berlin«. Asien und Afrika in Kultur, Politik und Gelehrsamkeit gestern, heute und morgen (2013); urn:nbn:de:101:1-2013061921244
Ulrike Freitag
No. 4: Cosmopolitanism in the Middle East as
part of global history (2010); urn:nbn:de:101:1-201511022225
Ulrike Freitag, Nora Lafi
No. 3: Transnational History in Ottoman perspective:
the experience of the Ottoman Urban Studies
Seminar at ZMO Berlin (2009); urn:nbn:de:101:1-201201268626
Ulrike Freitag, Achim v. Oppen
No. 2: Translokalität als ein Zugang zur
Geschichte globaler Verflechtungen (2005); urn:nbn:de:101:1-201201268619
Ulrike Freitag
No. 1: Stellungnahme zum Thema Situation der Geistes-,
Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften in Deutschland (2005); urn:nbn:de:101:1-201201268557