
Gäste 2019








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Visiting Research Fellowships 2019

7. Januar - 6. Februar
Dr. Diliara Brileva
Gruppe: Fortschritt: Ideen, Akteure, Symbolik
Forschungsthema: The Qur’an for the benefit of the Ummah: discussions in the periodical press of the Muslim Tartars in the Russian Empire in the early 20th century

1. Mai - 30. Juni
Dr. Zilola Khalilova, Academy of Sciences, Uzbekistan
Gruppe: Fortschritt: Ideen, Akteure, Symbolik
Forschungsthema: Beyond Soviet Religiosity and Diplomacy: madrasah student’s correspondence as source on studying history of the Middle east countries

18. Juni - 21. Juli
Dr. Pankaj Kumar Jha, University of Delhi
Gruppe: Lebenswege und Wissen
Forschungsthema: Muslims beyond Islam: Literary Engagements of Muslims in Medieval India beyond Perso-Arabic-Islamic Ecumene

1. September - 31. Oktober
Dr. Stephen Ogundipe, Obafemi Awolowo University Ife-Ife, Nigeria
Gruppe: Städte als Laboratorien des Wandels
Forschungsthema: The City as a Muse: The Aesthetics of Cities in Contemporary African Poetry

1.-30. September
Dr. Attiya Ahmad, George Washington University, Washington, DC

1. September - 31. Oktober
Dr. Clélia Coret, Institut des Mondes Africains, Paris
Gruppe: Lebenswege und Wissen
Forschungsthema: Linguistic Contacts on the East African Coast. Local informants and German missionaries in the co-production of linguistic knowledge (1886-1939)

1. September - 31. Oktober
Dr. Rasheed Olaniyi, University of Ibadan
Gruppe: Ressourcenpolitik
Forschungsthema: Mining and Violence in Northern Nigeria, 1980s-2000s


Weitere Gäste

Januar 2019
Kathryn Nicholson, University of Warwick

April - Juli 2019
Ladin Bayurgil, Boston University

15. Mai - 15. Juni 2019
Dr. Hassan Mwakimako (Pwani University, Kenya)

Juli - August 2019
Dr. Michael Baers, Berlin

August - Oktober 2019
Dr. Suaad Al Ghafal

10. September - 10. Oktober 2019
Dr. Oumarou Adamou, Université Andou Moumouni, Nuamey, Niger

September - November 2019
Dr. Jasmin Mahazi, BGSMCS-Alumna

September - Dezember 2019
Dr. Jesko Schmoller, Centre for Comparative History and Political Studies in Perm (European University in St. Petersburg)

Oktober - November 2019
Nermin Elsherif, Univ. of Amsterdam

28. Oktober - 18. Dezember 2019
Dr.  Viktoria Metschl, Universität Wien

November 2018 - April 2020
Dr. des. K. Zeynep Sarıaslan, Universität Zürich
Forschungsthema: Journalism at a Distance: Transnational Politics and Making Online News in Exile