
Publikationen der Mitarbeiter


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ZMO Studien

ZMO Programmatic Texts

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Publikationen der Mitarbeiter


ZMO Arbeitshefte und Schriften


Dağyeli, Jeanine

- The Fight against Heaven-Sent Insects: Dealing with Locust Plagues in the Emirate of Bukhara. In Environment and History.

Adab in the workshop: Concepts of fotovvat, proper conduct and moral economy in Central Asian craftsmanship. In: Lloy Ridgeon (Ed.): Javanmardi, London: Ginko, pp. 215-231.

- Der erinnerte Aufstand: Der mehrfach gebrochene Blick auf ländlichen Widerstand in Usbekistan und Tadschikistan, in Heike Liebau, Barbara Christophe, Christoph Kohl (Eds.): Geschichte als Ressource. Politische Dimensionen historischer Authentizität, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 65–95.

- Weapon of the Discontented? Trans-River Migration as Tax Avoidance Practice and Lever in Eastern Bukhara, Transcultural Studies 1, 169-196.

- Whose Margins? Marginality, Poverty and the Moral Geography of Pre-Soviet Bukhara, in: André Chappatte, Ulrike Freitag, Nora Lafi (Hg.), Understanding the City through its Margins. Pluridisciplinary Perspectives from Case Studies in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Abingdon, Routledge [2018], 63-76.

- A “Deserted Site of Display”: Performing the Crafts’ risāla in Pre-Socialist Central Asia. In Ines Weinrich (Hg.), Performing Religion: Actors, contexts and texts. Beirut: Ergon Verlag (in Kommission), 2016, 127-143.

-(mit Katharina Lange, Ali Nobil Ahmad, Erdem Evren, Patrick Schukalla, Juliane Schumacher, Steven Serels): (Re)valuing natural resources in the Middle East,
Africa and Asia
, ZMO Programmatic Texts No 11, 13 S.

- A Counter-Public of a Different Kind: Tajik Youth, Religious Authority and the Medialisation of Islam. In: Nadja-Christina Schneider, Carola Richter (Hg.), New Media Configurations and Socio-Cultural Dynamics in Asia and the Arab World, Baden-Baden: Nomos/Bloomsbury 2015, 149-173.

- Contested Mourning. Central Asian Funerary Practices on Local and Global Islam, Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia 2(2), 2015,  131-154.

-Crossing Borders and Boundaries: Work Ethics and Social Mobility in Central Asian Craftsmanship. In Stephan Conermann, Elena Smolarz (Hg.): Mobilizing Religion: Networks and Mobility. Berlin: EB-Verlag, pp. 63–81.

- mit Nodirbek Abdulahatov: Ein Vogel ohne Flügel, ein Garten ohne Schatten: Trauerverse und Gedenken in Zentralasien. In: Christian Hoffstadt, Franz Peschke, Michael Nagenborg, Sabine Müller, Melanie Möller (Hg.), Der Tod in Kultur und Medizin, Bochum/Freiburg: Projektverlag 2014, S. 245-259.

-Buxorodagi „jangi yatim“ va Amir Shohmurodning diniy-ijtimoiy islohotlari. In: Sharqshunoslik 16, 2013, S. 60-68.