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Dennerlein, Bettina

- (mit Dietrich Reetz, eds.): Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 27 (2007) 1.

- (mit Dietrich Reetz): Continuity and disparity: south-south linkages in the Muslim world. In: dies., Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 27 (2007) 1, 3-6.

- South-south linkages and social change: Moroccan perspectives on army reform in the Muslim Mediterranean in the ninteenth century. In: Bettina Dennerlein, Dietrich Reetz (eds.), Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 27 (2007) 1, 52-61.

- (mit Sonja Hegasy): Die marokkanische Wahrheitskommission zwischen Politik und Geschichte. In: Christoph Marx (ed.), Bilder nach dem Sturm. Wahrheitskommissionen und historische Identitätsstiftung zwischen Staat und Zivilgesellschaft, Periplus-Studien, Bd. 12, 2007.

- Asserting religious authority in late 19th/early 20th century Morocco. Muhammad b. Ja’far al-Kattânî (d. 1927) and his Kitâb salwat al-anfâs. In: G. Krämer u. S. Schmidtke (eds.), Speaking for Islam. Religious authorities in Muslim societies, Leiden, Brill, 2006.

- Réforme de l’armée et mouvement des élites entre le Maghreb et le Proche-Orient, 1830–1912, Teil 1. In: Documents. Revue des Questions Allemandes 59, 2, 30-33.
- (mit Lutz Rogler): "Mahkama", section 4 xii: Tunesia. In: The Encyclopedia of Islam = Encyclopédie de l’Islam. New Edition, Supplement. Leiden: Brill.

- Savoir religieux et débat politique au Maroc. Une consultation des ‘gens de Fès’ en 1886. In: Hespéris-Tamuda, XXXIX, Fasc. 2, S. 119-132.

- Legitimate Bounds and Bound Legitimacy. The Act of Allegiance to the Ruler (bay`a) in 19th-century Morocco. In: Die Welt des Islams, 43 (2001) 3, S. 287-310.

– "Legalizing" the Family. Disputes about Marriage, Paternity and Divorce in Algerian Courts (1963-1990). In: Continuity and Change, 16 (2001) 1, S. 243-261.