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Deutsch, Jan-Georg

- (Hg. mit Heike Schmidt und Peter Probst) African Modernities. Entangled Meanings in Current Debate, Oxford: James Currey/Portsmouth: Heinemann 2002, 184 S.

– Absence of Evidence is no Proof? Slave Resistance under German Colonial Rule in East Africa. In Klaas van Walraven (Hg.), Rethinking Resistance. Revolt and Violence in African History, Leiden: Brill 2002, S. 170-87.

– Celebrating Power in Everyday Life. The Administration of Law in Colonial Tanzania, 1890-1914. In: Journal of African Cultural Studies, 15 (2002) 1, S. 93-104.

– Zanzibar. In: Paul Tiyambe Zeleza/Dickson Eyoh (Hg.), Encyclopaedia of Twentieth-CenturyAfrican History, London 2002.

– (mit Heike Schmidt und Peter Probst) Introduction: Cherished Visions and Entangled Meanings. In Jan-Georg Deutsch/Heike Schmidt/Peter Probst (Hg.), African Modernities. Entangled Meanings in Current Debate, Oxford: James Currey/Portsmouth: Heinemann 2002, S. 1-17.

– (Hg. mit Brigitte Reinwald): Space on the Move. Transformations of the Indian Ocean Seascape in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag (Arbeitshefte Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient 20).

– The Indian Ocean World and a Very Small Place in Zanzibar. In: Jan-Georg Deutsch & Brigitte Reinwald (Hg.), Space on the Move. Transformations of the Indian Ocean Seascape in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag (Arbeitshefte Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient 20), S. 61-73.


- Periodisierungen in der Afrikanischen Geschichte. In: Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit, 1 (2001) 2, S. 105-108.

– Introduction. In: Elisha S. Atieno Odhiambo, Landscapes of Memory in Twentieth Century Africa. Working Papers on African Studies, 52 (2001), S. 1-3.