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Evren, Erdem

- (mit Cemil Aksu und Sinan Erensü, eds.): Sudan Sebepler: Türkiye'de Neoliberal Su-Enerji Politikalari ve Direnisler, Istanbul: Iletisim, 528 S.

- Bir Baraj Karşıtı Mücadelenin Yükselişi ve Düşüşü: Yusufeli Barajı Projesi ve Hidro-Kalkınmanın Zaman-Mekan Siyaseti, in: Erdem Evren,  Sinan Erensü and Cemil Aksu, Sudan Sebepler: Türkiye'de Neoliberal Su-Enerji Politikaları ve Direnişleri, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2016, 269-287

-(with Alice von Bieberstein): From Aggressive Humanism to Improper Mourning: Burying the Victims of Europe's Border Regime in Turkey, Social Research 83(2), Summer 2016: 453-479.

-(mit Katharina Lange, Ali Nobil Ahmad, Jeanine Dağyeli, Patrick Schukalla, Juliane Schumacher, Steven Serels): (Re)valuing natural resources in the Middle East,
Africa and Asia
, ZMO Programmatic Texts No 11, 13 S.

Rez.: Umut Özkırımlı (ed.): “The Making of a Protest Movement in Turkey: #occupygezi”. In: Middle East - Topics & Arguments 4, 2015, 148-149,

Politics of Time and Development. The Yusufeli Dam Project and the Fading of Activism. In: Bromber, Katrin; Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Lange, Katharina (eds.), Temporal Politics of Big Dams in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, Special Issue of Water History 6(4), Dezember 2014, 405-419.

- On the Joy and Melancholy of Politics, Cultural Anthropology Online, Fieldsights - Hot Spots

- The ones who walk away: law, sacrifice and conscientious objection in Turkey. In: Julia Eckert, Özlem Biner, Brian Donahoe, Christian Strümpell (eds.), Law Against the State: Ethnographic Forays into Law's Transformations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 245-265.