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Ghrawi, Claudia

- Urban Encroachment is a Historical Trigger for Shiʿi Outrage in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Metropolis Qatif, Global Urban History, 19. Oktober 2017.

-A Tamed Urban Revolution: Saudi Arabia’s Oil Conurbation and the 1967 Riots, in: Nelida Fuccaro (ed.), Violence and the City in the Modern Middle East. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 109-126.

- (mit Ulrike Freitag, Nelida Fuccaro, Nora Lafi, eds.): Urban Violence in the Middle East. Changing Cityscapes in the Transition from Empire to Nation State, Berghahn series Space & Place, Vol 14, New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2015, 334 S.

- (mit Ulrike Freitag, Nelida Fuccaro, Fatemeh Masjedi): Introduction, in: Ulrike Freitag. Nelida Fuccaro, Claudia Ghrawi, Nora Lafi (eds.), Urban Violence in the Middle East. Changing Cityscapes in the Transition from Empire to Nation State, Berghahn series Space & Place, Vol 14, New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2015, 1-25.

- Structural and Physical Violence in Saudi Arabian Oil Towns, 1953-1956, in: Ulrike Freitag. Nelida Fuccaro, Claudia Ghrawi, Nora Lafi (eds.), Urban Violence in the Middle East. Changing Cityscapes in the Transition from Empire to Nation State, Berghahn series Space & Place, Vol 14, New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2015, 243-264.

- In the Service of the Whole Community? Civic Engagement in Saudi Arabia (1950s – 1960s), Jadaliyya, 6. Mai 2015.

- Political and Civic Life at the Dawn of the Saudi Petro Age, The Middle East in London 10(4) (June-July 2014), 19-20.

- Urban Violence in the Middle East. From Empire to Nation State, in: Ulrike Freitag (ed.), Researching Muslim Societies. Inside and Outside ZMO, ZMO, Berlin, 2014, 27-30.

- (Rez.) “Sarah Yizraeli, Politics and Society in Saudi Arabia: The Crucial Years of Development, 1960-1982, London: C. Hurst & Co., 2012”, New Middle Eastern Studies 3 (2013),