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ZMO Arbeitshefte und Schriften


Ismailbekova, Aksana

- (und Sgibnev, Wladimir): As Long as the Capital is Far Away: Multi-scalar Regionalisation in Central Asia. In Thilo Lang, Sebastian Henn, Wladimir Sgibnev, Kornelia Ehrlich (Eds.): Understanding geographies of polarization and peripheralization. Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and beyond: Palgrave Macmillan (New Geographies of Europe).

- Single mothers in Osh: Well-being and Coping Strategies of Women in the Aftermath of the 2010 Conflict in Kyrgyzstan. In Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 71, 114–127.

-Migration and Patrilineal Descent: The Role of Women in Kyrgyzstan. In Central Asian Survey 33(3), 2014, 375–389.

- Mobility as Coping Strategy of Osh Uzbeks in the Aftermath of Conflict. In Henryk Alff, Andreas Benz, Matthias Schmidt (Hg.): Internationales Asienforum, Sonderheft “Mobilities in Asian Contexts”, vol. 45, 2014, 49–68.

- Rez.: Morgan Liu, Under Solomon’s Throne. Uzbek Visions of Renewal in Osh. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012, xv + 280pp. In The Asia-Europe Studies Journal 66(2), 2014, 333–334.

-(mit Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne, Hg.): The Anthropology of East Europe Review (AEER), Sonderheft "Futures and Belongings in Kyrgyzstan", 32(2), 2014.

-(mit Jeanne Féaux de la Croix): Introduction. In Aksana Ismailbekova, Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne (Hg.): The Anthropology of East Europe Review (AEER), Sonderheft "Futures and Belongings in Kyrgyzstan", 32(2), 1–16.

- Coping Strategies: Public Avoidance, Migration, and Marriage in the Aftermath of the Osh Conflict, Crossroads Asia Working Paper Series 4, 1-37 [online].

- Coping Strategies: Migration, Public Avoidance, and Marriage in the Aftermath of the Osh Conflict, Fergana Valley.” Nationalities Papers 41(1), 109-27.

- Dynamika mejetnichekih brakov posle konflikta v Oshe [Dynamics of Inter-Ethnic Marriages in the Aftermath of Conflict in Osh], Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie 6, 84–98.

- Migration and Patrilineal Descent: the Effects of Spatial Male Mobility on Social Female Mobility in Rural Kyrgyzstan, Crossroads Asia Working Paper Series 12, 1-22 [online].

- Coping strategies: public avoidance, migration, and marriage in the aftermath of the Osh conflict, Fergana Valley, Crossroads Asia Working Paper No. 4., Juli 2012, 41 S.

- (mit Emil Nasridinov): Transnational Social Networks and Trajectories of Religious Practices and Discourses of Kyrgyz Dawatchis, Transnational Social Review – A Social Work Journal 3 (2012).

- Dynamika mejetnichekih brakov posle konflikta v Oshe.[Dynamics of inter-ethnic marriages in the aftermath of conflict in Osh], Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie 6 (2012).

- "The native son and blood ties": Kinship and Poetics of Patronage, Dissertation, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.