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Kresse, Kai

- Swahili Muslim Publics and Postcolonial Experience. East African edition by Mkuki na Nyota, Dar es Salaam

-"Kenya", entry. In: Encyclopedia of Islam, Third Edition, Leiden: Brill (EI3).

- Swahili Muslim Publics and Postcolonial Experience. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press (African Expressive Cultures), 304 S.
Rev.: Meghan E. Ference, American Ethnologist 46(4), 2019, 538-540, 21.11.2019;
Nathaniel Mathews, Africa Today 66(1), 2019; 149-151; Thomas J. Ndaluka, Utafiti Journal 14(1) 2019

- Giving voice: discursive agency and intellectual practice on Swahili Islamic radio. In Bettina Gräf, Birgit Krawietz, Shirin Amir-Moazami (Eds.): Ways of knowing Muslim cultures and societies. Essays in honor of Gudrun Kraemer. Leiden: Brill, pp. 265–279.

-Interrogating "Cosmopolitanism" in an Indian Ocean Setting: Mombasa and the Swahili Coast. In: Derryl Maclean,Sikeena Karmali Ahmed (eds.), Cosmopolitanism in Muslim Contexts: Models from the Past. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012.

-„Polylog“ und Anthropologie der Philosophie im postkolonialen Kontext: Eurozentrismuskritik und interkulturelle Erweiterung, in: Franz Gmainer-Pranzl, Anke Graness (Hg.), Perspektiven interkulturellen Philosophierens: Beiträge zur Geschichte und Methodik von Polylogen. Für Franz Martin Wimmer, Wien: Facultas Wiener Universitätsverlag (WUV), 2012, 173-193.

-On the Skills to Navigate the World, and Religion, for Coastal Muslims in Kenya, in: Magnus Marsden and Kostas Retsikas (Hg.), Articulating Islam: Anthropological Approaches to Muslim Worlds, Amsterdam: Springer Press, 2012, 77-99.

-(with Edward Simpson): Between Africa and India: Thinking Comparatively Across the Western Indian Ocean, ZMO Working Papers No. 5, Berlin, 15 p.

-Enduring Relevance: Samples of Oral poetry on the Swahili Coast, Wasafiri: Journal of Contemporary Writing, special issue on Indian Oceans oral literatures ( Stephanie Jones), vol. 26/2,  46-49.

-Auf dem Weg zu mehr Interdisziplinarität und Zusammenarbeit bei der Erfoschung der philosophischen Traditionen in Afrika, in: polylog - Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren, Das Projekt interkulturelles Philosophieren heute, Bd. 25, 115-13.1

-Translation: Mahmoud Ahmed Abdulkadir: "Wasiya wa Mabanati" (poem, from Swahili to English), transl. with Jasmin Mahazi, Wasafiri: Journal of Contemporary Writing, vol. 26/2, 49-50.

-African Humanism and a Case Study from the Swahili Coast. In: Claus Dierksmeier (ed.), Humanism and business ethics in intercultural perspective, New York: Palgrave McMillan, 246-265.

-“Entwicklung‟ als Topos: Politische Ideologie und muslimische Selbstverortung im
postkolonialen Kenia", in: Hertha Däubler-Gmelin et al. (Afrika-Initiative, Otto-Suhr-Institut, FU-Berlin), Politik und Entwicklung in Afrika: aktuelle Debatten, Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

-Muslim Politics in Postcolonial Kenya: Negotiating Knowledge on the Double-Periphery.
In: F. Osella and B. Soares (eds.), Islam, Politics, Anthropology, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 72-90.

-Rez.: Felicitas Becker, Becoming Muslim in Mainland Tanzania, 1890-2000, 2008, Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, in: Journal for Religion in Africa, 40:2 (2010), 227-228.

-(ed. mit Trevor H. J. Marchand): special issue on Knowledge, Expertise and the Transmission of Learning Africa, Africa, Journal of the International African Institute, vol. 79 no. 1.

-Knowledge and Intellectual Practice in a Swahili Context: ‘Wisdom’ and the Social Dimensions of Knowledge, Africa 79 (1), Edinburgh University Press, 148-167.

Muslim Politics in Postcolonial Kenya: Negotiating Knowledge on the Double-periphery, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Special issue on anthropology of Muslim politics, edited by B. Soares and F. Osella.

-Can wisdom be taught? Kant, sage philosophy, and ethnographic reflections from the Swahili coast. In: M. Ferrari and G. Potworowski (eds.), Teaching for Wisdom, Amsterdam: Springer.

-The persistence of myth: Cassirer and Anthropology. In: P. Bishop and R.H. Stevenson (eds.), The Persistence of Myth, Leeds: Maney, 130-149.

-Philosophising in Mombasa: knowledge, Islam and intellectual practice on the Swahili coast, Edinburgh University Press und International African Institute, 288 S.

-Knowledge. Entry to the Encyclopedia of Africa. In: John Middleton (ed.), Encyclopedia of Africa (revised second edition), New York, Scribner.

-(ed. mit Edward Simpson): Struggling with History. Islam and Cosmopolitanism in the Western Indian Ocean, London/New York: Hurst/Columbia University Press, 400 S.
Rezension: H-Net Humanities and Social Science, Oktober 2010.

-(mit Edward Simpson): Introduction: Cosmopolitanism Contested: Anthropology and History in the Western Indian Ocean, 1-41.

-The Uses of History: Rhetorics of Muslim Unity and Difference on the Kenyan Swahili Coast. In: Edward Simpson, Kai Kresse (eds.), Struggling with History: Islam and Cosmopolitanism in the Western Indian Ocean, London,New York: Hurst, Columbia University Press, 223-260.

-Practising an Anthropology of Philosophy: General Remarks and the Swahili Context. In: Mark Harris (ed.), Ways of Knowing: New Approaches in the anthropology of Experience and Learning, Oxford, Berghahn, 42-63.

-Philosophie, ethnographisch gesehen: Dichter und Denker in Mombasa (eine Fallstudie zur Anthropologie der Philosophie). In: H. Paetzold and W. Schmied-Korwazik (eds.), Interkulturelle Philosophie, Weimar, Verlag der Bauhaus-Universität, 88-115.

-Notes towards an Anthropology of Philosophy. In: Ioanna Kucuradi (ed.), Proceedings of the World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul 2003. Ankara: Philosophical Society of Turkey.

-Rez.: Benjamin Soares, Islam and the Prayer Economy: History and Authority in a Malian Town, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press for the International African Institute, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.

-Debating Maulidi: Ambiguities and Transformations of Muslim Identity along the Kenyan Swahili Coast. In: R. Loimeier and R. Seesemann (eds.), The Global Worlds of the Swahili. Interfaces of Islam, Identity and Space in 19th and 20th Century East Africa, Berlin: Lit Verlag, 209-22.