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Meyer, Birgit

- (und Abdoulaye Sounaye): Introduction: Sermon in the City: Christian and Islamic Preaching in West Africa, special issue “Sermon in the City” (co-edited with Abdoulaye Sounaye) Journal of Religion in Africa 47, 1, 2017, 1-8.

-Afterword. Creativity in Transition. In Birgit Meyer, Maruška Svašek (Eds.): Creativity in Transition. Politics and Aesthetics of Cultural Production Across the Globe. New York, Oxford: Berghahn (Material Mediations: People and Things in a World of Movement, 6), 2016, 312–318.

-How to Capture the Wow. R.R. Marett’s Notion of Awe and the Study of Religion. In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22 (1), 2016, 7–26. Online

-Tastbare Transzendenz – die Anwesenheit von Religion im Raum der Stadt / Tangible Transcendence and the Presence of Religion in Urban Space. In Susanne Lanwerd (Ed.): The Urban Sacred. Städtisch-religiöse Arrangements in Amsterdam, Berlin und London / How religion Makes and Takes Place in Amsterdam, Berlin and London. Ausstellungskatalog / Exhbition Catalogue. Berlin: Metropol, 2016, 144–151

-Three points About Current German Anthropology. Comment on World Anthropology with an Accent. The Discipline in Germany since the 1970s, by Bierschenk, Thomas, Krings, Matthias, and Carola Lenz. In American Anthropologist: Journal of the American Anthropological Association 118 (2), 2016, 379–380.

-Towards a Joint Framework for the Study of Christians and Muslims in Africa: Response to J.D. Y. Peel. In Birgit Meyer, Marloes Janson (Eds.): Studying Islam and Christianity in Africa: Moving Beyond a Bifurcated Field, special section Africa 86 (4), 2016, 628–632.

-mit Marloes Janson (Eds.) Studying Islam and Christianity in Africa: Moving Beyond a Bifurcated Field. Special section Africa 86 (4) 2016, International African Institute. November 2016.

-mit Marloes Janson: Introduction: Towards a Framework for the Study of Christian-Muslim Encounters in Africa. In Birgit Meyer, Marloes Janson (Eds.): Studying Islam and Christianity in Africa: Moving Beyond a Bifurcated Field.  Special section Africa 86 (4) 2016, 615–619. Online Doi:10.1017/S0001972016000553.

-mit Maruška Svašek (Eds.): Creativity in Transition. Politics and Aesthetics of Cultural Production Across the Globe. New York, Oxford: Berghahn (Material Mediations: People and Things in a World of Movement, 6), 2016.

-mit Kim Knott, Volkhard Krech (Eds.): Iconic Religion in Urban Space. Material Religion 12 (2),  2016.

-mit Kim Knott, Volkhard Krech (2016): Introduction: Iconic Religion in Urban Space. In Birgit Meyer, Kim Knott, Volkhard Krech (Eds.): Iconic Religion in Urban Space. Material Religion 12 (2), 2016, 123–136.

- mit Kim Knott, Volkhard Krech: Introduction: Iconic Religion in Urban Space. In: Material Religion. The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief 12(2), 2016, 123-136.

-The Icon in Orthodox Christianity, Art History and Semiotics. In: Material Religion. The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief 12(2), 2016, 233-234.

-Sensational Movies. Video, Vision, and Christianity in Ghana, University of California Press (Anthropology of Christianity, 17), 408 S.
Chapter 3

- How Pictures Matter. Religious Objects and the Imagination in Ghana. In: O. Fuglerud, L. Wainwright (Hg.), Objects and Imagination. Perspectives on Materialization and Meaning. Oxford: Berghahn, 160–182.

- Art, Anthropology and Religion. Contribution to In Conversation “Secrets Under the Skin” (by Jill Flanders Crosby). In Material Religion 11 (1), pp. 113–115.

-Picturing the Invisible. Visual Culture and the Study of Religion. In Method and Theory in the Study of Religion, pp. 333–360.

- Mediation and the Genesis of Presence (reprint of inaugural lecture), with a response on comments by Hans Belting, Pamela Klassen, Chris Pinney, Monique Scheer. In: Religion & Society: Advances in Research 5, 205–254.

- Afterword. In Marloes Janson, Akinleye Akintunde (Eds.): The Spiritual Highway : Religious World Making in Megacity Lagos. A Photography Project. London: Brunei Gallery.

-Mediation and the Genesis of Presence. Reprint inaugural lecture with response on comments by Hans Belting, Pamela Klassen, Chris Pinney, Monique Scheer. In Religion & Society: Advances in Research (5), pp. 205–254.

Mediation and Immediacy: Sensational Forms, Semiotic Ideologies and the Question of the Medium, in A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion, hg. von Janice P. Boddy and Michael Lambek. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 309–26.

-(Hg. mit Marleen de Witte): Heritage and the Sacred: Special Issue of Material Religion. Spec. issue of Material Religion 9(3).

-(und Marleen de Witte): Introduction: Heritage and the Sacred. In: Birgit Meyer und Marleen de Witte (Hg.), Heritage and the Sacred, Special Issue Material Religion, London, New Delhi, New York, Sydney: Bloomsbury, 274–81.

- Material Mediations and Religious Practices of World-Making. In: Knut Lundby (Hg.), Religion across Media: From Early Antiquity to Late Modernity, New York: Peter Lang Verlag, 1-19.

-Lessons From “Global Prayers”: How Religion Takes Place in the City. In: Jochen Becker, Katrin Klinghan, Stephan Lanz, Kathrin Wildner (Hg.), Global Prayers. Contemporary Manifestations of the Religions in the City. Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers. S. 591-599.