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Noor, Farish A.

- Wo bleibt „der Islam“ im „islamischen Staat“? In: Birgit Krawietz, Helmut Reifeld (eds.), Islam und Rechtsstaat. Zwischen Scharia und Säkularisierung, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, St. Augustin/Berlin, 2008, 71-76.

- From the Pondok to the parliament: the development of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party PAS and its links to the Madrasa network of Malaysia. In: Farish A. Noor, Martin van Bruinessen, Yoginder Sikand (eds.), The Madrasa in Asia, University of Amsterdam Press, 2008 (under publication).

- The fate of Southeast Asian students in the madrasas of Pakistan. In: Farish A. Noor, Martin Van Bruinessen, Yoginder Sikand (eds.), The Madrasa in Asia, University of Amsterdam Press, 2008 (under publication).

- Thinking the unthinkable: the reform of higher Islamic education at the Islamic Universities (UINs) of Indonesia. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, (RSIS), Working papers series, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore, 2008 (under publication).

- Ngruki revisited: modernity and its discontents at the Pondok Pesantren Al-Mukmin of Ngruki, Surakarta. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, (RSIS), Working papers series, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore, 2007.

- Shifting dynamics of radical movements in Indonesia today, Institute for Strategic and International Studies (ISIS)-Malaysia, ISIS Working Papers Series, Kuala Lumpur, 2007.

- Feuer und Schwefel: Yogja und Solo, Zentraljava 2006. In: Documenta Magazine No. 3, 2007: Education. Documenta 12 Expo, Cologne, 2007, 172-185.

- (mit Katharina Zöller): The Islamists are coming! ISIM Review 19, spring 2007, 15.

- Western discourses on Islam and Muslims in the West, Annual Report of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) of Pakistan, Islamabad, May 2007.

- Globalising the local, localising the global: the dynamics of the Muhammad cartoon controversy. In: Studies in Reformed Theology, Freedom of Religion, Vol. 17, (ed. By E.A.J.G van der Borght), Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2007.
Integration, civic participation and citizenship: Muslims in Europe or European Muslims? In: Studies in Reformed Theology, ‘Freedom of Religion’, Vol. 17, (ed. by E.A.J.G van der Borght), Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2007.

- Ankunft in der (Post-)Moderne. Das globalisierte Protestverhalten der Muslime, In: Lydia Haustein, Bernd M. Scherer, Martin Hager (eds.), Feindbilder: Ideologien und visuelle Strategien der Kulturen. Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, 2007, 96-108.

- Pathans to the East! The historical development of the Tablighi Jama’at movement in Kelantan, Trengganu and Patani and its transnational links with the South Asia and the global Islamist revivalist movement. In: Journal of Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 27 (2007) 1, Duke University Press, 7-25.

- Writings on the war on terror. Global Media Publications, New Delhi, 2006.

- Crosscurrents:Alternative voices in our changing times. Marshall Cavendish-Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2006.

- How Washington’s ‘war on terror’ became everyone’s: Islamophobia and the impact of 11 September on the political terrain of South and Southeast Asia.In: Ramon Grosfoguel (ed.), Special issue of the Journal of Human Architecture, Journal of the Sociology of Self Knowledge. Vol. V, Issue 1, Fall 2006.

- From Hassan al-Banna to Yusof Rawa: The influence of Hassan al-Banna’s ideas and theories on the development of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS). In: Ahmad Kurshid (ed.),Tanjuman-ul Qur’an 2006 Anniversary edition, Jama’at-e Islami, Mansoora, Lahore and Islamabad, 2006.

- In search of a Malaysian identity, still. In: Fong Ching Wei (ed.), Malaysia: The road ahead,East West Publishers, New South Wales, 2006.

- Nurcholish Madjid, Indonesien: Ja zum Islam, Nein zum islamischen Staat. In: Katajun Amirpur, Ludwig Ammann (eds.), Der Islam am Wendepunkt: Liberale und konservative Reformer einer Weltreligion, Freiburg, Verlag Herder, 2006, 91-101.

India ’s Embattled Madrasah. In: Far Eastern Economic Review, Oktober 2005.

– Islam Embedded: The Historical Development of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party PAS: 1951-2003. (Two Volumes), Malaysian Sociological Research Institute (MSRI), Kuala Lumpur, 2004.

– Di San Zhi Yan Kan Ma Lai Xi Ya (Chinese edition of The Other Malaysia). Sin Chew Jit Poh Press, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, 2004.

– When Osama and Friends came a-calling: The Political Deployment of the Overdetermined Image of Osama ben Laden in the Contestation for Islamic Symbols in Malaysia . In: Peter van der Veer and Shoma Munshi (Hg.), Media, War and Terrorism: Responses from the Middle East and Asia . Politics in Asia series, London : Routledge Curzon, 2004, 197–223.

– Islamic Foundations to Economics. In: Frank-Jürgen Richter and Pamela C. M. Mar (Hg.), Asia's New Crisis: Renewal Through Ethical Management, World Economic Forum, John Wiley and Sons: Singapore , 2004, 96–117

- Suara Baru Tentang Islam. In: Dick van der Meij (Hg.), Dinamiker Kontemporer Dalam Masyarakat Islam, Indonesian-Netherlands Co-operation in Islamic Studies (INIS), Jakarta-Leiden 2003.

– (mit Eddin Khoo) Spirit of Wood: The Art of Malay Woodcarving. Works of Master Craftsmen from Kelantan, Trengganu and Patani. Singapur: Periplus publishers 2003.

– The Other Malaysia: Writings on Malaysia's Subaltern History. Kuala Lumpur: Silverfish Books 2003.

– Fighting Demons in the Kingdom of the Blind: Media and the Politics of Demonization in the wake of 11 September. In: Dick Van der Meij (Hg.), Islam and the West: Obstacles and Solutions in Search for a New World Civilisation. Jakarta: Centre for Languages and Cultures und Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung 2003. S. 32-39.

– Reaping the Bitter Harvest after twenty years of State Islamisation: The Malaysian Experience. In Rohan Gunaratna (Hg.), Terrorism in the Asia Pacific: Threat and Response. Singapur: Eastern University Press, Times Media 2003. S. 178-202.

– Blood, Sweat and Jihad: The Radicalisation of the Discourse of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) from the 1980s to the Present. In: Journal of the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEA), Singapur, 25 (2003) 2.

– The localization of Islamist Discourse in the Tafsir of Tuan Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Murshid'ul Am of PAS. In: Virginia Hooker/Noraini Othman (Hg.), Malaysia: Islam, Society and Politics - Essays in Honour of Clive S. Kessler. Institute for Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), National University of Singapore (NUS) 2003. S. 195-235.

– The Impact of 11 September on the domestic politics of Malaysia and ASEAN. In: Han Sung-Joo (Hg.), Coping with 9-11: Asian Perspectives on Global and Regional Order. Tokio-New York: Japan Centre for International Exchange (JCIE) 2003. S. 71-95.

– What is the victory of Islam? Towards a Different Understanding of the Ummah and Political Success in the Contemporary World. In Omid Safi (Hg.) Progressive Muslims: On Justice, Gender, and Pluralism. Oxford: Oneworld Publications. 2003. S. 320-332.

– Einträge Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) und Hizbul Muslimin party of Malaysia. In: Oxford Dictionary of Islam, hg. von John Esposito, Oxford 2003.