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Prange, Sebastian R.

- ‘Measuring by the bushel’: Reweighing the Indian Ocean Pepper Trade, Historical Research 84:224 (May 2011), 212-235.

- Outlaw Economics: Doing Business on the Fringes of the State. A Review Essay, Comparative Studies in Society and History 53:2 (April 2011), 426-436.

- A Trade of No Dishonor: Piracy, Commerce, and Community in the Western Indian Ocean, Twelfth to Sixteenth Century, American Historical Review 116:5 (December 2011), 1269-1293.

- 'Measuring by the bushel': Reweighing the Indian Ocean Pepper Trade, in: Historical Research ( available online in advance of print publication at DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2281.2010.00547.x).