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Zachariah, Benjamin

- Developmentalism and its Exclusions: Peripheries and Unbelonging in Independent India, in: Andrea Fischer-Tahir,  Matthias Naumann (Hg.), Peripheralization: The Making of Spatial Dependencies and Social Injustice, Berlin, Springer, 2013.

- Rez.:  Charles Allen, Ashoka: The Search for India’s Lost Emperor, Little Brown, 460p, Defending the Orientalists – history as a detective novel, The Sunday Guardian, 15. April 2012,

- Playing the Nation Game: the Ambiguities of Nationalism in India (Delhi: Yoda Press, 2011.)

- Transfers, Formations, Transformations? Some Programmatic Notes on Fascism in India, c. 1922-1938, in: Jörg Feuchter, Friedhelm Hoffmann and Bee Yun (eds.), Cultural Transfers in Dispute: Representations in Asia, Europe and the Arab World since the Middle Ages, Frankfurt: Campus, 2011, 167-192.

- On Not Understanding the Stranger: Histories, Collective Victimhood and the Futility of Postcolonialism, in: Barbara Weber, Karlfriedrich Herb, Eva Marsal, Takara Dobashi and Petra Schweitzer (eds.), Cultural Politics and Identity: the Public Space of Recognition, Berlin: Lit, 2011, 101-116.

- Rethinking (the Absence of) Fascism in India, c.1922-1945, in: Sugata Bose Manjapra, Kris (eds.), Cosmopolitan Thought Zones: South Asia and the Global Circulation of Ideas, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 178-209.

- The Creativity of Destruction: Wartime Imaginings of Development and Social Policy, c. 1942-1946, in: Liebau, Heike et al.: The World in World Wars. Experiences, Perceptions and Perspectives from Africa and Asia, Leiden: Brill, 547-578.

-Anti-colonial Nationalisms: The Case of India, in: Anna Yeatman and Magdalena Zolkos (eds), State, Security and Subject Formation, New York: Continuum, 133-156.

- 1857 in the Nationalist Imagination, in: Subhas Ranjan Chakraborty (ed), Uprisings of 1857: Perspectives and Peripheries (Calcutta: The Asiatic Society, 2009), 107-140.

Residual nationalism and the Indian (radical?) intellectual: On indigenism, authenticity and the coloniser's presents'. In: Debraj Bhattacharya (ed), Of Matters Modern, Calcutta: Seagull Books, 2008, 330-359.