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Caterina Bori

- “All We Know is What We Have Been Told”:  Reflections on Emigration and Land as Divine Heritage in the Qur’ān, in: Carlos A. Segovia and Basil Lourié (eds.), The Coming of the comforter: when, where, and to whom? Studies on the Rise of Islam and Various Other Topics in Memory of John Wansbrough. Supplement Series to Scrinium. Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclésiastique 3 (2011), 303-340.

- (mit Livnat Holtzman), A Scholar in the Shadow - Introduction, in:
A Scholar in the Shadow: Essays on the Legal and Theological Thought of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Monographic issue of Oriente Moderno (Roma:Herder, 2010), 11-42

- (mit Livnat Holtzman eds.): A Scholar in the Shadow. Essays on the Legal and Theological Thought of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Monographic Series of Oriente Moderno, Roma: Herder (erschienen 2011).

- Ibn Taymiyya wa-jama'atu-hu. Authority, Conflict and Consensus in Ibn Taymiyya's Circle, in: Yossef Rapoport-Shahab Ahmad (eds.), Ibn Taymiyya and His Times, Karachi: OUP, 23-52.