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Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne

- (und Katrin Bromber, Katharina Lange, eds.): Temporal Politics of Big Dams in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, Special Issue of Water History 6(4), Springer Netherlands, Dezember 2014.

- (und Katrin Bromber, Katharina Lange): The Temporal Politics of Big Dams in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia: By Way of an Introduction. In: Id. (eds.), Temporal Politics of Big Dams in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, Special Issue of Water History 6(4), Springer Netherlands, Dezember 2014, 289-296.

-How Central Asian migrants experience politics in Turkey and Russia: a comparison, in: Central Eurasian Scholars and Media Initiative/BBC Central Asia: Scholars' Blog

- (mit Sophie Roche): Introduction, in: Sophie Roche (ed.), Central Asian Intellectuals on Islam. Between Scholarship, Politics and Identity, ZMO-Studien 32, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 27-52.

- Rez.: Jacquesson, Svetlana. 2010. Pastorealismes: anthropologie historique des processus d’intégration chez les Kirghiz du Tian Shan intérieur. In: Social Anthropology 20:1, 104-106.

- Moving Metaphors We Live By: Water and Flow in the Social Sciences and around Hydro-electric dams in Kyrgyzstan. In: Central Asian Survey 30:4 (2011), 487-502.

- Rez.: Daphne Berdahl, On the Social Life of Postsocialism: Memory, Consumption, Germany, ed. and introduced by Matti Bunzl. In: Anthropological Notebooks 17:3-4 (2011), 54.