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Lecocq, Baz

'Keita, Modibo', Akyeampnong, E., H. Gates (eds.) Dictionary of African Biography, vol. 3, 1st edition (Oxford University Press), 2011, 325-27.

-Review of: Olivier de Sardan, J-P, and M Tidjani Alou (eds.), Les pouvoirs locaux au Niger. Tome 1: À la veille de la décentralisation (CODESRIA Karthala 2009), in: Africa 81:3 (August 2011), 493-494.

- Tuareg city blues – cultural capital in a global cosmopole. In: Ines Kohl and Anja Fischer (eds.), Tuareg moving global – social anthropological aspects of Saharan life in transition, London, I.B. Tauris Press (forthcoming).

- (mit Gregory Mann): Between empire, umma, and the Muslim Third World: The French Union and African Pilgrims to Mecca, 1946-1958. In: Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 27 (2007) 2, 367-83.

- (mit Paul Schrijver): The war on terror in a haze of dust: potholes and pitfalls on the Saharan front. In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies 25 (2007) 1, 141-66.

- (und Erik Bähre, guest eds): The drama of African development: the state, conflict, and modernization in the 20th century, African Studies 66 (2007) 1.

- (mit Erik Bähre): The drama of development: the skirmishes behind high modernist schemes in Africa. In: African Studies 66 (2007) 1, 1-8.

- Lecocq, B., P. Schrijver, ‘De oorlog tegen terreur’, Zemzem – Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord Afrika, en islam 2-3, 55-61.

- The Bellah Question: Slave Emancipation, Race and Social Categories in Late Twentieth-Century Northern Mali. In: Canadian Journal of African Studies, 39-1, 42-68.

- Mali. In: Szajkowski, B. (ed.), Political Parties of the World (John Harper), 402-04.

- Niger. In: Szajkowski, B. (ed.), Political Parties of the World (John Harper), 446-47.

- (mit Gregory Mann): Writing histories of an African post-colony, Modibo Keita's Mali , 1960-1968. Mande Studies V: Modibo Keita's Mali.

- From Colonialism to Keita: Comparing Pre- and Post-Independence Regimes (1946-1968). Mande Studies V: Modibo Keita's Mali

- Niger. In: B. Szajkowski (Hg.), Revolutionary and Dissident Movements of the World. John Harper, 358-359.

- Mali. In: B. Szajkowski (Hg.), Revolutionary and Dissident Movements of the World, John Harper, 312-313.

- Unemployed Intellectuals in the Sahara : The Teshumara Nationalist Movement and the Revolutions in Tuareg Society. In: M. Baud; R. Rutten (Hg.), Popular Intellectuals and Social Movements: Framing Protest in Asia, Africa, and Latin America . International Review of Social History IL , Supplement 12, Cambridge : University Press, 87-109