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Mato Bouzas, Antía

- Kashmir as a Borderland: The Politics of Space and Belonging across the Line of Control, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, Asian Borderlands series, 206p.
Introduction and ToC

- La cuestión de Cachemira en el marco de una India emergente, in Fundación Seminario de Investigación para la Paz (ed.), Ascenso del Nuevo Espacio Indo-Pacífico, Serie Estudios Para la Paz, 33, Zaragoza: Mira Editores, 375–392.

-From the Karakoram Mountains to the Gulf: migration, development and religion in the making of transnational spaces, ZMO Working Papers No 21, 14 S.

-Territorialisation, Ambivalence, and Representational Spaces in Gilgit-Baltistan, Transcultural Studies 1, 197-223.

- (B)Ordering and the Politics of Belonging. special issue on Home, Displacement and Belonging. In Saint Antony's International Review 12 (2), 114–135.

The Kashmir Space: Bordering and Belonging across the Line of Control, Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales (REEI), 31.

- Space(s) and Place(s) in the Baltistan and Ladakh Disputed Borders, in: Henryk Alff, Andreas Benz (Eds.): Tracing Connections: Explorations of Places and Spaces in Asian Multilocalities, Berlin: Wvb, 91–108.

- Mixed Legacies in Contested Borderlands: Skardu and the Kashmir Dispute, in: Noel Parker and Neil Vaughan-Williams Critical Border Studies: Broadening and Deepening the 'Lines in the Sand' Agenda, London: Routledge, 141-160 [Reprint aus: Geopolitics 17(4), 2012].

- Securitization and Development as a Mode of Peripheralization in North-Eastern Pakistan, in: Andrea Fischer-Tahir und Matthias Nauman (Eds.), Peripheralization: The Making of Spatial Dependencies and Social Injustice, Wiesbaden: Springer, 77–98.

- Mixed Legacies in Contested Borderlands: Skardu and the Kashmir Dispute, Geopolitics (Sonderausgabe zu Critical Border Studies) 17(4), 867-886.

- India y Pakistán: Conflicto y Negociación en el Sur de Asia (India and Pakistan: Conflict and Negotiation in South Asia), Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 274p.
Rez.: Esther Barbé Izuel in Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales (REEI) nº24/2012 pdf

- Kashmir: Perceptions of Conflict from the Border, in: Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin e.V. (ed.), Bericht über das Forschungsjahr 2010, Berlin, 83-96.

- La cuestión de Cachemira y las periferias disputadas en Asia del Sur, in: El Islam in Asia, Culturas 6/2010, 116-129.           

- La política exterior del Pakistan. A la recerca d’una identitat. In DCIDOB Pakistan, la recerca d’una identitat 109/2009, 15-19. Available also in: (Barcelona Centre of International Studies).