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Scheele, Judith

- A Good Fight: Violence and Female Excellence in Northern Chad. In Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology.

- Saharan Prisons. In History and Anthropology, 8 Juli 2019,

- (und Julien Brachet, Eds.): The Value of Disorder. Autonomy, Prosperity and Plunder in the Chadian Sahara. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (African Studies, 142), 373p.

- (und Julien Brachet): Remoteness is Power: Disconnection as a Relation in Northern Chad. In Social Anthropology 27 (2), pp. 156–171.

- Segmentation versus tyranny: politics as empirical philosophy. In The Scandal of Continuity, ed. by J. Scheele and A. Shryock. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 187-209.

- und Andrew Shryock: Introduction: On the Left Hand of Knowledge. In The Scandal of Continuity , ed. by J. Scheele and A. Shryock, 1-26.

- und Andrew Shryock (Eds.): The Scandal of Continuity in Middle East Anthropology: Form, Duration, Difference. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

- Rez.: Benedetta Rossi, 2015. From Slavery to Aid. Politics, Labour and Ecology in the Nigerien Sahel, 1800-2000, Cambridge: University Press. Journal of African History 60 (1), 150-152.

-und Julien Brachet: Fiscalité marginale sur mesure. L’économie politique du natron au Borkou, Tchad, Politique africaine 151 (3), 39-59.

- Ravens Reconsidered: Raiding and Thieving in Northern Chad. In: T. Leedy and L. White (eds.): African Studies Review, Special Issue on Crime and Punishment 61 (3), 135-155.

- Heterarchy, Connectivity, Locality: Can (and Should) We Speak of a Shared Political Iimagination across the Sahara? In The Multiplicity of Orders and Practices: a tribute to George Klute, ed. by T. Hüsken, A. Solyga and D. Badi. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 135-53.

-Dignity and honour: struggle over land and legitimacy in the Soummam valley. In A.Becn Hounet, B. Dupret (Eds.): Law and Property in Algeria: Anthropological Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, 82–102.

- Rez.: Celeste Hicks. The trial of Hissène Habré: How the people of Chad brought a tyrant to justice. London: Zed Books, 2017. Chicago University Press. 217 pp. African Studies Review, Oktober 2018, 1-3. Available online at: 10.1017/asr.2018.99

- Rez.: Gregory Mann, From Empires to NGOs in the West African Sahel. The Road to Nongovernmentality, Cambridge: University Press, 2015. Comparative Studies in Society and History 60 (4), 1209-1210.

-Cows and the sharī'ah in the Abéché customary court (eastern Chad). In G. Kantor, T. Lambert, H. Skoda (Hg.): Legalism: Property and Ownership. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, 29–54.

-The need for nomads: camel-herding, raiding, and Saharan trade and settlement. In Trans-Saharans: Human Mobility and Identity, Trade, State Formation and Mobile Technologies across the Sahara (1000 BC - AD 1500). Vol 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, 55–79.

- Priorities of law: a conversation with Judith Scheele, Daniel Lord Smail, Bianca Premo and Bhavani Raman, Comparative Studies in Society and History in Dialogue (