Lecture Series | Single Events | Exhibitions | Conferences and Symposia

Lecture Series
ZMO-colloquium: Winter Term 2014-2015
Who Speaks? The Global History of Intellectual Practices: Epistemological, Political, and Ethical Challenges
Thursday, 16 October 2014, 6 pm, ZMO
A Vernacular Politics of Political Economy in Bengal, Prof Andrew Sartori (New York University)
Thursday, 30 October 2014, 6 pm, ZMO
Emotional Translation. Conceptual History beyond Language, Prof Margrit Pernau and Imke Rajamani (Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin)
Thursday, 27 November 2014, 6 pm, ZMO
Chronicling the Early Modern Ottoman Empire: Historiography and Historical Thought, Ethan Menchinger, (PhD, University of Michigan, EUME-Fellow 2014/2015)
Thursday, 18 December 2014, 6 pm, ZMO
Conceptualizing the Social in 19th-20th Century Egypt: Who and for Whom? (al-hayʾa al-ijtimāʿiyya [the Social Body] and the ʿāmma/khāssa [Public/Private] Dichotomy Revisited), Dyala Hamzah (PhD, Université de Montréal)
Thursday, 29 January 2015, 6 pm, ZMO
Why we Need to Study Intellectual Practice Elsewhere: Conceptual and Ethnographic Reflections from the Swahili Coast, Prof Kai Kresse (Columbia University, New York)
Thursday, 26 February 2015, 6 pm, ZMO
Caliphates and Kings: Secular Anxieties in "Islamic Thought", Prof James McDougall (Oxford University)
ZMO-Colloquium: Summer Term 2014
Thursday, 13 March 2014, 6 pm, Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, The Nazi-Soviet Pact in the Light of Transnational History; Prof Jennifer Jenkins (University of Toronto)
Thursday, 27 March 2014, 6 pm, ZMO, European empires and the Hajj, c. 1850-1950; Dr John Slight (University of Cambridge)
Thursday, 24 April 2014, 6 pm, ZMO, The Cotton Plantation Remembered: An Egyptian Family Story; Prof Mona Abaza (American University of Cairo)
Thursday, 22 May 2014, - Please note change of time - 5 pm, ZMO, Role and Status Conflicts, Moral Crisis and the Ritualization of Career in Public Service: the Case of Mali; Prof Isaïe Dougnon (University of Bamako/ curr. Humboldt Fellow, University of Bayreuth)
Thursday, 19 June 2014, 6 pm, ZMO, Writing Boards and Blackboards: considerations on Islamic education in Africa; Prof Robert Launay (Northwestern University, Evanston)

ZMO-Colloquium: Winter Term 2013/2014
Fuelling Societies:
Energy Resources and Politics 'From Below'
Thursday, 26 September 2013, - Please note change of time - 5 pm: The Devil's Money:
A Multi-level Approach to the Disordering in Oil-producing Southern Chad; Andrea Behrends (Martin Luther Universität, Halle-Wittenberg)
Thursday, 31 October 2013, 6 pm:
Resource Sovereignties: Converting Energy into
Political Power;
Dr John-Andrew McNeish (Norwegian University of Life
Sciences, Aas)
Thursday, 28 November 2013, 6 pm:
Solar Power for the Poor: New Models of Business and
User Networks in India;
Dr Jamie Cross (University of Edinburgh)
Thursday, 12 December 2013, 6 pm: Oil, Water, and the Writing of History in Southern Arabia;
Prof. Mandana E. Limbert (Queens College, New York)
Thursday, 30 January 2014, 6 pm: Crude Power: Rethinking Oil and Politics - A Look at Iran; Prof. Kaveh Ehsani (DePaul University, Chicago)
Urban Studies Seminar 2014/2015
(Every Second Monday, 5 pm at ZMO)
Annual theme: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Urban Marginality in Africa, the Middle-East and Asia
November 10th 2014, Azita Bathaïe (ZMO, Fernand Braudel Fellow):
Mobility from Iran to Kabul: 'Newcomers' as Margins
Special session to be held at 4 pm at the Centre Marc Bloch, Georg Simmel Saal, Friedrichstraße 191, D-10117 Berlin
November 20th, Jean-François Pérouse (Institut Français d'Etudes Anatoliennes, Istanbul): The Tremendous Making and Unmaking of the Peripheries in Current Istanbul
November 24th 2014, Simon Gunn (University of Leicester):
Containing Urban England: The Green Belt in the Twentieth Century
December 8th 2014, Ufuk Adak (EUME Fellow 2014-2015 at ZMO):
On the Margins of the City: Izmir Prison
December 22nd 2014, Yektan Turkyilmaz (EUME Fellow 2014-2015 at ZMO):
War, Revolution and Re-making the Urban Margins of Van Province,
May-August 1915
January 12th 2015, Katharina Zöller (University of Bayreuth):
The Manyema of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) between Urban Margin and Regional Connections
January 26th 2015, Katrin Bromber (ZMO):
"They Thought that We Were Criminals": Sports and Urban Marginality in Addis Ababa, 1920s to 1970s
April 13th 2015, Aksana Ismailbekova (ZMO) :
Urban Uzbeks at the Margins of Osh
April 27th 2015, Marie Rodet (SOAS London):
Kayes' Marginalised Histories of Slavery: Telescoping of Memories, Telescoping of Meanings
May 11th 2015, Franck Mermier (CNRS-EHESS Paris):
Markets and Marginality in Beirut
June 1st 2015, Saskia Schäfer (Columbia University New York):
Religious Diversity & Urban Space: Intersecting Mechanisms of Exclusion in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur
June 15th 2015, Jeanine Dagyeli (ZMO):
Whose Margins? Sacred Space and Marginalized Populations in pre-Soviet Bukhara
June 29th 2015, Stefan Knost (Humboldt University zu Berlin):
Marginality in 18th and 19th Century Aleppo
Urban Studies Seminar 2013/14
(Every Second Monday, 5 pm at ZMO)
Annual Theme:
The City and its Margins
November 18th 2013, Einleitung: The City and its Margins: Historiography and Research perspectives von Ulrike Freitag und Nora Lafi (beide ZMO Berlin)
December 9th 2013, Naomi Davidson (University of Ottawa / EUME-Fellow 2013-2014 at ZMO Berlin): Urban Coexistence and its Margins: Muslim-Jewish Relationships in the French Mediterranean
January 13th 2014, Michelle Campos (University of Florida): Operation Muharram: Communal Boundaries and Urban Unmixing in Ottoman and Mandatory Jerusalem
January 27th 2014, Ulrike Freitag (ZMO Berlin): A Wall Marking the Border: Urban Jeddah and its Margins und Nora Lafi (ZMO Berlin): The Marginalization of the Centre: The Tunis Medina Between Patrimonialization and Abandon
February 10th 2014, Mohamed Elshahed (NYU / EUME-Fellow 2013-2014 at ZMO Berlin): From Cairo to the Urban Margins of Egypt: Centralization, Local Administration and Developmentalism 1945-1965
April 28th 2014: Robert Gleave (Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter): Violence on the Margins: Locating Punishment in Late-medieval fiqh
May 12th 2014, Wai Weng Hew (ZMO Berlin): From Margin to Centre: Muslim Gated Communities in Contemporary Sub-urban Indonesia
May 26th 2014, Sanaa Alimia (ZMO Berlin): At the Margins of Urban Pakistan: The Question of Afghan Refugees
June 16th 2014, André Chappatte (ZMO Berlin): Exploring the City's Margins: Night Life in Two Small Towns of Muslim West Africa
June 30th 2014, Wendy Pullan (Center for Architecture and Urban Studies, University of Cambridge): The Migration of Frontiers in Contested Cities
Juli 14th 2014, Ali Sipahi (University of Michigan): When the Margin Becomes the Centre: Suburbanization in the Ottoman East

Single Events
Tuesday, December 16th 2014, 6 pm, Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
When Darkness arises: Thinking Urban Morality through nighttime in Contemporary Muslim West Africa
Lecture by Dr. André Chappatte

Tuesday, November 25th, 6pm, Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
Islam and Muslims in Crimea: current challenges and perspectives
Lecture by Dr. Oleg Yarosh

Thursday, November 13th, 5 pm, ZMO
Der muslimische Gräberkult und seine Feinde: Ein aktuelles Politikum
Lecture by Prof. em. Dr. Werner Ende

Tuesday, November 4th, 6 pm, ZMO
Narrating and Negotiating Urban Conflict: A Study of Lyari, Karachi
Lecture by Dr. Nida Kirmani, in the framework of the Crossroads Asia Program

Thursday, October 9th, 5 pm, ZMO
Rechtsstaat, Verfassungen und Konstitutionalismus im osmanisch-arabischen Kontext
Lecture by Prof. Thomas Philipp (Alexander - Friedrich University Erlangen)

Tuesday, September 16th, Max Weber Stiftung – Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland, Rheinallee 6, 53173 Bonn
“Narrating the First World War – Experiences and Reports from Transregional Perspectives”
with Fatemeh Masjedi

Wednesday, September 10th, 5 pm, ZMO
Islam, Colonialism and the Modern Age in the Netherlands East Indies: A Biography of Sayyid ʿUthman (1822 – 1914)
Book presentation by Dr. Nico J.G. Kaptein (Leiden University)

Friday, June 20th, 6 pm, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Markgrafenstraße 38, 10117 Berlin
Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Opening Ceremony in Germany
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Freitag (ZMO).
May 31st, St. Johannes-Evangelist-Kirche, Berlin
Confessional Ecstasies
Lecture by PD Dr. Saadi Nikro, talk given for the finissage of the exhibition "Confessions", by Roey Heifetz.

May 22nd, Küntstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
Temporalizing Contemporary Art: Between Criticism and Critique
Lecture by PD Dr. Saadi Nikro

Saturday, May 10, 2014, from 5 pm, Schützenstraße 18, 10117 Berlin, 3rd floor, Trajekte-Tagungsraum 308/310
Long Night of Sciences
(Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften)
Program (German)

Monday, March 31, 2014, 5:30 pm, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Berlin
Saudi-German Cultural Dialogue:
Imagining the other: Arabs and Westerners across the divide
Lecture by Dr. Saad Albazei
The impact of the Arabic language on science and civilization
Lecture by Dr. Abdullah Alwashmi
Please confirm your attendance to the Cultural Bureau of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia by e-mail: rdagher@de.mohe.gov.sa or telephone: 030 -26 93 407 463.

Friday, March 28th, 2014, 5 pm, ZMO
Contract, Work and Resistance:
Boatmen in Early Colonial Eastern India, 1760s-1850s
Lecture by Dr. Nitin Sinha (York University)
The lecture is organized by Gesellschaft zur Förderung des ZMO e.V.

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014,
6.30 pm,
Auswärtiges Amt,
Werderscher Markt 1,
10117 Berlin
»Das Mädchen Wadjda« –
Zwischen Tradition und Moderne am Golf 
Talk with Director Haifaa al Mansour and Prof. Dr. Ulrike Freitag (ZMO) as Part of the Series "Kulturen im Dialog"
Saturday, January 18th, 2014, 18-24 Uhr, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Salon Sophie Charlotte 2014: Europa - ein Zukunftsort
"EUME – Europe in the Middle East – the Middle East in Europa", talk with Ulrike Freitag (ZMO)and Christoph Markschies (BBAW)
Interview of Ulrike Freitag by Volker Gerhardt on EUME (Video)

Exhibitions / Performances / Films
Thursday, May 8, 2014, 8pm, Hackescher Markt Kino, Rosenthalter Str. 40/41, 10178 Berlin
German premiere
"Phone Swap" (Nigeria, 2012)
von Kunle
After the screening a discussion with Tilo Grätz (ZMO) and film critique and curator Enoka Ayemba takes place. In cooperation with AfricAvenir.

From October 30th, 2014 until January 15th, 2015
The Spiritual Highway
Curator Marloes Janson, photographs by Akintunde Akinleye
In the framework of the conference Sermon in the city (October 30-31, 2014)

Conferences and Symposia
October 30-31, ZMO
Conference Sermon in the city (Program)
with the exhibition The Spiritual Highway by Akintunde Akinleye and Marloes Janson (Vernissage on Thursday, October 30th at 5:15 pm)
Please register for the workshop and exhibition at:

October 5-8, ZMO
Intern Kick-off-workshop: „Spaces of Participation: Topographies of Political and Social Change in Morocco, Egypt and Palestine“
For any questions contact the organizer Sarah Jurkiewicz,

25 – 27 September 2014, Cologne
21st International Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO)
Panel 6: "Mobilities and Competences in the Middle East Region"
Coordinator Azita Bathaie (associate at the ZMO) with Amin Moghadam

18-22 August, 2014, World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Ankara, Turkey
- 19. August, 9:00 am-11:00 am
Edward Said: Autobiography and Critical Practice
Lecture by Norman Saadi Nikro, Panel "Writers of Transformation: Memoirs, Blogs and Autobiography"
- August 20th, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
To the one it concerns: Finding a literary voice and the difficulty of being heard
Lecture by Samuli Schielke, Panel "Limits of Discourse" (Co-convenor with Paola Abenante)
- August 21st, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
The ‘Multinational’ Informal City: How Afghans and Pakistanis Offer a ‘New’ Way of Conceptualising Politics, Belonging, and Regional Cooperation.
Lecture by Sanaa Alimia, Panel “Rethinking ‘post’colonial borders: Central Asian and Middle Eastern mobility, cooperation, and belonging.” (Co-convenor)

July 20-21, 2014, ZMO Berlin
Workshop: „Geschichte der Nahostethnologie im deutschsprachigen Raum“

June 24, 7 pm, Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstraße 18, 10117 Berlin
Good Jew, Bad Jew. Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: Regulating European Subjects
Lecture by Anya Topolski (Universiteit Leuven), "Revisiting Europe through
the 'Muslim question'", Lecture Series organized by the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies

11-14 June 2014, University Bayreuth, Universitätsstraße 30, 95440 Bayreuth
ZUKUNFT AFRIKA – Tagung der Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften in Deutschland (VAD E.V.)
- June 14th, 9 am and 11:30 am, University Bayreuth, RW
Transformations of Islamic Knowledge in Africa: Media, Agents, and Institutions
Double-Panel. Convenors: Britta Frede and Prof Dr Rüdiger Seesemann, Bayreuth.
- June 12th, 11:15 am and 2:30 pm, University Bayreuth, H27
Media Technologies and Processes of Mediatisation in Africa
Lecture by Dr Tilo Grätz

June 3rd, 7 pm, Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstraße 18, 10117 Berlin
What do Bosnian Muslims mean when they say that they are Europeans?
Lecture by Xavier Bougarel (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris / Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin), "Revisiting Europe through the 'Muslim question'", Lecture Series organized by the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies.

20-21 May 2014, Embassy of India, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
Indians in Berlin during the First Half of the 20th century:
Activities and Encounters in Politics, Culture, Science and Education
International Workshop, organized by Dr Heike Liebau (ZMO) und Dr Joachim Oesterheld in cooperation with the Embassy of India in Berlin

22-23 May 2014, ZMO
Visible and Invisible Urban Boundaries in the Ottoman and Post-Ottoman World from a Comparative Perspective
International Workshop, organized by Prof Dr Ulrike Freitag, PD Dr Nora Lafi und Dr Florian Riedler (ZMO)

April 29th, 7 pm, Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstraße 18, 10117 Berlin
'French Muslims are Ordinary French People': Embodying Difference in Modern France
Lecture by Naomi Davidson (University of Ottawa, associate at the ZMO), "Revisiting Europe through the 'Muslim question'", Lecture Series organized by the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies.

11-12 April 2014, BGSMCS, Altensteinstr. 48, 14195 Berlin (Friday), ZMO (Saturday)
Captivating Edirne Resources, Connectivities and Imaginative Attraction of a Turkish Border-City in Europe
International Workshop, organized by Prof Dr Birgit Krawietz (FU Berlin) and Dr Florian Riedler (ZMO). Please register at:

21. März 2014, ZMO
Transregional Crossroads of Social Interaction: The Shifting Meaning of Regional Belonging in South and Central Asia
Crossroads Asia Workshop

17-19 February 2014, BBAW,
Akademiegebäude am Gendarmenmarkt
Einstein-Saal, Eingang Jägerstr. 22/23, 10117 Berlin
Phantomgrenzen in Ostmitteleuropa - Zwischenbilanz und Kritik eines neuen Forschungskonzeptes 
Recording (with Prof Dr Ulrike
Freitag, Dr Nora Lafi and Dr Florian Riedler)
This Conference is a cooperation of Centre Marc Bloch, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Zentrum Moderner Orient and Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

6-7 February 2014, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 507
India and Iran – Bridging the Differences to Improve their Relations
Joint conference with Gernot Saalmann (Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg) and among others Dietrich Reetz (ZMO)
