Lecture Series | Single Events | Exhibitions | Conferences and Symposia
Lecture Series
Thursday, September 27, 2012: Photograph Looking: The Work of Art between Documentary and Performative Registers; Dr Saadi Nikro (ZMO, Berlin)
Thursday, October 25, 2012: Hey Little Aborigines, Where Is Your Museum? On the Meaning of Contemporary in Contemporary Art; Dr Vesna Madzoski (Amsterdam)
Thursday, November 8, 2012: (Re)searching Archives as Artistic Practice; Dr Teresa Castro (Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris) and Catarina Simão (Lisbon)
In collaboration with Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art, in the framework of "Living Archive – Archive Work as a Contemporary Artistic and Curatorial Practice"
Thursday, December 13, 2012: The Experience of Knowledge. Problems and Possibilities in Artistic Research; Dr Helmut Draxler (Berlin)
Thursday, Januar 31, 2013: Artistic Research and Museums' Collections. Lessons from the Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt; Dr Clémentine Deliss (Weltkulturen Museum Frankfurt/Main) and Otobong Nkanga (Amsterdam)
In collaboration with Prof Dr Kerstin Pinther and Prof Dr Tobias Wendl (Art Historical Departement, Freie Universität Berlin, The Arts of Africa)
Summer Term 2012
Thursday, April 26th, 2012, 6 pm, ZMO: What about slaves' voices? Urban
migration and social emancipation
in twentieth century Gambia; Lecture by Alice Bellagamba (Fellow at the Institute for
Advanced Studies of Berlin)
Thursday, May 31th, 2012, 6pm, ZMO: The Kramats of Cape Town: Gravesites as Repositories of Transoceanic Histories and Heritage; Lecture by Prof. Sumit Mandal (HU, Berlin)
Winter Term 2011/2012
Not all about Islam: Current Political Conflicts in Africa,
the Middle East and Asia 
Thursday, 29 September 2011: The Way to the New? Republics of Sudan;
Dr. Einas Ahmed (Institute of Political Studies in Bordeaux; Centre d'Etudes & de Documentation Economiques et Juridiques (CEDEJ), Khartoum, Sudan)
Thursday, 27 October, 2011: The Rise (and Fall?) of Al Shabaab: How Militant Islamism, the
War Against Terror and Famine in Somalia are Related; Markus V. Höhne (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle,
Thursday, 24 November 2011: Iraq: Dealing with a Violent Past under Conditions of Continuning
Conflict - Conflicting Memories, Competing Narratives; Karin Mlodoch (ZMO, Berlin)
Thursday, 15 December 2011:
The Secular Dimensions of the Zionist Project in Palestine: A
Historical Review;
Prof. Ilan Pappe (Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies; Co-
Director for the Centre for Ethno-Political Studies, University of Exeter, UK)
Thursday, 26 January 2012:
Islam, Nation, and State in Central Asia: The Soviet Experience
and its Legacy Today; Prof. Adeeb Khalid (Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, USA)
Thursday, 23 February 2012: Kashmir: Beyond Borders, Ethnicity and Sovereignty;
Dr. Seema Kazi (Guest Scholar of the ZMO, Centre for Women's
Development Studies, New Delhi, India)
Thursday, 29 March 2012: The Origins of the Dispute on the Durand Line;
Prof. Elisa Giunchi (Faculty of Political Science, University of Milan, Italy)

Beyond Oil and Radical Islam: From Classifications
to Links of Economy and Religion in Central Asia 
Tuesday, October 18th, 2011, 5 pm, ZMO:
Political Islam and Economy in Central Asia: Islamic Movements, their
Socio-Economic Background and Ideological Aspects ;
Lecture by Parviz Mullojanov
Tuesday, November 1st, 2011, 5 pm, HU: What Counts as Religion in Kyrgyz Social Life? ;
Lecture by Nathan Light
Wednesday, November 30th, 2011, 5 pm, ZMO:
The Boom, the Bust and the Mediating State: Housing Bail-outs and the
Discourse of Fairness in the Wake of the Financial Crisis in Kazakhstan ;
Lecture by Alima Bissenova
Tuesday, December 13th, 2011, 5 pm, HU: The Worst of Places, the Best of Places: Bazaar and Risk Economy in the
Lives of Kyrgyz Muslims ;
Lecture by Emil Nasritdinov
Tuesday, January 10th, 2012, 5 pm, ZMO: 'Tengiz Crude' and the Making of a Nation-state in Kazakhstan ;
Lecture by Saulesh Yessenova
Tuesday, January 31st, 2012, 5pm, ZMO:
Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong? Islamic Elites, Business and
the State in Tajikistan ;
Lecture by Tim Epkenhans
Tuesday, March 27th, 2012, 5 pm, ZMO:
Rethinking Islam and the Soviet Economy ; Lecture by Eren Tasar
Tuesday, April 24th, 2012, 5 pm, HU:
Muslim Selves, Experience, and the Problem of Categories in Uzbekistan;
Lecture by Johan Rasanayagam
Tuesday, May 15th, 2012, 5pm, ZMO:
Markets, Money and Credit in Colonial Central Asia ;
Lecture by Wolfgang Holzwarth
Tuesday, May 29th, 2012, 5 pm, ZMO:
Strategic Citizenship? Work, Home and the Pragmatics of 'Second Passports'
amongst Kyrgyz Migrant Workers in Moscow ;
Lecture by Madeleine Reeves
Tuesday, June 12th, 2012, 5 pm, HU:
Economy and Islamic Proselytism in Central Asia: A Comparison of the
Fethullah Gülen Movement and Jam'at al Tabligh ;
Lecture by Bayram Balci
 Urban Studies Seminar 2012/13
(Every Second Monday, 5 pm at ZMO)
Annual Theme: Cities as Laboratories of Change
October 15th, Mohamed Elfateh (BTU Cottbus): Architectural Development and
Householder's Structure in the 19th
Century in Port Suakin (Sudan)
October 29th, Hisham Mortada (University of King Abdul Aziz, Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia): Traditional Architecture in Saudi Arabia: Diversity within Unity
Special session to be held at 8 pm c.t. at TU Berlin, Architekturgebäude,
Straße des 17. Juni 152 (Ernst-Reuter-Platz/Marchstraße), Room A 053
November 12th, Yigit Akin (Fellow of Europe in the Middle East – The Middle
East in Europe 2011/12): We Don't Care for Victories! Give Us Bread!': Gender,
Society, and Culture - Wartime as Laboratory of Change in Ottoman Cities
November 26th, Zouhair Ghazzal (Loyola University Chicago, USA): Urban Forms
of Life and Criminality in Contemporary Aleppo and Idlib
December 10th, Joseph Rustom (Brandenburgische Technische Universität
Cottbus): Waqf and the Urban Space in a Time of Change: Beirut in the 19th c.
January 14th, Joseph Ben Prestel (Max Planck Institut für Bildungs-forschung,
Berlin): Feelings in Times of Change: Emotional Practices and Urban Transformation
in Cairo, 1860-1880
January 28th, Suraiya Faroqhi (Professor Emerita of Ludwig-Maximilians-
Universität München and Istanbul Bilgi University): Reforms in the Guild System
as Laboratory of Urban Change
February 11th, Peter Christensen (Ph.D Candidate in Architecture, Fulbright
Fellow 2011-12, Harvard University): German 'Expertise' and Urban Interventions
in the Construction of the Ottoman Rail Network: A Visual Analysis, 1868-1919
April 29th, Johara Berriane (Freie Universität, Berlin Graduate School Muslim
Cultures and Societies): South-South Migrations: Moroccan Cities as Laboratories
of Change
May 13th, Yazid Anani (Birzeit University, Fellow of Europe in the Middle East
– The Middle East in Europe 2011/12): Urban Change and the Evolution of the
Palestinian National Identity
May 27th, Hanan Toukan (SOAS London, Fellow of Europe in the Middle East
– The Middle East in Europe 2011/12): Internationalizing Palestine? On Urban
Walls, Social Change and Anti-Colonial Struggle
June 10th, Steffen Wippel (Zentrum Moderner Orient): Dubai as a Model? Urban
Visions in the Development of Omani Cities
June 24th, Conclusion: Cities as Laboratories of Change (Ulrike Freitag and
Nora Lafi)

Urban Studies Seminar 2011/12 (every second monday at ZMO)
Annual Theme: Urban Sociability and Urban Movements
(Middle East, North Africa, Iran, Turkey)
November 28: Introduction: Urban Sociabilities and Urban Mobilizations in
Historical Perspective by Ulrike Freitag and Nora Lafi
Opening Lecture Urban Violence Workshop:
December 8: Hope, Violence, and the Urban Dimension of the Egyptian Revolution by Khaled Adham (The United Arab Emirates University Abu Dhabi)
December 12: 'Urban Meets Urban: Ottoman Relations with the Bedouins of the
Libyan Frontiers (1880-1900) by Mostafa Minawi (2011/12 EUME-Fellow at
ZMO Berlin)
January 9: The Debate on the Exemption of Istanbul from Military Draft as
Urban Movement in the Virtual Meeting Place of the Press by Elke Hartmann (Houshamadyan Project / FU Berlin)
January 23: Urban Sociability Among 18th and Early 19th Century Mobile Persians
Between Iran and India by Mana Kia (MPI for Human Development)
February 13: Changing the Game: The Rise and Fall of New Actors in the Local Politics of Late Mamluk Damascus by Torsten Wollina (FU Berlin, Graduate
School Muslim Cultures and Societies)
February 27: Sea Transport Workers Between Urban and Rural: Workers
Sociabilities and Mobilizations by Nurşen Gürboğa (2011/12 EUME-Fellow at
ZMO Berlin)
March 12: From Promenades to Public Gardens: Urban Modernity in Istanbul's
Middling Classes by Edhem Eldem (2011/12 Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin)
March 26: Syrians in Egypt: Urban Sociabilities and Cultural Colonization? by
Adam Mestyan (2011/12 EUME-Fellow at ZMO Berlin)
April 16: The Role and Rise of the Urban Crowd of Dar Al Khilafeh in Tehran at
the Time of the 1906 Constitutional Revolution by Fatemeh Masjedi (ZMO)
May 7: A Spiritual Landscape of Lahore: Sufi c Labors Post 1947 by Manan Ahmed (Institut für Islamwissenschaft, FU Berlin)
May 21: A Journey to the Other Iraq by Francesca Recchia (Tactical
Technology Collective)
June 4: The Role of Urbanity in City-based Social Movements by Margit Mayer
(FU Berlin) / followed by a concluding discussion

The ZMO-Baraza 2011/12
Since the winter term 2009/10 the ZMO-baraza has been jointly organized by Kai Kresse (ZMO, Berlin) and Lutz Diegner (Humboldt University, Berlin). Unless otherwise announced, it takes place at the ZMO every first Thursday of the month at 4pm.

Donnerstag, 03. November 2011, 16 Uhr, ZMO
Utafiti katika sinema ya Kijerumani: Taxonomizing the German-African cinematic sub-genre. How Germany narrates Africa through film
Baraza mit Shikuku Emmanuel Tsikhungu

Donnerstag, 06. Dezember 2011, 16 Uhr, ZMO
Kuhusu utenzi 'Wasiya wa Mabanati' na maisha ya jamii pwani
Baraza mit Jasmine Mahazi (BGSMCS, FU Berlin) und Kai Kresse (ZMO)

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012, 4 pm, ZMO
Mitandao ya Waislamu baina ya Ziwa la Tanganyika na pwani, miaka 1920-1960
Baraza with Katharina Zöller (BIGSAS, Bayreuth)

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012, 4 pm, ZMO
“Sijui unataka kitu gani juu ya maisha yangu”
Baraza with Sauda Ali Barwani (Mwalimu mstaafu, Chuo Kikuu cha Hamburg)

Thursday, 03 May 2012, 4 pm, ZMO
Masomo na Maisha yetu Milimani: Muhula mmoja wa kujifunza Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam – Our Studies and Lifes in Milimani: A Semester abroad at the University of Dar es Salaam
Baraza with Ina Herzberg, Lorenz Herrmann and Vincent Favier (Students of Humboldt University Berlin)

Tuesday, 22 May 2012, 4 pm, HU Berlin
Lugha ya Kiswahili inavyoakisi siasa na mabadiliko ya uchumi Tanzania – Kiswahili through the Prism of Politics and economic developments in Tanzania
Baraza with Aldin Mutembei (University of Dar es Salaam)

Thursday, 07 June 2012, 4 pm, ZMO
Ukoloni wa Kiingereza na Afya ya Mtoto katika Tanganyika – British Colonialism and Children’s Health in Tanganyika
Baraza with Oswald Masebo (University of Dar es Salaam)

Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 4 pm, HU Berlin
Mabadiliko ya Fasihi na Sanaa za Tanzania baada ya Siasa ya Ujamaa – Changes in Literature and Arts in Tanzania after Ujamaa
Baraza with Lilian Temu-Osaki (University of Dar es Salaam)

Tuesday, 03 July 2012, 4 pm, HU Berlin
Reading with Euphrase Kezilahabi (University of Botswana)

Thursday, November 1st, 2012, ZMO, 4 pm
Ushairi Unaokonga Moyo: Taarab ya Nadi Ikhwan Safaa ya Unguja - Ushairi Unaokonga Moyo: The Music and Poetry of Zanzibar's Oldest Taarab Orchestra
Baraza with Prof Kelly Askew (University of Michigan/Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin)

Tuesday, December 4th, 2012, 4pm, ZMO
Paukwa – filamu juu ya mwanatamthilia maarafu Ebrahim Hussein” – “Once upon a time – a film on the playwright Ebrahim Hussein”
Baraza with Alex MacBeth (Journalist and filmmaker)

Single Events
Sunday, December 2nd, 2012, 5pm, Hackesche Höfe Kino
Filmscreening "The Wedding Song" (France/Tunisia, 2008) by Karin Albou.
Followed by a discussion with the director Karin Albou and Saadi Nikro (ZMO), organized by AfricAvenir 

Sunday, November 18th, 2012, Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg, Prinzenstraße 85, 10969 Berlin
„Alexandria Streets Project“ 
Acoustic Tour through Egypts Radio with Berit Schuck, Julia Tieke and Omar Hatem, Projektmanager von Radio Tram (Alexandria); Moderation: Sonja Hegasy (ZMO)

Friday, November 2nd, 2012, 6.30 pm, Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung,
Schützenstraße 18, 10117 Berlin
125. Geburtstag von Hagop Mntsuri - Lesung aus seinen "Istanbuler Erinnerungen" und der Autobiografischen Collage 
Translated in german and presented by Talin Suciyan, Yeliz Soytemel and Hülya Bozkurt,
Introduction by Dr. Florian Riedler (ZMO);
organized by Armenische Gemeinde zu Berlin,
Armenische Kirchen- und Kulturgemeinde Berlin and
Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO)

Thursday, November 1st, 2012,7 pm, Studio 44, Klosterstr. 44, Berlin
Seven Walls Rise Around Tahrir Square
Lecture by Safaa Fathy and moderation by Sonja Hegasy (ZMO)

Thursday, September 27th, 2012, /.30 pm, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, Raum 0109
Repression of Academic Liberty and Freedom of Research in Turkey 
Talk with among others Prof. Büşra Ersanlı (Marmara University Istanbul)

Thursday, September 25, 2012, 2 pm, ZMO
Postcolonial Memory: The Question of the Arab-Jew
Talk by Ella Shohat (New York University)
The talk is given within a Workshop.

Thursday, August 30th 2012, ZMO, from 5.30pm
A Virtual Tour of 19th Century Jeddah 
Lecture by Ulrike Freitag (ZMO)
Followed by a concert by Fetsum (Soul/Urban Folk)
Admission in invitation only

Monday, August 20th 2012, ZMO, 5pm
Hammams im Jemen: Architektur, Organisation und soziale Praktiken heute 
Lecture (in German) by Michel Tuchscherer (Universität Marseille/Aix-en-Provence; CEFAS, Sana'a, Yemen)

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012, ZMO, 6pm
The Anxiety of Development: Megaprojects, Ethnic Identity, and the Politics of Place in Gwadar, Pakistan 
Lecture by Hafeez Jamali (University of Texas, Austin)

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012, ZMO, 2 pm
Heterogeniety and Early Science in Islam
Work Talk by Prof S. Irfan Habib (HU zu Berlin)

Thursday, June 28th 2012, 7.30 Uhr, HU, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, Room 0109
Muslims in Indian Cities. Trajectories of Marginalisation. 
Book presentation with Christophe Jaffrelot (CNRS, co-editor) and Dietrich Reetz (ZMO).

Monday, June 25th, 2012, Botschaft des Königreichs Saud-Arabien
Die arabische Poesie und die Lyrik von Dr. Al-Yafi
Reading and talk with the author Dr. Haifa Al-Yafi, and a academic framing of her lyrics by Prof. Ulrike Freitag (ZMO)

Monday, June 18th, 2012, Humboldt-Viadrina, Governance Center, Wilhelmstraße 67,
10117 Berlin
"Chancen für Freiheit und Demokratie in Nordafrika und dem Nahen Osten"
Grand opening of the Governance Center Middle East | North Africa and talk with Prof. Dr. Gesine Schwan (President of Humboldt-Viadrina) and Sonja Hegasy (ZMO)

Thursday, June 7th, 2012, 6 pm, ZMO
African Philosophy and Literature: An Interplay 
Lecture by Prof. Euphrase Kezilahabi, University of Botswana

Thursday, May 31st, 2012, 5 pm, DAFG-Geschäftsstelle, Berlin
Politische und wirtschaftliche Reformen in Marokko. Auf dem Weg zu einem transparenten und attraktiven Investionsklima 
Talk with among other S.E. Omar Zniber (Ambassador of Kingdom Marocco) and Sonja Hegasy (ZMO)

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012, 2 pm, ZMO
The American University of Beirut: At the Intersection of Arab Nationalism and American Education
Work Talk with Prof. Betty Anderson, Boston

Thursday, May 10th, 2012, 7 pm, SFB 640, Hausvogteiplatz 5
– 7, 10117 Berlin, Raum 0109
Love, Fear and the Arab Spring 
Lecture by Prof. Joseph Massad, Columbia
University, N.Y.

Monday, May 7th, 2012, 1 pm, ZMO
Psychoanalysis, Islam, and the Other of Liberalism 
Public Work Talk with Prof. Joseph Massad, Columbia
University, N.Y.

Thursday, April 19th, 2012, 6 pm, ZMO
The Historical Imagination and
Imagining Madness: Henri Gaden and
the French Colonial Experience in
West Africa 
Lecture by Prof. Roy Dilley, University of St Andrews, GB

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012, 7.30 pm, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Schumannstr. 8, Berlin-Mitte
Ein Jahr arabischer Frühling: Islamisten als Wahlsieger 
Talk with Khansa Mkada ep Zghidi, Université La Manouba, Tunis; Ahmed Badawi, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin; Joachim Paul, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin;

Friday, January 27th, 2012, 5 pm, ZMO
Annual lecture of the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung des ZMO e. V."
Von Afrika nach Amerika und zurück. Westindische Siedler im Dienste der Basler Mission an der Goldküste 1840-1860
Lecture by Dr. Katja Füllberg-Stolberg (Universität Hannover)

Wednesday, January 11th,
5 pm, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Villa Jaffe, Wallotstr. 10
Istanbul as the City of Lower Classes: Sirket-i Hayriye Steamship Workers (1890 - 1940) 
Lecture by Dr. Nurşen Gürboğa (Marmara University, Istanbul), Moderation: Prof. Ulrike Freitag (ZMO)

Was Wir Sehen. 
Bilder, Stimmen, Rauschen.
Zur Kritik anthropometrischen Sammelns.
Eine Ausstellung von Anette Hoffmann
mit Beiträgen von Regina Sarreiter und
Britta Lange/Philip Scheffner
15. Mai – 6. Juli 2012
Montags bis freitags 12 – 16 Uhr
Im Atrium des Pergamon-Palais,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Georgenstr. 47
10117 Berlin
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem ZMO |

Conferences and Symposia
December 12-14, 2012, ZMO
Comparing Postcolonial Experiences and Critiques Across Regions
3rd Intercultural Interdisziplinary Colloquium,
organized by polylog e.V. - Forum for Intercultural Philosophy , in collaboration with the ZMO

Thursday, December 6th, 2012, ZMO
vom Forschen im geteilten Deutschland
zum Forschen ohne Grenzen 
Conference organized by Dr. Heike Liebau (ZMO), Larissa Schmid (ZMO) and Dr. Bettina Gräf (ZMO) in Cooperation with Gesellschaft zur
Förderung des ZMO e.V.
Report at H-Soz-u-Kult, 17.05.2013

November 23rd, 2012, ZMO
Religion, Social Reform and
'Development': Perspectives
from the Indian Ocean Rim 
International Workshop organized by Katrin Bromber (ZMO), Kai Kresse
(ZMO) and Soumen Mukherjee (ZMO)

November 5th - 11th, 2012, ZMO
"Artistic versus Academic Research"
Workshop #2 of the Project "In Search of Europe"

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012, ZMO
Ottoman Architecture and Urban Development in Near East and Red Sea Region since 18th century 
Workshop with among others Prof. Hisham Mortada (King Abdulaziz University, KSA), in cooperation with BTU Cottbus

October 17th - 20th, 2012, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
From Rebellion to Revolution: Dynamics of Political Change 
Berlin-Roundtables on Transnationality organized by the Irmgard Coninx Stiftung; with i.a. Jeff Goodwin (New York University) and Sonja Hegasy (ZMO)

October 5th - 6th, 2012,
Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
Roads as Routes to Modernity 
International Workshop organized by Nitin Sinha (ZMO) and Florian Riedler (ZMO)
Part of the "Infrastructure Workshop Series" at ZMO

September 21st - 23rd, 2012, Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, Berlin
Decolonize the City 
Conference organized by an independent group of Ph.D and graduate students

September 7th - 8th, 2012, ZMO
Wrestling with Multiple Modernities –
Traditional Athletic Styles between
Nationalization, Regionalization and
International Workshop organized by PD Dr. Katrin Bromber (ZMO) and Prof. Birgit Krawietz (FU Berlin)

Friday, July 13th, 2012, BGSCMS, Institute of Islamic Studies, Room 214, Altensteinstr. 40, 14195 Berlin
On Reading and Writing about "Muslim Cultures" of South Asia 
Workshop with a. o. Dr. Heike Liebau (ZMO), Dr. M. Ali Raza (ZMO) and Dr. Soumen Mukherjee (ZMO)

June 22nd - 23rd, 2012, IAAW, Invalidenstraße 118 / room 217, Berlin
Beyond the Line -
Cultural Constructions of the Sea
Workshop organized by Michael Mann (IAAW), with a.o. Katrin Bromber (ZMO)

June 8th - 9th, 2012, ZMO
A New Start?
A Workshop on Libyan History and Historiography
at a Time of Historical Transition 
Workshop organized by Mostafa Minawi (ZMO / EUME-Fellow 2011/12)

June 7th - 9th, 2012, Orient-Institut, Istanbul
Historical and Contemporary Representations of Europe: Turkey, Persia, the Arab World, and Russia, 1850s-1910s and the 1990s to Present
Workshop in Cooperation with SFB 640 and HU zu Berlin, with among others Leyla von Mende (ZMO)

June 1st - 2nd; 2012, ZMO
Big Dams: Investigating their Temporal
and Spatial Politics in Africa, the Middle
East, and Asia 
International Workshop organized by Katrin Bromber, Katharina Lange and
Jeanne Féaux de la Croix, ZMO

May 10th - 11th, 2012, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Berlin
Micro-Level Analysis of Well-Being in Central Asia 
Conference with Aksana Ismailbekova (ZMO) and Jeanne Féaux de la Croix (ZMO)

April 10th - 17th, 2012, The Hangar, UMAM Documentation and Research, Beirut, Lebanon
Transforming Memories: Cultural Production and Personal/Public Memory in Lebanon and Morocco 
Workshop and Inauguration of the Research-Project "Transforming Memories" , organized by UMAM and ZMO
Report of the Workshop published at H-Soz-U-Kult 

Friday, March 16th, 2012, Schloss Bellevue, Berlin
Wissen stiften im 21. Jahrhundert: Perspektiven schaffen – Zukunft gestalten
Symposia in context of the 50th anniversary of the VolkswagenStiftung, a. o. with Prof. Ulrike Freitag (ZMO)
Documentation of the talk 

Friday, Februar 24th, 2012, ZMO
Workshop organized by Antia Mato Bouzas (ZMO) and Andrea Fischer-Tahir (ZMO)

February 23rd - 24th, 2012, Roja Muthiah Research Library (RMRL), Chennai, Indien
Science transfer as cultural dialogue 
International Workshop in cooperation of Franckesche Stiftungen Halle, ZMO und RMRL, as part of Germany and India 2011-2012 ;
with i.a.: Dr. Heike Liebau (ZMO)

February 16th- 18th, 2012, Deutsches Historisches Institut London
Ruptures and Linkages: Biography and History in the South 
International Conference organized by DHI London, ZMO Berlin and Institut für Afrikastudien Universität Bayreuth;
i.a. with: Chanfi Ahmed, Kai Kresse, Dyala Hamzah, Sophie Roche, Benjamin Zachariah, Heike Liebau
